Hydro vs Coco nute properties

  • Thread starter kushtrees
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So I have run into some weird nute/ph issues lately and Im starting to think its because of the kind of nute im using.

I have a bunch of plants in all coco and some in 1:1 coco:perlite (might be more than 50% perlite in some). Im currently using HG coco nutes with all the plants.

Im wondering if using coco nutes on a non coco dominant media could cause the ph problem and slight K deficiency (red stems and slightly yellow leaf tips) I am seeing. I know that coco nutes should have less K because of the properties of coco, but I dont understand the ph issues (just some twisted curled leaves) because I always water between 5.8-6 ph and always calibrate my meter.

If anyone has any opinion on this it would be very great to hear. Im planning on buying HG aqua flakes and seeing if that will fix the problem. Im also going to try aqua flakes on the all coco plants to see if theres any big difference.


I dont think they are making the coco nutes anymore are they (Dont quote me on that)?

Don't buy into the Hype. Reg nutes will work fine. They don't have rockwool, hydroton, or perlite nutes do they lol.

My suggestion is run the Aqua Flakes. That's the line I used and its the Tits. Did better then a buddy running the Coco line. Ebb and Flo coco recirc.


likes to smell trees.
from what I know coco holds K. It could be you are using K, and the coco is keeping it from the plants..


Im pretty sure coco holds ca mg and breaks down into K which is why coco formulas have less K

coco has different properties than inert medias such as rockwool and perlite and hydroton which is why they have coco lines, but I agree all hydro nutes are over hyped these days

Ive heard the aqua flakes line works just better than the coco line in coco so im def going to be switching. Jacks is on my list of things to try tho so if this problem continues it might be the last straw for me with normal hydro company nutes haha
true grit

true grit

I've only had more rapid N deficiencies when i use non coco nutes in coco. Corrected by simply adding more veg feed into flower in beginning or a lil hit of nitrex in wk2-3.


do u let ur coco dry out? i read somewhere on here that when u dry coco it raises PH n locks out ca mg, guy at the hydro store says he feeds 2X's a day during flowering to keep it consistent.....guy at a other store says u get root rot or something like that if u constantly feed/water. do u think that maybe that could be the problem?


guy at the hydro store says he feeds 2X's a day during flowering to keep it consistent.....guy at a other store says u get root rot or something like that if u constantly feed/water. do u think that maybe that could be the problem?

That's a very general question that could have a lot of different answers. Don't let it get bone dry but don't water too much is the simple answer. All depends on the drainage, pot size, and size of plant. If you are hand watering go by weight. If automated go by weight. 6 in pots in flower that have big plants in them I flood 5x or more a day. Big 3 gals and up 1x to 2x a day if even that.

Over watering you will suffocate the plant.


thought u cant overwater coco i have read over 50 post of people saying that im not to sure though i only run my mothers in coco 3 gal and 7 gal i water with 1 gallon for each 3gal pot and 2 gal for 7 gal pot i wait till pot feels like its getting light and i water again usually every 3-4 days i add nutes every watering and once a week plain water i have never had a def. hope that helps

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