Indiana, you just lost your 4th Amendment...

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Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home

By Dan Carden [email protected], (317) 637-9078 | Posted: Friday, May 13, 2011 3:56 pm |

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INDIANAPOLIS | Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer's entry.
"We believe ... a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence," David said. "We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest."
David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.
The court's decision stems from a Vanderburgh County case in which police were called to investigate a husband and wife arguing outside their apartment.
When the couple went back inside their apartment, the husband told police they were not needed and blocked the doorway so they could not enter. When an officer entered anyway, the husband shoved the officer against a wall. A second officer then used a stun gun on the husband and arrested him.
Professor Ivan Bodensteiner, of Valparaiso University School of Law, said the court's decision is consistent with the idea of preventing violence.
"It's not surprising that they would say there's no right to beat the hell out of the officer," Bodensteiner said. "(The court is saying) we would rather opt on the side of saying if the police act wrongfully in entering your house your remedy is under law, to bring a civil action against the officer."
Justice Robert Rucker, a Gary native, and Justice Brent Dickson, a Hobart native, dissented from the ruling, saying the court's decision runs afoul of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
"In my view the majority sweeps with far too broad a brush by essentially telling Indiana citizens that government agents may now enter their homes illegally -- that is, without the necessity of a warrant, consent or exigent circumstances," Rucker said. "I disagree."
Rucker and Dickson suggested if the court had limited its permission for police entry to domestic violence situations they would have supported the ruling.
But Dickson said, "The wholesale abrogation of the historic right of a person to reasonably resist unlawful police entry into his dwelling is unwarranted and unnecessarily broad."
This is the second major Indiana Supreme Court ruling this week involving police entry into a home.
On Tuesday, the court said police serving a warrant may enter a home without knocking if officers decide circumstances justify it. Prior to that ruling, police serving a warrant would have to obtain a judge's permission to enter without knocking.


Living dead girl
And so this is the way each state shall sacrifice anything resembling rights. So much for, well, anything.

Un-fucking-believable, yet, rather in line with other major decisions higher up (I can't ever get New London vs Kelo out of my head, EVER).


And so this is the way each state shall sacrifice anything resembling rights. So much for, well, anything.

Un-fucking-believable, yet, rather in line with other major decisions higher up (I can't ever get New London vs Kelo out of my head, EVER).

This is what I find frightening:

"We believe ... a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence," David said.

"We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest."

David said a person arrested following an unlawful entry by police still can be released on bail and has plenty of opportunities to protest the illegal entry through the court system.


How about putting the ONUS back on the OFFICER and the COURTS to PROVE you have probable cause. YOU go through the court system and GET A WARRANT. You need to BEAR WITNESS with SWORN testimony that what you know is true and factual.

So they can now bust in, tase you, beat you, and arrest you and just let the courts sort it out?


Don't even get me started on the New London 'Robbery'...

We need to start arresting these people on treason charges.


Anyone want to buy a 'gently used' doormat?

Guess this doesn't matter anymore...

IMG 20110514 091929
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

New London vs Kelo

When it comes to constitutional rights and this case specifically, I find it funny how most people will talk shit about the conservative justices " because they've immediately made an association in their minds that business=capitalism=republicans/conservatives and jumped to a false conclusion. That decision was 5-4 with the liberal side winning this truly misguided ruling.


New London vs Kelo

When it comes to constitutional rights and this case specifically, I find it funny how most people will talk shit about the conservative justices " because they've immediately made an association in their minds that business=capitalism=republicans/conservatives and jumped to a false conclusion. That decision was 5-4 with the liberal side winning this truly misguided ruling.

Republicans would have paid the people, Liberals stole it 'for the common good'...


After shooting the intruder and he lay dying on my carpet, I'd call the police and claim I thought it was a burgler with a gun.......


After shooting the intruder and he lay dying on my carpet, I'd call the police and claim I thought it was a burgler.......

No kidding.

So now we have, in essence 'No Knock Warrant-less searches'.

A thousand years of history should tell us this is NOT a good idea.

On the more nefarious side of things, burglars already pose as UPS, movers, gas/electric repair, etc.

Wait for fake cop home invasions...


