How hard do you work on your grow?

  • Thread starter legaleyes13
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Maybe I should have posted this in another forum, but most people I've interacted w/ on this site tend to post in this section so I want to hear what they have to say...

Either way, I'm about to move to a new place and start back up. My current place has been ideal; basement grow with plenty of space and maintained a perfect environment w/o much work. But this new place I'm moving to is far from ideal. The grow isn't big or anything, but the place is still on the small side. I'm not gonna have much room to work with and neighbors are gonna be closer than I'm used to. I have 1 room spare room and all growing has to go down in that room. It's a perpetual grow so veg, flower and clone are gonna be goin down at the same time.

I still haven't figured out where I'm gonna dry my buds. I'm gonna have 4 4x4 tables and 1 5x5 tent crammed into a 8x13 room. I'm gonna have to figure out where to put the cloning station and where to dry buds. I have an attic, but I don't think it would be a good idea to throw an EZclone machine into a hot attic where the rez could get hot.

I'm sure I can get creative and figure out a remedy for all of these problems. Really I just wanna know how hard and how much time some of you spend on your grows. I don't wanna feel like I'm putting too much into this. I need some motivation for all of the hard work I have ahead of me.


likes to smell trees.
The build out takes a lot of mental prep. I am a huge advocate of over planning and over thinking, and it almost always works out in my favor. Once the build is done and you are up and running...shit's easy. As far as maintenance with a spot like you are describing I would dedicate 1.5 hours per day average that would include everything including cleaning between runs. Also depends on how automated you go. Sometimes I am in and out in 10 minutes, and other times I am in there 5 hours.


The build out takes a lot of mental prep. I am a huge advocate of over planning and over thinking, and it almost always works out in my favor. Once the build is done and you are up and running...shit's easy. As far as maintenance with a spot like you are describing I would dedicate 1.5 hours per day average that would include everything including cleaning between runs. Also depends on how automated you go. Sometimes I am in and out in 10 minutes, and other times I am in there 5 hours.

That sounds like about what I'm used to. I'm hoping this new place turns out about the same but I'm just not seeing it. Maybe it will though... once I figure out where to put my drying station, I should be good to go.


I work slow & smoke lots of weed when I work so I'm even slower.. I spend eazy 2-4hrs a day.. Even on days when there is nuthin 2 do I'll find sumthin 2 do & end up spending hrs with the plants.. I've been bizzy for 7-8 hrs many times.. 2day I watered all the plants so I can take 2 days off & not do a damn thing but I'll end up spending about 4hrs a day with my plants.. There is always sumthin 2 do.. On days off I like 2 foliar feed the plants or spray them 4 bugs,thin out leafs,stake some branches,LST or supercrop,inspect flowering plants 4 bugs or herms,clean filters.. There is always sumthin 4 me 2 do...


I like to petal watch and see how the leaves transform from 5 to 7 to 9 blades :)......and then sometimes :( back to 7 or 5 and so on. I also like doing those extra things like Makin Goo said...supercropping, foliar feeding, etc.


Cool, you guys have any advice for working in such a cramped space? I'm thinking I'm gonna put caster wheels on the tables the hold my 4x4 trays.


cramped gets old quick make sure you have somewhere to work! I forget that sometimes. my space is pretty packed right now too. is there a closet on this room? if not I would get a shelving unit and use some of your vertical space for the clones and other misc grow tools


4-4x4 tables and a 5x5 tent all in an 8x13 room is a little much,that leaves you a square in one area about 4x5 to work out of and dont forget you need 36'' for the door swing,you had better hope that door is right in the middle of the 13' side too this way you can put your tent right in front of it and have 2 4x4s on each side or your screwed,id start at the beginning and scale my grow to the room available,also not a big fan of a veg tent in a flower room,try to minimize worst case scenarios.Make a list of things to do each day and once you get a rythym going it shouldnt take you that long to complete it,maybe about 1hr a day.One last thought,the casters arent going to help alot in a room that size as there is nowhere to roll the tables too unless you have like a 5' wide door or something and a place to roll them too.Cap is right,take the time to figure it out right now,less stress/problems later,best of luck!


I'm with cap. I think I sit there and doodle possible layouts, plumbing, electrical. calculate amperage expectancies, expected overhead costs, etc more than I actually work on my garden. Makes it KISS later on. I spend on a good day an average of an hr or two working. Double that time or more on transplant, harvest and problem days. I work 8 hrs a day and I spend atleast 2 sitting at my desk pretending to work planning gardens lol. Shhhh don't tell no one.


Sorry, this doesn't help. But I just love hanging in the grow. Am so anal my friends call me a nerve-ending. It's one of the few places that I truly am at peace. Kind of like a man cave, river being the other. You will dial it in, just like all on here have.


