Homesteader's rabbit powered indoor grow

  • Thread starter Homesteader
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@GNick55 After getting a better look this morning, it looks like all the buds on the big bud plant have mold. Chopped the plant and feeding most of it to the rabbits. The other few strains have a lighter bud and not nearly as dense so hopefully I can hold out for a few weeks more but supposed to be a soaking rain this weekend up here.


@GNick55 After getting a better look this morning, it looks like all the buds on the big bud plant have mold. Chopped the plant and feeding most of it to the rabbits. The other few strains have a lighter bud and not nearly as dense so hopefully I can hold out for a few weeks more but supposed to be a soaking rain this weekend up here.
i hear ya rained all night here, i’m just trying to get a few more days but may come down today at sunset but hopefully not..
i’m just watch them girls close or better yet i’d make a light peroxide mix at 3% strength and give them all a misting.. you can’t see spores but they are everywhere and just waiting for perfect conditions..


Chopped some and gave them a cleaning in warm water and peroxide. Two plants aren't quite ready so I left most on them for now. Not a complete success but going to clone one of the plants and just run that one next year. Very little mold and not all that much dan leaves to deal with in flower.
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@GNick55 After getting a better look this morning, it looks like all the buds on the big bud plant have mold. Chopped the plant and feeding most of it to the rabbits. The other few strains have a lighter bud and not nearly as dense so hopefully I can hold out for a few weeks more but supposed to be a soaking rain this weekend up here.
Hey Bud, very cool post. I use bunny bombs too. In the beginning of the beans life I make sure to give them insect frass and Aspirin. Each of those have chems in them that trigger two two mechanisms of the plant's immune system respectively. Both work to combat mold infections as well as insect infestation for the life of the plant. Very important to trigger it near birth.

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