And I was asking about how important the constitution was in a court room.

Now I wonder how in tha fuck do we get our constitutional rights to be recognized once again as they should be? Shooting the fuck out these "intruders" is more than likely gonna land a whole lot of people on death row or life sentences. You know thats the sentence they hand out for capital murder right?

That shits crazy for real. I want answers, and hell if I can find em. I might just take some courses. Its just gonna take one time for someone to put me on something real, and the game will we over. I refuse to stand by and watch this shit happen all around me and think IM immune. That would be crazy.

RMCG u have any idea what these people can do to protect themselves? I mean is it really gonna take a whole bunch of incidents before anything can actually be done?? That just sounds counter productive to me.

I really am starting to see these people as terrorists too. Im not kidding. At first I just had to worry about stepping out my house and being harassed (tell me they dont harass people around quota time), now Ive got to be worried about it at home. If we arnt scared we should be.


Wow! That is some Bull Sh!t! Haven't cops/authorities abused their power enough? Guess not. So if any random cop feels the need to come in your house, for whatever reason good enough for him, you're supposed to let him? Can he just walk in or break the door down w/o knocking? (and no warrant) I'd get the F out of that state asap! Cops will definitely abuse this 1. Why wouldn't they? They do with everything else.

(That quota statement is on the nose bro! Around here, round quota time, its rough!)


The United States Supreme Court will soon issue a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution. The Supreme Court will consider three petitions filed by William M. Windsor, a retired Atlanta, Georgia grandfather. The decision should be rendered by the end of the year. Unless The Supreme Court acts, federal judges will be free to void the Constitution.

The Questions Presented to The Supreme Court by Grandfather Windsor are:

1. Will The Supreme Court declare that the Constitution and its amendments may be voided by federal judges?
2. Should federal judges be stopped from committing illegal and corrupt acts to obstruct justice and inflict bias on litigants?
3. Will The Supreme Court be afraid to disclose the corruption in the federal courts?

These questions are presented in three separate Petitions for Writ of Mandamus filed with The United States Supreme Court the first week of November 2010 (appeal numbers to-be-assigned).

Windsor has been involved in legal action in the federal courts in Atlanta since 2006. Windsor was named a defendant in a lawsuit (1:06-CV-0714-ODE) in which Christopher Glynn of Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, swore under oath that Windsor did a variety of things including the crimes of theft and bribery. Windsor stated under oath that Christopher Glynn made it all up and lied about absolutely everything that he swore. Windsor then obtained deposition testimony from Glynn and the other managers of the Maid of the Mist boat ride in Niagara Falls, and they admitted, under oath, that charges against Windsor were not true.

Despite this undeniable proof, federal Judge Orinda D. Evans declared that the grandfather of three should not have fought the lawsuit, and she forced him to pay over $400,000 in legal fees. Windsor appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, but federal judges Dubina, Hull, and Fay rubber-stamped Judge Evans’ ruling. Windsor then took his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court where the justices said the appeal was not worthy of their consideration (cert denied).

Windsor believes that the federal courts and nine federal judges violated the Constitution, the Due Process Clause, and the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

Windsor says: “I have discovered that, at least in Atlanta, Georgia, the federal courts operate like a police state in which the judges are all-powerful, committing criminal acts from their benches and violating the Constitutional rights of parties who have the misfortune of appearing in their courts.”

Windsor has now tossed the hot potato right square in the laps of the justices of the Supreme Court. By filing mandamus petitions rather than an appeal, The Supreme Court is forced to deal with Windsor’s allegations of corruption in the federal courts.

Grandfather Windsor hopes for the best but fears for the worst: “I hope The Supreme Court is decent, honest, and cares about the Constitution and the citizens of the United States. However, I am sorry to say that at this point, I suspect the corruption goes all the way to the top. My charges have been totally ignored by the United States Attorney’s Office, the FBI, and Congress. I have said to The Supreme Court that the issues can all be boiled down to one question: Is The United States Supreme Court prepared to stop the federal judges in Atlanta, Georgia from functioning like common criminals?”

