
  • Thread starter Hermitian
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My name is Richard, I'm also known as Hermitian Operator or just plain Hermitian elsewhere on the internet. The name refers to a mathematical object which came up occasionally in my career as an applied mathematician. I started using this name because a Hermitian Operator is something that travels back and forth and I happen to commute a lot. It's a math-geek joke, but oh well.

I started growing fruits, herbs, and vegetables when I was 5 - back around the time of Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. I was fortunate to grow up during a period when U.S. schools were some of the best in the world and biology, chemistry, physics were required year-long courses in high school. I went on to earn bachelors and masters degrees in college.

In the mid-70's I lived in the Emerald triangle near places like Richardson's Grove, Alderpoint, and McKinleyville. I saw it all. Many of the THC related businesses now in the area are operated by people I met at the movie theater in Garberville.

In the 80's I moved back to southern CA and worked as a career applied mathematician for 25 years. In the past decade I retired from that and started a business doing the thing I've enjoyed the most throughout the years: gardening.

I own and operate (chef, cook, and bottle-washer) a garden supply business. Many of you here are my customers, and that is what has drawn me to this site. I will not be advertising or proselytizing my products in the forums here: I find that both in poor taste and understandably prohibited by this site. So please understand if I don't answer a question directly but instead provide you with facts to make decisions on your own. There are plenty of good products and suppliers out there -- and some of those retail stores are my customers. My somewhat self-serving hope is that if I can provide growers with facts about their crops and products they use, then maybe it will cut down on the number of customer service calls I receive :).

So now I'll tell you a little about my business (but again please don't ask me if you can come shop, etc. -- instead just use Google and I'm sure that eventually you'll find what you're looking for somewhere at a reasonable price). I currently grow over 700 varieties of fruiting trees, shrubs, and vines, plus another 300+ varieties of herbs and vegetables. As to how I grow them, these details will end up in other threads in the forums here. I am also a wholesaler/retailer of over 1400 products including fertilizers, pesticides, hardware, and the like. Oh and ... I simply love it.

I will be reading and responding to some topics in the forums. If you have a particular question for me, then feel free to send a PM. I will likely respond in a forum post for everyone to read and provide you with a link to it.

If you disagree with something I post, then please come right out and say it. I am not a closed book and happy to learn from those with experience.


Premium Member
Welcome to the Farm

Good to have you look forward to seeing your work



Alien Junkie and bush master
welcome your gonna love it bruh!!!


Loving your additions so far Richard. Glad you're here


Thanks all, I'll be gone for awhile (stop cheering!) to take care of various tasks around the nursery.



Welcome to the farm

Hi Hermitian, Welcome to the Farm. Hope you find whatever your looking for. Good threads and/or good people to share ideas with. Knowledge is a wonderful thing to seek for and then good people just makes it that much better. So have fun and grow some killer Bud. Happy Gardening. GG :rollj::passingjoint:


Wow, it has been busy around my plant nursery and wholesale supply business. Now that the Fall Equilux has passed, I don't have to work so hard on the fruit trees since retail sales won't start again until Spring. I am sowing about 150 varieties of Fall-Winter veggies right now so it's hardly a break.

Demand for outdoor fertilizer products absolutely went through the roof as the Fall harvest season approached. The factory actually ran out of "bud" products for Cannabis and could not keep up with demand. Several traditional agricultural firms have gotten into the act and they order by the shipping container load -- not just a pallet or two at a time.

Now that rain and cold night temperatures are coming on many people are harvesting. One of my customers grew some 10' high by 12' wide plants which were planted in fruit-tree size holes and fed fruit-tree dosages. The buds are the size of your arms and legs.

With the Fall harvest comes the "winter" indoor gardening season. So basically, the outdoor product demand is dropping but the indoor demand is going way up. No rest for the weary! If you happen to attend the Long Beach Indoor Gardening Expo the weekend of Oct. 22-23, I'll be there also so stop by and say hello.



Wow, it has been busy around my plant nursery and wholesale supply business. Now that the Fall Equilux has passed, I don't have to work so hard on the fruit trees since retail sales won't start again until Spring. I am sowing about 150 varieties of Fall-Winter veggies right now so it's hardly a break.

Demand for outdoor fertilizer products absolutely went through the roof as the Fall harvest season approached. The factory actually ran out of "bud" products for Cannabis and could not keep up with demand. Several traditional agricultural firms have gotten into the act and they order by the shipping container load -- not just a pallet or two at a time.

Now that rain and cold night temperatures are coming on many people are harvesting. One of my customers grew some 10' high by 12' wide plants which were planted in fruit-tree size holes and fed fruit-tree dosages. The buds are the size of your arms and legs.

With the Fall harvest comes the "winter" indoor gardening season. So basically, the outdoor product demand is dropping but the indoor demand is going way up. No rest for the weary! If you happen to attend the Long Beach Indoor Gardening Expo the weekend of Oct. 22-23, I'll be there also so stop by and say hello.


Look forward to seeing you at the Expo...I'll make sure to stop by your booth and say hi


Well, time for me to get back to work at the nursery. See you all some time in the future!

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