I'm Over It....

  • Thread starter ArmedGeek
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I for one want to thank anyone who has helped me out during my grow...BUT....i have nothing but bad things to say about this site in general. To be completely honest, i don't get any reply's unless it's someone following along. With that said, i more than appreciatethe ones who do chime in...thank you, really guys. However, at the end of the day i don't hear back from anyone else.....EVER.....But yet....we got over 1k views on my grow journal alone. Everyone wants to stop by and read....but then move on. I thought this place would actually provide experience mixed with others for the best opinions on what one should do for the love and experience. I feel the moderators should CUT the shit out from forums, if it's complete garbage and doesn't help anyone, get rid of it. Theres simply too much garbage information on these threads if you really follow along. Mind you, you DO find experience but you have to cipher through all the BS. With that said....i hope to find a real site to learn from....maybe it doesn't exist...but...at the end of the day, i hope to only learn knowledge and love, instead this nute is better than this nute blah blah...."omg you have AN your such a douche bag". Who gives a fuck what kind of nutrient YOU USE....at the end of the day...your just bitching about AN being more expensive than the product YOU USE....MAYBE....JUST MAYBE....I actually have a good job and or sell more there for this product ISN'T EXPENSIVE AND IS POCKET CHANGE. Granted, maybe it's expensive to you....i've been broke and i've had money...but at the end of the day shut up about it. To each their own....damn AN haters....get a better job or sell more if you want to bitch about how much the cost is, for real though.....I'm so over it. At the end of the day....i hope were all growing good and wonderful buds to smoke. Stop spilling the BS...spill a little more love.


Premium Member
Aha poor guy sorry but people are the same everywhere and the moods don't have time to go threw every post ever especially when someone is asking questions that have been asked 10000 plus times ever heard of this thing called books? They have just words. ...but they are mostly gonna be one dudes experience


I for one want to thank anyone who has helped me out during my grow...BUT....i have nothing but bad things to say about this site in general. To be completely honest, i don't get any reply's unless it's someone following along. With that said, i more than appreciatethe ones who do chime in...thank you, really guys. However, at the end of the day i don't hear back from anyone else.....EVER.....But yet....we got over 1k views on my grow journal alone. Everyone wants to stop by and read....but then move on. I thought this place would actually provide experience mixed with others for the best opinions on what one should do for the love and experience. I feel the moderators should CUT the shit out from forums, if it's complete garbage and doesn't help anyone, get rid of it. Theres simply too much garbage information on these threads if you really follow along. Mind you, you DO find experience but you have to cipher through all the BS. With that said....i hope to find a real site to learn from....maybe it doesn't exist...but...at the end of the day, i hope to only learn knowledge and love, instead this nute is better than this nute blah blah...."omg you have AN your such a douche bag". Who gives a fuck what kind of nutrient YOU USE....at the end of the day...your just bitching about AN being more expensive than the product YOU USE....MAYBE....JUST MAYBE....I actually have a good job and or sell more there for this product ISN'T EXPENSIVE AND IS POCKET CHANGE. Granted, maybe it's expensive to you....i've been broke and i've had money...but at the end of the day shut up about it. To each their own....damn AN haters....get a better job or sell more if you want to bitch about how much the cost is, for real though.....I'm so over it. At the end of the day....i hope were all growing good and wonderful buds to smoke. Stop spilling the BS...spill a little more love.
You are so lucky to have this sight. I wish this was here when I started out. Look through the old posts for questions you have in your grow. It's all about research and finding what works for you and your growing style. Don't be shy if you have a serious question for one of the members. Grab the bull by the horns and figure it out. We're all here to help you just gots to approach it the rite way.
Good luck and peace


I for one want to thank anyone who has helped me out during my grow...BUT....i have nothing but bad things to say about this site in general. To be completely honest, i don't get any reply's unless it's someone following along. With that said, i more than appreciatethe ones who do chime in...thank you, really guys. However, at the end of the day i don't hear back from anyone else.....EVER.....But yet....we got over 1k views on my grow journal alone. Everyone wants to stop by and read....but then move on. I thought this place would actually provide experience mixed with others for the best opinions on what one should do for the love and experience. I feel the moderators should CUT the shit out from forums, if it's complete garbage and doesn't help anyone, get rid of it. Theres simply too much garbage information on these threads if you really follow along. Mind you, you DO find experience but you have to cipher through all the BS. With that said....i hope to find a real site to learn from....maybe it doesn't exist...but...at the end of the day, i hope to only learn knowledge and love, instead this nute is better than this nute blah blah...."omg you have AN your such a douche bag". Who gives a fuck what kind of nutrient YOU USE....at the end of the day...your just bitching about AN being more expensive than the product YOU USE....MAYBE....JUST MAYBE....I actually have a good job and or sell more there for this product ISN'T EXPENSIVE AND IS POCKET CHANGE. Granted, maybe it's expensive to you....i've been broke and i've had money...but at the end of the day shut up about it. To each their own....damn AN haters....get a better job or sell more if you want to bitch about how much the cost is, for real though.....I'm so over it. At the end of the day....i hope were all growing good and wonderful buds to smoke. Stop spilling the BS...spill a little more love.
are you serious bro? where did that come from? As for me, I sling steel all day long. Sometimes 10 hrs a day. I answered your reply then fell asleep after my shift today. I seen rizzo hit a hr at 6 30 tonight then fell asleep and missed the trest of the game. I didnt want to do that. they scored 15 runs!!!
My point is a lot of us, have other lives outside mj! As for this site, weather your successful or not, IS UP TO YOU! That search bar has every answer you need. Do you think for a min that no other growers have problems? You will prob see tox, and diff for your first whole yr. As for this site, it put 12k in my pocket this year, MY FIRST YEAR! And that is something, you can TAKE TO THE BANK!
As for your nutrient, it could be finicky, and something somebody more experienced should run. I know it gets mixed reviews. So be it. Nobody said you were stupid or not worth shit, THEY SAID THE AN nutrient was. Dont be so internal.
As for others chiming in, have you tried going around to other threads and commenting? Have you seen another member asking about something, and you google and see what you can learn, TO HELP HIM?
Its a two way street brother, when looking for help.... I would ask, @rmoltis, or @mandalaman to kindly erase your last post and this one of mine, so its a clean slate... And we can get back to growing...