Windsor says: “If The Supreme Court fails to act against these federal judges, the citizens of the United States need to know that there is not a shred of decency, honesty, or Constitutional rights in our federal courts. Corruption has consumed the federal court system, and we now live in a police state. Judges are free to do absolutely anything they want. Our laws are meaningless. Your life savings can be stolen by a federal judge, and they have no risk in violating every law in the books.”

The Supreme Court may render its decision before the end of the year. It’s one retired grandpa against the United States government.


Has William M. Windsor Been Targeted for Assassination by the Obama Machine?
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from William M. Windsor‘s Lawless America

William M. Windsor is a constitutional activist seeking to expose judicial corruption within the state of Georgia and elsewhere

(May 12, 2011) — William M. Windsor was informed today by a reliable source that he may be targeted for assassination by the U.S. Government. Windsor is an activist seeking to stop government and judicial corruption.

Stay tuned for details.

4:18 pm: Armed men are coming to my door….Cobb County Police dispatched…FBI getting involved….

William M. Windsor was a guest on a radio talk show on Thursday, May 12, 2011. Following the radio show, Windsor was contacted by a known, reliable source who informed him that the U.S. government may be targeting Windsor for assassination.

The report comes from a prisoner through his wife. Windsor has been told that the prisoner was approaced by government officials from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security offering the man a deal. That deal was for him to inflitrate efforts of people, including specifically by name – William M. Windsor. Assasination of Windsor and at least one other named individual was mentioned.

Ladies and gentlemen, I know this sounds like something out of a movie…but I absolutely trust the source. The source spoke with the wife of the government prisoner.

The two people named have asked if the prisoner will execute (scratch that word, let’s make it sign) — will he sign an affidavit telling what he was told.

I don’t own a gun. I won’t buy one.

I will update this story as I get more news.


Editor’s Note: On May 7, 2011, The Post & Email published Mr. Windsor’s report on his attempt to file a criminal complaint with his local grand jury. We ask that you pray for his safety and that of his family.


Living dead girl
New London vs Kelo

When it comes to constitutional rights and this case specifically, I find it funny how most people will talk shit about the conservative justices " because they've immediately made an association in their minds that business=capitalism=republicans/conservatives and jumped to a false conclusion. That decision was 5-4 with the liberal side winning this truly misguided ruling.
What does it matter which "side" made the ruling, really, in the grand scheme of things? Your post only serves to prove what I've been saying for decades--Republicrat, Demoplican--they're simply one leg of the same fucking beast. That beast is entirely still beholden to the same interests, operates in the same manner because it pretty much has only one head.

What's much more salient here, instead of searching for ways to divide people who are in agreement on this issue, is that we truly are becoming a police state. What's next? Our very own Ghadaffi? Seriously. That court just told the people of Indiana that their recourse is in the courts, up against an officer of the court. Unless they're able to provide video evidence to support them if/when they take their day in court, they are straight up fucked.

What happens if there's a cop with a vendetta? In fact, I have so many questions in my head I can't type them out fast enough.

The Magna Carta, if anyone's read it, is the best document ever written by humans, IMO. Going on close to 1,000 years its basic tenets are still completely applicable. That and everything else that's been based on its foundation has been torn asunder, trampled, spat upon, laid waste to.

Welcome to the United States of Amnesia.

I think tonight would be a great night to watch Harrison Bergeron. Dave likes Brazil, but I didn't really like that flick, TOO depressing.


What does it matter which "side" made the ruling, really, in the grand scheme of things? Your post only serves to prove what I've been saying for decades--Republicrat, Demoplican--they're simply one leg of the same fucking beast. That beast is entirely still beholden to the same interests, operates in the same manner because it pretty much has only one head.

"When the government boot is on your neck, it matters not whether it is the right boot or the left"


And I was asking about how important the constitution was in a court room.

Now I wonder how in tha fuck do we get our constitutional rights to be recognized once again as they should be? Shooting the fuck out these "intruders" is more than likely gonna land a whole lot of people on death row or life sentences. You know thats the sentence they hand out for capital murder right?

That shits crazy for real. I want answers, and hell if I can find em. I might just take some courses. Its just gonna take one time for someone to put me on something real, and the game will we over. I refuse to stand by and watch this shit happen all around me and think IM immune. That would be crazy.

