
  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I got a Hindu Kush Auto freebie seed in my last order and even though I had sworn auto's off a long while back I decided to give it a shot. I'm gonna try letting it run all the way through under the t5's and 18/6 and see how it does, the only other option would be to switch it over to 12/12 at some point to run it under the HPS for a while. I think it would do better with the t5 and longer light cycle, I'd be interested to hear any other thoughts on the matter though. It just popped up this morning.


Yessir but keep it under that t5 till it hits the 3 week or 4 week period. Whenever you see pistils put them under the hps. Then they'll get diesel big lol
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

@Papa Indica she needs to be in her final pot. Autos get stressed from repotting,if it was me I'd get her into a 3gal pot ASAP.
But she does look killer my dude.
I don't want to do it until I'm sure the roots have a good hold on the soil, if it starts coming apart on me it will get more stressed before I'm done than waiting will. I always have to work those cups around a little to get them to come out, if they don't have a good hold it starts coming apart every time.


Personally when I transplant I make sure the roots hold soil all together like tattoojim said. I like to do it when the plant needs water so when I transplant the roots really want to search for moisture.

Squeeze your cup lightly around the bottom and try pulling plant from base simultaneously. If it comes out easy in one piece you're ready for its next pot. Also, i lightly break up the bottom of roots with my fingers as I set them in new pots
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