I can see where he is coming from.I dont get to many replies on my journals and dont ask for much help but the 1 thing he is missing is these journals are NOT a show and tell.They are personal grow logs that we can personally learn from.They are instant reference points for us to back to and see what we did wrong and what we did right.We can look at our progress of the strains we grow and see what stage we was in at at given moment.One reason i update my journals often is they are my biggest learning tools.Im an artist and the biggest mistake one can make is throw away your unfinished work.It will never teach you what to do different.
I think Your missing the big picture here brother.No one is going to be able to give you a solid answer to any question you have.If growing was a measurement we would all have dank ass plants.Its the ART of growing this fucking weed that most of us enjoy.Its the struggle that gets you to where your at that makes you appreciate when you have succeeded.Its like death man.If we all knew we was gonna live forever we wouldnt get out of bed in the morning.It is our mortality that makes us great and struggle for greater things.

I for one do not have all the answers to growing but I can see i put in my time and have also read through 1000's of pages of nonsense to see the light.Yes there are 100's of unfinished journals, but that is the answer to your question.A lot of them guys gave up and said fukit.Once you can embrace failure than you can celebrate success.Finish your grow.Document everything you did so you know not to do that again.Take whatever advice is given to you but always be skeptical and get second opinions.It is your personal journals that are your biggest learning tools,
There are some very talented growers on this website that know there shit.Follow them.read through there stuff man.them guys have gone over every issue you are having right now.Your calmag issue is gone over 3 times in one of my journals.
When someone with 5 post and 0 reputation tells you your nutrients are to high at 3 weeks in at 200PPM put that dude on ignore.You need to take advice from solid growers.There are plenty of them here for a reason.Im a member on 4 other sites and this is the one i come to the most.
You like RDWC check out that section.Them dudes are fukin killin it without airstones and CMH lights.read through there stuff man.I know i have and and willing to try new things.
Good luck to you and whatever roads you decide to take.I for one was pretty impressed with your first DWC grow and was the first to say one day your gonna have it down.


Everybody has their own opinions and style of growing...some science, a lot of trial and error. That's the beauty of it. If you pay attention most of the active farmers who post and reply daily are very experienced but how many times should the same question be answered?
My favorite is when someone asks the same question 3 or 4 times in different places expecting a different answer...haha
So chill out. Do your research. Have fun.


these are all problems that you have with the forum system not this forum or its moderation. an is a waste of money, that's not an opinion because people do get equal results for less money proven every day all over. you come off conceited but inexperience so obviously you didn't get a lot of nice replies.

in summary, you don't like the openness of forums and can't get past being bothered about talking nice in public about openly wasting your money. also, this website is not solely a cannabis cultivation support forum and people don't get anything for helping others. and usually when you actually help a new member they simply disappear and that's that.
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Actually, if you read all the bullshit it will help you develop your own opinion about what is correct. It's useful information when seen as a whole.
It probably seems like a bunch of bs because you haven't read any books or done research on growing. If you had a foundation to fall back on the bs would make more sense.
There are classes to take and books to read that will not contain a hodgepodge of opinions. Once you have a basic knowledge of growing the farmers here can be real helpful but it gets old answering the same beginner questions from people too lazy to do some basic research. We all have gardens to tend to, jobs to go to and families to be with. Do some studying on your own, then ask good questions. Happy growing.


Everybody has their own opinions and style of growing...some science, a lot of trial and error. That's the beauty of it. If you pay attention most of the active farmers who post and reply daily are very experienced but how many times should the same question be answered?
My favorite is when someone asks the same question 3 or 4 times in different places expecting a different answer...haha
So chill out. Do your research. Have fun.
lmao.. Its funny you say that cause i had to post my post^^^^ to reply in 2 threads... I see its still here so i guess i failed at helping the fella... I liked him too... And I wont lie, ole Event here is not the big social butterfly, more like an onery old sow, so if Im helping you, I LIKE YOU. I will fall back out of a thread for things like, that post.. But as stated above, it takes a min to get or make some friends, to feel like your part of the community... For what its worth, i know prob 25 ppl on here, and hell I got 43 followers, AND i DONT EVEN know most of them, or even had a conversation with them.
Anyway I dont even keep a thread anymore, I just photo bomb every one elses when I need my ego stroked :) lol
And pass out some advice, and get some too...
I will say one thing, ive been blogging for a decade.
I was a member of the most famous site to ever be on the web.
And im not talking Silk Roads, which Ive been there too, 2013
Where the bees make honey :)
Well until some high school kids got everything shut down for making a big batch of mda, and video taping it :(
But my point is, it takes a min to understand how to talk, and act online. To me there is a set of principals to follow, and it just keeps probs from arising.. When ppl threaten other ppl online, lmao, that is the funniest of all... Im like,,, DUDE...
Anyway I hope he keeps going, and we see him back, I really thought he had a chance... Dwc is tricky til u understand...
On a cool note, got my water chiller, so my RDWC should really be fun this time... I got seeds soaking...:)
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