RMCG u have any idea what these people can do to protect themselves? I mean is it really gonna take a whole bunch of incidents before anything can actually be done?? That just sounds counter productive to me.

I really am starting to see these people as terrorists too. Im not kidding. At first I just had to worry about stepping out my house and being harassed (tell me they dont harass people around quota time), now Ive got to be worried about it at home. If we arnt scared we should be.

Honestly, I don't have any clue as to how people can protect themselves from the potential abuse for power. Don't answer the door is a good one... Make them kick it in.

Although, it ~really~ isn't any different than some of the crap LEO has pulled in the past, now they have a greenlight. Knock and Talk, - I smell 'strong odor' of marijuana. Probably cause to enter/search. Or "We received a 911 call received from the residence", probable cause to enter/search.

Unfortunately, it will take several instances of 'bad' things happening before it can be challenged as 'unconstitutional' and being overturned in court, IF it can even be appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court again.

Luckily in CO, we have the 'Make My Day' law. If you enter someone's home, you CAN and WILL be shot. How that would play out against LEO (in a NON-warrant instance) would be very tricky. There have been a few instances where homeowners have shot a drunk guy (mistakenly entering the wrong house) and it has been upheld. If you have no RIGHT to be in that domicile, you are considered a threat. Again, cops busting down your door, without cause or a warrant, not sure if how that would play out. If I hear my door come crashing down at 3am, I will shoot first and ask questions later, taking my chances in the court system AFTER THE FACT.

Just wait until states start removing 'trial by jury' and go the way of 'tribunals'... Please remember that when you get called for jury duty and don't want to go...


I found this here:

The United States Supreme Court
is Not the Highest Court
in the United States of America

Balance of Power Creates a Higher Authority

We all learned in school that the United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation. And for all practical purposes it is. In 200 years the process to override the United States Supreme Court has never been invoked. And I'm sure that the United States Supreme Court wants the public to continue to believe that it is the ultimate authority. However, it just isn't so. And it's important for the citizens of the United States to know that there is a higher process. America is heading into a constitutional crisis and the solution to this crisis is in the checks and balance systems set up by the founding fathers.

People before Lawyers
United States of America vs. King of England

On September 7th 1787, as a result of winning the Revolutionary War, we the free people of the United States were faced with the task of creating our own government. We were blessed with leaders who were absolutely brilliant who drafted our constitution. America was an infant nation and we were determined to be the first nation dedicated to the proposition that all power and authority comes from that people, and that the government is created only to serve the people.

This concept was very different than that of England, which was, and technically still is, a monarchy. When America broke away from the monarchy and decided to go to a new bold direction where free people rule, it became necessary to create a constitution which was monarchy proof.

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It is well established that the Constitution was written in a way to be monarchy hostile. For example, it forbids all titles of nobility. Titles of nobility leads to a class system where all people are not considered equal. Although true equality is impossible, America is dedicated, in theory, to create a government where people are as equal as you can get under the circumstances. The Constitution is dedicated to the goal of equality.

Three Branches of Government

To further discourage a monarchy from forming, the founding fathers created three branches of government. These three branches share power and oversee one another. Each has a different function and a different relationship to each other. The founding fathers contemplated and arrangment whereby each branch would keep watch on the other branches to make sure they complied with the constitution and didn't try to usurp power and become a monarchy.

* The Executive Branch is run by the President and he controls the day to day operations of government. Most all federal government agencies are part of the executive branch. The executive branch is the branch that actually spends the money. The distribute welfare and social security, fix the roads, run the IRS, inspect meat, approve drugs, fund research, run NASA, create rules and regulations, and all the other things that make government (not) work.

* The Legislative Branch is the Congress, made up of the of the House and the Senate. The House is made up of representatives from states proportional to the population of the states. The Senate has two representatives from each state. Together, they pass the laws that the executive branch has to enforce and the judiciary has to uphold.

* The Judicial Branch is the court system. They are there to provide the citizens with justice. They have the power to try and convict criminals, including members of congress. They interpret laws and how they apply to new situations and determine the constitutionality of laws. They have authority over matters of law and equity. They can overturn a law if it is ruled to be in conflict with the Constitution.

