how is money created?

  • Thread starter DR. nick
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DR. nick

how is money created? I asked this question to teachers my whole life and none of my teachers ever really knew. Well as it turns out this just may be the most important thing I have ever learned about. The whole, somethings wrong with society, thought in the back of my mind; has an answer. This is the underlying structure of society today and now you will be able to understand what is fundamentally wrong with it.

the movie is an animated piece explaining how money is created title Money as Debt it is about 47 minutes long


There is more where that came from.... Everyone needs to watch the movies links on the following site. They got links to more than 30 flicks of which the overwhelming majority is extremely informative and will blow your top. This media is not conspiracy propaganda nonsense but historical and educational material consolidated in a way that makes sense of the underlying structures and what it all means and how it got to this point. note: the zeitgest link is the exception to the above statement.

DR. nick

after that one watch this as it deals with the whole currency topic and why the Federal violates the constitution. For those who dont know the Federal Reserve is a for profit corporation who controls The United states money supply and is owned by International bankers. Fiat money is discussed in this one. Its a bit easier to grasp than the first video but does not as much get to heart of the matter.

Fiat Empire


DR. nick

Both videos elude to a rich history, and long story.... so here it is now you will know. This is it... It seems a bit conspiratal in tone but is completely backed by historical facts and quotes verifying all the information the entire way through. Here is the facts and you can draw your own conclusions. This is without doubt a must see.

The Money Masters- How International bankers Gained Control of America


"There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today!" -Arthur Jenson (Network)


Paper money is just printed cheques..............Real money is Gold,silver,platinum etc

basically we spend Monopoly money lol

DR. nick

thanks for your additions cannabowl as I do like the first half of zeitgeist 2 and really like the overall way the films are done, I think they are too out there and detract from solid challenges right in front of us. All the info in the first half of zeitgest 2 might as well be copied from the films I gave links too except a more throurough investigation is accounted for in my suggestions. The second half of zeitegeist 2 is a nice fantasy but looses a lot of credability as this leads towards a position of apathy and relying on infinite resources which is just not the case. I live in a mining region and we are well past peak metals for electronic devises. Zeitgeist is good to get you thinking but not a reliable resource by any means. It leads to the direction of conspiracy that leads in circles and that is a major problem. The last film money masters has the whole "conspiracy" reliably documented and who the original players were what the game is and how it works and Multiple references to this game throughout history By politicians and world leaders down to heads of industry and international bankers. If you watch the links I provided you will be informed and armed with a clear picture of problems we face, much more so than partially founded conspiracy theories. While many consipriacy theories are interesting I beleive they contribute in some ways to the problem as they do not inform the public of the proven facts which is more than enough in of itself, in effect conspiracy theories can fuel the fire dividing the masses and descrediting the provable truth that could bring people together to take action.

The following link will discredit the second half of zeitgeist 2 and provide a clear picture of the conflicting variables of the economy when considering the exponential function in contrast to finite resources, its funny too. It is better to be informed then come up with your own theories of what it all means... "think for yourself question authority."


Sociology and Economics are but one and the same, if one fails then the so too does the whole model.

There is nothing new here, in fact, the origins of 'paper money' comes from the knights Templar. The would ensure secure passage to the holy land for anyone on a pilgramige. During the travel it was quite common to get attacked, therefore as well as security services, the knights offered cheques. Something similiar to travel cheques, you start with a deposit in gold, they give paper which you can spend at selected 'Templar' places. At the end of the journey you get your gold back, minus a fee. They also expanded into loans, pretty much the 'goldsmith' of your video.

The whole socio-economic model inforced (literally in many places) on the world is a disaster just waiting to happen. It will blow and when it does will be the time for action, mark my words.

On grand scales such as metropolitons the system suggested could work, however, for small towns i would consider the use of any median as arbitary. Hours worked is definitely the basis for expenditure. Luxury commodities such as alcohol, fags, weed, cars etc would still require the added requirments. But the important thing to underline, is that no matter what, shelter and food is taken care of for all.

Personally, im fucking waiting for the shit to pop, I got cash no doubt, but nothing major. so long as i can grow my own weed and i got my skillz to work, I know I'll be just fine...:bong-hits:


Id just like to note:

In the Uk Margerat Thatcher Privatized the Banks ( as well as oil, coal, rail, phone and anything else she got her grubby hand on) in the mid 80s. Before that any profits of the bank would be spent back into the public sector.

