How do I deal with fungus gnats? I've had SO many suggestions.

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I've done the Chemical approach didn't work so well kept having to treat and reapply so I tried the beneficial insects approach and better control of the environment (inside)and a IPM . The beneficial insects approach is more costly up front but its better for the environment and the beneficial insects ESPECIALLY outside bees BSF, and so on I much prefer the bio ,beneficial insect approach myself , better environmental control (soil moisture, humidity,temps) predator mites,rove beetles, nematodes so on and a couple sticky traps i see a fungus gnat every once in awhile but not to often never any Thrips so far.
I keep rove beetles and mites in my worms bin and in my 4×8 haven't had to do anything else ,they take care of it Same thing for spider mites A IPM (Integrated pest management) is a good practice as well as scoping with a loop frequently ✌️
I use predator mites and nematodes myself and never had problems since. If I'm in a humid area then I tend to use a systemic pesticides however I don't use a chemical pesticide I use oils. The formula 209 is extremely effective but takes a couple weeks to be beneficial. That's where the nematodes come in lol I only use beetles I'd I'm infested though.. outdoor is Hella worse to control pests!


These do work 100% guarantee it
I’ve tired et all else and I can’t recommend them highly enough

honestly I’ve tried everything from de, mosquito dunks, nilgnat ect ect

I promise these work
Just don’t let the soil dry out to much while they munch them up and you’ll be gnat free in a week


Spinosad has worked well for me for fungus gnats, so has a neem/ pyrethrin mix for a different species gnat/fly. I also topdress with mosquito bits while rotating the others as soil drench.
Neem would be veg only but spinosad can be used in flower.

Diatomaceous earth hasn’t helped too much in my experience.
Bro don't use that crap! Go with an organic because spinosad and pyrethrin are poisonous to humans as well and you'll be inhaling this residue. And no you don't flush it out.. it's always there! Seriously though


Can you guys get pure isopropyl alcohol there? I tried doing iso extraction with several products that claimed it was 100% iso and then it turns out is 99,xx% iso and another chemical that makes you puke it so people dont drink it and tastes like shit and makes me cough like crazy if I smoke it, no matter how long its left to dry, its not gonna go away. Same with regular alcohol, the closest thing I can find is vodka. Thats why I stoped completely to use alcohol unless its for cleaning the equipment. You guys have so much more options it makes me envious... here there's like 5 organic brands to choose from (Currently with Trabe and very happy but I would like more variety, specially for ammendments, I cant find crab meal anywhere for example).
What country are you GNick ? 90% is all i think i can get what you looking for OUTTA the crab meal??? Kiton??


What country are you GNick ? 90% is all i think i can get what you looking for OUTTA the crab meal??? Kiton??
Spain. Im not sure I understand the question, what is Kiton? You mean chitosan? Im looking for all thats inside but yes chitosan is one of the main reasons. There used to be an option in amazon, a enormous bag for 150 euros which Im not gonna spend, but thats all I could find, and I think its not even there anymore.


I always use hydrogen peroxide in all my plants. I only once had an issues years and years ago with regular plants then started doing the peroxide and water mix every so often not too often and never again. So I do it to all my plants, including cannabis. I just did my baby guinup a few weeks ago.


I got myself one of these too, just another excuse to add another plant to my collection hahaha. Its going in the tent, hopfully she will like the light schedules of weed, if I see signs that she is not okay Ill put her by the window and hope she gets enough light.
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