Injured Plants

  • Thread starter Notchie
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Hello, Im growing 4 plants of the same auto strain, all from seed. But im having some problems with them, as you see in the photos theres some white stuff on some of the leaves and i think it spread from one plant to the one beside it. And the final problem is with one of the smaller plants, the leaves are twisting.

Could someone please help me identify whats wrong with them? I havent fed them alot of nutrients.


Dabbling in Oil
Thanks i didnt see the upload button.
Have you scoped the leaves and roots for mites?
Is the dirt old?
Do you let your fertilizer water sit for days and use it?
Do you water with runoff until 20% of the total water used runs out the bottom of the pot?
What nutes do you use and how much/often?


Dabbling in Oil
If you are already fertilizing the small twisted one, that's why it's sad. You should wait until a plants first set of round leaves(cotyledons) start to turn yellow and die. When they do this the plant will start to turn a lighter green color signaling that it's time to add fertilizer.


Have you scoped the leaves and roots for mites?
Is the dirt old?
Do you let your fertilizer water sit for days and use it?
Do you water with runoff until 20% of the total water used runs out the bottom of the pot?
What nutes do you use and how much/often?

Yes i checked for mites but i couldnt see any on the leaves, i havent checked roots.
The dirt is pretty fresh, bought from a growshop for about 3 weeks ago. Yes the drainage seems alright, 20% runoff yes. I used 0,5ml of organic grow BAC once but only on the two older plants.


If you are already fertilizing the small twisted one, that's why it's sad. You should wait until a plants first set of round leaves(cotyledons) start to turn yellow and die. When they do this the plant will start to turn a lighter green color signaling that it's time to add fertilizer.
I havent added anything to the twisted one except for water and light. But the bigger plants, thier first set of round leaves have turned yellow, does this mean i need to add fertilizer? Also, how and why. Its my first grow just fyi.


Do you spray them? What kind of light and how close? Do you have fan in room? Anything flying like gnats ? Look close at everything. No bugs on the soil ,leaves or anywhere in room? That small they are fragile. Little things will cause big changes. Do you have ph testing supplies? Shouldn't need it if you haven't fertilized but you never know. Soil out of a bag should be ok. If it killed plants it wouldn't be sold. Idk. A lot of random info like this could help people help you


I had young plants almost dead n actually had about 10 die before I noticed a little gnat in the room. I ignored it but those bastards are deadly and sneaky. Someone here taught me about them. They destroy root system which will look like burn heat deficiencies any number of things. Take time and inspect room i while. Closely. Keep room clean too. No sitting water.


My mistake was jumping into the game half prepared. I'll never just buy soil throw it in a pot n put lights over it again. I lost over $100 in seeds plus the stress of watching it happen n not knowing what to do at all. I was real hesitant to go online for help. You came to a good spot though. Lot of people here know their shit. I'm semi new too.


What's in your pots. Looks like soil with pebbles and you have tubing next to it. I'm a soil person so far. If it's something else I know nothing about it. Planning to try a hydro eventually though.


Do you spray them? What kind of light and how close? Do you have fan in room? Anything flying like gnats ? Look close at everything. No bugs on the soil ,leaves or anywhere in room? That small they are fragile. Little things will cause big changes. Do you have ph testing supplies? Shouldn't need it if you haven't fertilized but you never know. Soil out of a bag should be ok. If it killed plants it wouldn't be sold. Idk. A lot of random info like this could help people help you

I havent sprayed them no, i have AC and leave the tent open for venting, i have Main hps and some leds, about 30-40cm above the plants. I havent noticed any bugs, the occasional fly has flew in and out of the tent. The only thing i see is abit dust in the air.


What's in your pots. Looks like soil with pebbles and you have tubing next to it. I'm a soil person so far. If it's something else I know nothing about it. Planning to try a hydro eventually though.
Ive got soil, pebbles and perlite in the pots. No tubing tho i water by hand.


What size hps? Is that at 30cm? And how many leds? All above plants? Depending on how big that hps is that may be all you need for 4 plants. Hps is usually used during flowering though and halides for veg. Dust is in air is there a way you can stop that ? or maybe get cheap screen for tent opening? That will allow your airflow yet limit contaminants in air. And bugs. These flies ,random or not, do they look like gnats (small)?

Sucks they are autos cause they look like you can definitely fix the issue n they will live. They aren't real bad. Just your on a time clock.

And you need a fan in the room no matter what temp is. The fan moves(wiggles) the plants. Imitating breeze outside. That is important in building stalks that will hold the plants up. And helps heat n deter bugs. But I wouldn't blow hard on plant either cause you can windburn them.
And I assume you are running 24 hr light?


IMG 0389
This is how bad my 3 were. After like 9 dying all together. I really think you are overkilling the light. T5 fluorescent is cheap easy veg setup n produces almost no heat and low power draw too. I put the led in this pic away n went t5


Reason I'm asking so much is my plants looked good. Then started looking like yours then went downhill from there. I had like 9 die before I actually noticed the gnats. They are small n hang out on the dirt not really in the air. They mainly flew only when I disturbed them.


I had young plants almost dead n actually had about 10 die before I noticed a little gnat in the room. I ignored it but those bastards are deadly and sneaky. Someone here taught me about them. They destroy root system which will look like burn heat deficiencies any number of things. Take time and inspect room i while. Closely. Keep room clean too. No sitting water.
you are really overstating gnats and tons of gardens have gnats. they're certainly not what killed your plants and only start to kill plants in insane numbers. I'm talking seeing them in physical clumps. they generally only eat dead roots and only get out of control with chronic overwatering or leaving stagnant water around in the room. the biggest common problem with gnats is that the adults fly into buds, get stuck, and die. fungus gnats are comparable to fruit flies and are nowhere near anything like mites, aphids, thrips, etc. they die easily to common pest drenches and simply letting your pots dry way out. you would be hard pressed to find any large gardens that don't have them to some degree or have them at different times regularly. they are so common and not what you're making them out to be. just trying to stop a new person from freaking out from finding a gnat. also, you will have them again at some point. i maintain a lot of rooms but am daily in and out of 6 that house 25 flowering or vegging and i have to do something about gnats annually. im actually testing different things on them now. my go to has been a spinosad drench but I'm testing a lot lighter of things this time around. if you're in soil letting the top inch or so dry thoroughly is very effective at reducing their numbers and eliminating them over time. my tests are focused around coco because keeping it wetter means they thrive more easily. anyways, nothing personal but gnats are mad common and rarely ever even affect plants noticeably, let alone put a harvest at risk. they do however end up in bud if you don't have a plan for them ahead of time in a decent size grow. if you're a very honest provider, the corpses make the buds unsellable. it's also impossible to get whatever is stuck in there out of the resin. if i ever produce bud with some gnats by accident i smoke the buds myself as i don't think they a big deal personally. would never serve them though regardless of my opinion.

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