Checks and Balances

The founding fathers created three branches of governemt, and they divided the power up in such a way as to create a check and balance system so that no branch of government could take over the country. Knowing that people are greedy and power hungry by nature, it was necessary to set up a structure to prevent groups from usurping power. This is all in an effort to preclude the possibility of any one branch of government, religous group, or any individual, from usurping the power of the King. America was not only contemplated to be king-less, but also to be king-proof.

The reason we have a checks and balance system is to preclude the possibility of a monarchy. The Constitution of the United States mandates that checks and balances must exist and the possibility of a monarchy must not exist.
We have systems in place to create a checks and balance system. The President, for example, can be impeached for high crimes and treason. However, it is not the judicial system who puts the President on trial. The President is put on trial in the United States Senate and not the Supreme Court. You might think this to be somewhat odd because, after all, the United States Supreme Court is the highest court, isn't it? The short answer is, no it's not.

Checks and Balances is mandated by the Constitution. Failure to implement Checks and Balances is Treason to the Constitution.
Although the Senate is a legislative body, it also has the power to perform judicial functions. Although rarely if ever used, the Senate can conduct a trial in very specialized circumstances such as impeaching a president or a Supreme Court justice. No matter how rarely used this power is, it's the fact that this power is there that's important. It's the fact that the power is there that perhaps is the reason it's rarely used. It's like having a gun. You don't have to shoot someone to use a gun to stop a crime. In most cases all you have to do is show the gun and it's presence is as effective, if not more so, than actually shooting it.

Hole in the Checks and Balances System

The checks and balances system works well for two out of the three branches of government. Members of Congress are often tried for crimes they committed. In the early 70s the checks an balance system worked to run Nixon out of office. Although in Nixon's case it barely worked. Nixon created the last constitutional crisis because he tried to save his hide by undermining the checks and balance system through the abuse of executive power. Nixon usurped the power of the King attempting to save his own hide. Usurping the power of the King is to Treason to the Constitution. Nixon was not only forced to resign, but his Treason to the Constitution caused new laws and proceedures to be passed to preclued the possibility of another President to try to usurp the power of the monarchy as Nixon tried to do.

The Congress doesn't seem to have yet tried to usurp power it didn't have. Generally, larger groups are not as likely to try to be King as smaller groups or individuals. Lately the Congress has had the opposite problem. Instead of usurping power it doesn't have, it's failing to perform the duties it's responsible for, which is also treason to the Constitution.

Our present system of checks and balances only cover 2 out of 3 branches of government. The Judical branch seems to be left out.
However, although the Judicial branch oversees other branches of government, no one oversees them. The judiciary has taken the position that they are self regulating and can police themselves. And anyone who has ever filed a Bar Complaint knows how well that works. In deciding to police themselves, the Supreme Court of the United States has bypassed the checks and balance system.

Treason to the Constitution

The Judicial branch of government is charged with the duties of maintaining justice. The court system is supposed to work for the people. That is how the Constitution defines the role of the justice system. The Constititution defines things the courts can not do as well as things it must do. The language of Chief Justice Marshall in Cohens v. Virginia, 6 Wheat, 264, 404, is most apposite.

In that case he said: "It is most true that this court will not take jurisdiction if it should not; but it is equally true that it must take jurisdiction if it should. The judiciary cannot, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the Constitution. We cannot pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, we must decide it, if it be brought before us. We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution. Questions may occur which we would gladly avoid, but we cannot avoid them. All we can do is to exercise our best judgement, and conscientiously perform our duty."

The court systems in this country have deteriorated to the point of total corruption. The United States justice system is the worlds biggest organized crime syndacate. The court system has become a self serving institution which uses their power to oppress the public to make lawyers rich. The word "Justice" in "Justice System" is no more than a marketing slogan. They don't police themselves, they are above the law. Their mission has nothing to do with justice and is a lot more like ruling as Kings. What the court systems are doing is Treason to the Constitution.

Plugging the hole in the Checks and Balances System

What happens if the United States Supreme Court were to commit treason to the Constitution? What if the United States Supreme Court ruled that murder was legal? Who keeps the Supreme Court in line? Although it's never been used, I contend that the United States Senate has the power to act as an appellate court to the Supreme Court, but only in cases where the Supreme Court has made a decision, or failed to act when they had a duty to act, in a manner that would be Treason to the Constitution.

