Hot soil worries

  • Thread starter masshole61
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I have 7 alien grenades and 3 so cal master kush plants vegging under a 8 bulb t5 in 5 gallon smarties. I used the revs soil mix (artfully demonstrated by slap14 in the organic soil section) in the bottom 1/4 of the pot, a 1" buffer of roots organic and ewc, sprinkled some of caps root pack on top of that and filled in the rest with roots organic. I feed the them neptunes harvest fish and seaweed fertilizer with primordial solutions sea green and rootamentary . All appears well but I have a little leaf curl on the outer edges of a few fan leaves on one plant that concerns me. I'm thinking minor nute burn from the hot soil. Any thoughts?
Hot soil worries 2
Hot soil worries
Hot soil worries 2
Hot soil worries 3
Hot soil worries Hot soil worries 2 Hot soil worries 3
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

in my experience tip curl like that is usually indicative of pests... reference:
in my experience tip curl like that is usually indicative of pests... here's a plant that had really bad root aphids:

IMG 0292

could also be low humidity/too much airflow...Idk about nute burn though I haven't ever seen leaf curling in hot soil, but I really have no experience mixing soil too hot.


^solidarity is right on; that definatly in no way is nute burn.....take it easy


I composted the soil for 6 weeks, turning it over every two weeks. I've been feeding them with the og biowar root pack and was hoping that would keep the pests at bay... I transplanted them 12 days ago and already have roots air pruning through the smart pots all around the sides and along the bottom so I know the hot stuff isnt hurting them.
My environment kind of sucks. Attic space, temperature swings,humidity swings too. I try to regulate temps as best i can with an attic fan but i know it is less than ideal. I have a 16" fan blowing on them from @ 4 feet away on low so I'm hoping it's that.
They're going outdoors in @ two weeks when I transplant into 15 gallon smarties to finish up.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

looks like they're getting everything they need out of the soil and like it fine- roots dirt with primordial solutions will def give you a healthy rootmass.

as far as your cap's pack goes - the root pack will give you absolutely amazing plants that are very hard to mess up, but if you want pest prevention you need to get the foliar pack. For soil I would just mix the pack into water and top feed directly to the plant if you don't brew teas.


Temps and rh ? Maybe over water? From the looks of that last pic its something minor, looks hot n dry.but the plant looks great imo, feed looks good.i did a few like that in supersoil, layered like yours.i did not let it cook long enough, maybe 3 wks.when my plants hit the ss they got tip burn bad, around 10 days after transplant.but they got used to it after another 10 days.


Thank you all for your input. Just read an interesting article about VPD, thanks to cctt. There have been temperature and humidity swings all over the place in my attic tat Ill have to keep a closer eye on. Overall I'm very pleased. Im not that experienced and learned a lot from watching you guys. I never would have put together that soil mix or used sea green or rootamentary if I didn't lurk and learn, so I owe you guys a lot. One thing newer growers seem to do of which I was guilty of during my last years outdoor grow is being over zealous feeding . I've been foliar feeding with a touch of sea green and rootamentary pretty much daily as a way to keep the humidity up? Too much?
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