4-4x4 tables and a 5x5 tent all in an 8x13 room is a little much,that leaves you a square in one area about 4x5 to work out of and dont forget you need 36'' for the door swing,you had better hope that door is right in the middle of the 13' side too this way you can put your tent right in front of it and have 2 4x4s on each side or your screwed,id start at the beginning and scale my grow to the room available,also not a big fan of a veg tent in a flower room,try to minimize worst case scenarios.Make a list of things to do each day and once you get a rythym going it shouldnt take you that long to complete it,maybe about 1hr a day.One last thought,the casters arent going to help alot in a room that size as there is nowhere to roll the tables too unless you have like a 5' wide door or something and a place to roll them too.Cap is right,take the time to figure it out right now,less stress/problems later,best of luck!

All of the tables and the tent will fit w/o the door being a problem, but you're right about the casters... I don't know how I missed that. I might have to swap the 5x5 tent w/ a 4x4 one. I don't like veg tents in the flower room either but I don't really have much of a choice... I'll just have to be vigilant with the light leaks.

My major problems are figuring out where to dry buds and where to put the EZ clone... those aren't huge problems, but I'd like to find an ideal situation for the aforementioned.


Sorry, this doesn't help. But I just love hanging in the grow. Am so anal my friends call me a nerve-ending. It's one of the few places that I truly am at peace. Kind of like a man cave, river being the other. You will dial it in, just like all on here have.

I'm the same way and thanks for the kind words. I hope I dial it in before I go crazy.


likes to smell trees.
pencil and paper. Draw your room to scale. Use 1/4" = 1' scale.

Make copies.

Start filling it in.

Don't settle for one design until you have penciled down 4 or 5 different layouts. You will find that you like one best, or most likely a combo.

Take in to consideration how far you can reach and how narrow of aisleways you are truly comfortable with. I need at least 3 feet. Especially if you have to bend down to access a res.


measure your room inch by inch then measure all your equipment then lay it out on a piece of paper a couple different ways with your ventilation flow and exist ports so you don't paint yourself in a corner when done and have to take it down and try something different because it is to hot or not layed out to your liking or not good enough flow. Heat is going to be your biggest issue in small spaces, I use a 5.5 x 10.5 room and I have (two) 3.5 x 4.5 tents with a cloning station box I made with my cloner in it and my portable air conditioner sits on top of the cloner box . I do a perpetual grow. I use aeroponics so I cant move plants from tent to tent so I veg to flower in the same tent, I just timed it so I take my clones from my one tent that is in veg stage and about to flip to flower when I am cutting my flower tent down that is done, then I use that empty tent to dry while my clones are 7-10 days away from transplant, so that solves your dry room it has worked great for me, tight but great.


The build out takes a lot of mental prep. I am a huge advocate of over planning and over thinking, and it almost always works out in my favor. Once the build is done and you are up and running...shit's easy. As far as maintenance with a spot like you are describing I would dedicate 1.5 hours per day average that would include everything including cleaning between runs. Also depends on how automated you go. Sometimes I am in and out in 10 minutes, and other times I am in there 5 hours.

Cap hit it on the head... It depends on how automated you are... I have some1 in the shop 12hrs a day i do and average of 8... sometimes your there all day and sometimes you stroll through and every meter in the place is on point and you stroll right out.... I have three sayings around the shop... First when you come in is There is always something to do... On the A room A lazy dude works twice as hard...ON the B room B's way or the highway... The C room C the grass is greener on the other side. what i always tell people is you get out what you put in.


pencil and paper. Draw your room to scale. Use 1/4" = 1' scale.

Make copies.

Start filling it in.

Don't settle for one design until you have penciled down 4 or 5 different layouts. You will find that you like one best, or most likely a combo.

Take in to consideration how far you can reach and how narrow of aisle ways you are truly comfortable with. I need at least 3 feet. Especially if you have to bend down to access a res.
Then get some blue painters tape and when you find the best lay-out, go in with the tape and tape it out on the floor so you get a real life size of your layout and you might change something at the last minute, I know it helped me a lot to get a real life size visual for aisles and movement in general and ventilation. Also when you do your layout ALWAYS think ventilation and flow of inline/exhaust tubes and exhaust ports making sure to keep them as straight as possible because heat usually dictates your layouts in small areas.


Okay so first thing is... The 5x5 tent has turned out to be too big. It leaves me with easy access to only 1 4x4 table. Every other table will be blocked off by either the tent or another table. The tables that have to inevitably be placed in the back of the room are gonna take Stretch Armstrong arms to reach... There's only 1 real way around this and that is to downsize my tent to a 4x4... And that brings up a new question... Can a 4x4 tray actually fit in a 4x4 tent? The trays are actually a little larger than 4x4...

If a 4x4 tray can fit into a 4x4 tent then that's what I'm gonna have to go with. Then I'm gonna have to put everything on caster wheels, including the grow tent (I'll rig up a 4x4 piece of plywood and screw some casters on there. The plywood is gonna have to be thick). I'll have to move all the tables around like I'm playing Tetris when I wanna get to something, but hey... that's a price I'm willing to pay. I'll have to also remember not to put the tent in front of the a/c that's gonna be mounted in the closet doorway (the closet is on one of the 8' walls). I'm worried that remembering to make sure that the tent isn't in front of the a/c is gonna be like remembering to plug in the EZ Clone... one of those things that you sometimes forget to do...
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