In a case of treason, the Senate would become the check and balance to the Supreme Court. This would fill the structure of supervision that is required by the Constitution and prevent the Supreme Court from usurping the power of the monarchy. The Senate has a duty to make sure the Supreme Court does not usurp power, and the Supreme Court has a duty to submit to the authority of the Senate.

The rights of the Citizens must always come before the Profits of Lawyers.
Even if there is no event that triggers a Constitutional showdown between the Senate and the Supreme Court, the Constitution requires, in order to actively defend against a monarchy, to have in place a proceedure for which the decisions, or non-decisions, of the Supreme Court can be overridden in the event of treason. This proceedure becomes the "gun" that the Senate can display to the Supreme Court to remind them never to cross the limitations imposed by the Constitution. The citizens of this country must know, and the Supreme Court must know, that the proceedures are there and in place in case the day comes that they need to be used. Just having the procedures in place may prevent the need that they ever be used.

Why is this Important?

Knowledge is power. The more people know the truth that there is a higher court than the Supreme Court the more we, the free people of the United States, can control our government. We as citizens must never forget that this is our country and that it is a government of the people. These courts are our courts. They belong to us. Judges are here only to serve, not to rule. It is important that we put the judicial system in it's place.

Self regulation by the courts is Treason to the Constitution because it undermines the checks and balances mandated by the Constitution.
The government and the court systems don't want you to know this. The courts are usurping the powers of the King. These judges want to rule with absolute power and immunity. I for one am not going to allow that to happen. Like all citizens, judges and lawyers have to have a reasonable amount of accountability for their actions. Self regulation of the courts over themselves does not constitute reasonable accountability. Only by using the authority of the Constitution and the powers of the Senate can we citizens take back the courts.

What you can do

Never let them tell you that it's hopeless and there's nothing you can do. The internet is the most powerful weapon on the planet for citizens to defend themselves from government. Use the internet to spread the word and to organize for the purpose of protecting the Constitution against those who would reinstate the monarchy.

What these judges really hate is if you challenge the core ideas that give them absolute power. The most important concept for us to attack is this notion that the courts are self regulating and that no other branch of government has any control of oversight responsibilities over the courts. This concept of self-regulation is a lie and a power grab by the judiciary to usurp the power of the King. We, the free people of the United States are entitled to external supervision of the judicial system. We must insist that the legislators impose regulation on the court system to ensure the ethics and integrity of the judiciary.

In order to counter them we citizens must demand from our legislators that they impose external ethics supervision over the court system. We must attack the concept of self regulation. Yes, we do need an independant judiciary in order to make those tough decisions. But we need to have a judicial system that adhears to the highest standards of ethics and justice.

What you need to do is spread the word that the Congress as oversite powers to control the courts and provide for legal ethics reform. Not only do they have the power, but they have a duty to the Constitution to protect the public from crooked lawyers and judges.

If we don't stand up to the bastards and stop judicial corruption, we'll become slaves to the judicial monarchy.
Besides the Congress, the executive branch has the power through the justice department to enforce the laws through criminal prosecution. We must lean on the President to get him to take a stand against judicial corruption.

* If you feel strongly, as I do, that we need to take action, put a People before Lawyers banner on your web page and link it back here. With enough pressure, this country will remain a free nation.

* Join both political parties. Don't let them confuse you over the Republicans vs. Democrats war. Go to fundraisers, shake their hands, tell them what you want. Remember, elected officials have a vote. So when you're talking to an office holder, you're talking to the person who can make a difference.

Points to Remember

1. The United States Senate has appellate jurisdiction over the United States Supreme Court.

2. The Constitution mandates a checks and balance system to preclude the possibility of a monarchy.

3. Self regulation by the court system is treason to the Constitution.

4. The judicial system's only purpose is to serve the people.

Spread the word. Knowledge is power!


The entire system is corrupt. They is zero chance for reform. The head of the beast must be severed. The majority of americKans remain silent.

Nazi Germany II is in full swing and right on schedule.
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