Hlg 185h 24 trouble shooting problem

  • Thread starter JadedMarxist
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Ok a question before i replace this.

This power supply is being used for outside landscape lighting not for growing but i figure someone here may know about them.

So the lights all worked fine the last ti.e they were used my client went away for 6 months like every year and he had unplugged the system as he does every year.

When he got back to florida this season he plugged his lights in and nothing.

So were running 110vac into step down and expected 24vdc out put but my measured output is 55vac. And nothing works after that.

I figure the transformer has burned up something inside but running at 55vac did he fry all his leds? Is this fixable? As the client dont want to buy another transformer if his very expensive light fixtures are fuked.

Im trying to help a friend but im in canada and he in florida so im trying to walk him thru it over the phone so i cant just start replacing it with what might be in my service truck.

Also with the switch turned on or off if its still plugged in i read 55vac output constantly?

Is this a common breakdown for these transformers? Are the lights fuked? Any advise on how to determine if its worth replacing or maybe suggest an upgrade that will work with the hlg system?

Thanks everyone


It's screwed if it's over volting. Mean Well did HLG dirty,,,, typical POS China Co. HLG contracted Mean Well China POS Co. to build and supply drivers for their lights. Well the POS China Co. knew HLG carried some weight so being the ripoff POS China ass hats they are they just stole the HLG and model numbers and started manufacturing much cheaper and worse drivers knowing HLG couldn't do anything because there a China POS Co. So now there are tons of drivers out there failing all over the world with HLG model numbers that aren't built to contracted HLG specs that HLG has nothing to do with at all. HLG fought Mean Well over this and Mean Well does not care because they know the US Government and most citizens deepthroat China wearing there China made knee pads. HLG didn't find out about this issue until the China Retards got bold and shipped bogus drivers to HLG. And it's been a mess ever since.
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