Fucking Cow

DR. nick

thanks for the contribution sativaindica... yes the knightes templar is a very interesting subject... they were the first mulitinational corporation and laid down the roots for the judeo christian / islam conflict that still persists to this day. to learn more about the knights templar check out this link to a 2 part series made by the History channel

Decoding the past: The knights Templar




DR. nick

I also want to add that money itself is not evil, as it is quite handy as a commonly accepted medium. The Problem is Usury, which has been condemned by every major religion, plato and socrates amoung others. Usury is an unfair interest, as of now The interest demanded by banks does not exist in the money supply...I would consider that very unfair! what is Usury?


Premium Member
Im an economics major so if yall have any specific questions just shoot. I did know watch these movies because im sure its stuff I already know... but if theres anything you would specifically like to know just let me know.

Jah I just wanted to correct you. Paper money is no longer backed by gold nor any other precious metals....


Nice post Dr nick,. this topic really interests me!! thanks again!!


Democratic Socialism FTW

work communes and trade unions pwn all

DR. nick

thanks crackerass, but I beleive Jah was and is aware there is no longer a gold backing thus Fiat currency or "monopoly money." If you do find the time to watch them though I would be particularly interested in your opinions and what you have been taught vs. the information these medias provide.

I am glad too make you privy to this Rome as It pretty much reveals our whole idea of society is an illusion of what once was maybe never was idk. It also puts globalization into a historical context. It is important to note that the middle east is the last region of earth that does not buy into the central bank and the globalization movement, Usury is forbidden by the Qoraan (mispelled!) and they have system of Islamic banking where usury plays no part at least no part in the global scheme. But Saudi Arabia might have bought into this Idk really. I knew nothing of this untill 3 weeks ago, I watched Network then googlevideo searched money creation and now everyone looks like a rat in a cage...jk lol... but the truth is just so crazy I felt like a conspiracy nut untill I fact checked and realized that it was a conspiracy (in its day) its just at the point where we are so conditioned that banks can just get away with it now, like its normal!!?!


The dollar is a fiat currency backed up solely by american military power and an exclusive ability to buy oil.

Yeah, dollars backed by gold was a superior monetary system but we also had a smaller economy back then. Nixon removed the gold standard and it was replaced by petrodollars. There was not enough gold to allow for the enormous (and toxic IMO) economic growth that has taken place since.
Pretty much all oil, worldwide, must be bought/sold with dollars in one global market. Thats an enormous advantage for the US and we'll defend that to the bitter end. It allows us to outbid anyone and simultaneously recieve a free tax from everbody else with our increasingly worthless dollars to feed the empire.

This is an unsustainable situation. When the oil begins to decline, we're toast. That day could be alot closer than many think. Some say 20 years, some say right now.


Premium Member
Well dont say its back by military power.... it back more by us being america and our economy which helps keep it stable... thats why like when the dollar started to fall months back you started to see the rest of the worlds currency start to fall bc basically everyone is entrusted in us being the most stable country in the world for the most part and growing. (i realize there are countries that are smaller and more stable, but they dont have the growth that we do...) Yes the oil does has a very big part in the world economy and could destroy the world economy. the arab countries said that they wouldnt be affected by all of this bc the oil companies own most of the banks over there and they werent affected by the world market. i guess it was about 3 or 4 weeks into it and then you started to see it hit over there... and the banks and the economy started to get hit by it. all the banks are privately owned over there and they were trying to get help from the gov. i dont remember what happened exactly after that now tho.

In 20 years the world is goin to look a lot different in many ways... water is goin to be worth more than oil in 20 years... bc right now their predicting most of the ice caps gone/if not all gone. live it up now.....

DR. nick

wow i didnt think the oil companies owned the banks over there... crazy! It is very interesting though as many resources seem to be peeking in our life time, and when it becomes clear that oil has peaked and is in a decline these resources that are dependent on the infrastructure of cheap oil to be extracted will be that much more expensive. I dont see how the people at the top of the banks and such cannot be aware of this, they must be. I would just like it be more clear what their plan is at least. The things I have learned this past month have radically changed the way I look at the world. If anyone else has any topics that would provide insight or information to research that would provide a clearer picture feel free to post here but If it might cause arguements just pm me thanks:)


Premium Member
russia went into jordan just the take their pipe line and their goin in some place else right now i cant remember to take theirs... everyone was security .

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