insectisidal soap

  • Thread starter greenjoe
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^^^^ That. +1.

Yeah, that's good stuff Sirius. I chopped a couple yesterday and was thinking the entire time, "I wonder what happens to all the alive mites that are on them". I think my drying space might be infested worse than my bud room at this point with very hungry mites. Basically have to disinfect my entire space top to bottom but that's useless till I finish the cycle.

The Azamax seems to be doing the trick tho for the time being.

Seriously great tip on the hangin for six hours and then check the stem. Thanks for that. Might have to chop one today just to see that trick in action. Hopefully that will stop the pop corn type poppin action I get when burning the ladies that have been freshly cured. I don't notice a taste, but definitely some funky fireworks going on when ignition takes place.


Well, now that the situation is seemingly under control my biggest question is what is the best borg defense system going forward. My current batch of ladies seem to be delayed at least a week, maybe two on some, from what appears to be mite damage to the leaves. Either that or it's too hot in there for them, but it's not even that hot with temps maxing at 85 and good air exchange. They are moving along at a slugs pace when they should've been ripe by now. Once I can chop em my tentative action plan was going to go like this...

1. Clean space with 10% bleach solution.
2. Dr. Doom fog, once, possibly twice removing those girls in veg space if needed. Do I need to remove personal items stored in the space if I bomb, ie old pics, unused dinnerware, etc? I assume I bomb any space that has been used for fruiting, vegging, cloning, or drying. Probably gonna need more than a few cans of the Dr..
3. Bleach again
4. Obviously Azamax is part of my arsenal going forward, but what other items should I be using to avoid borg tolerance and eventual immunity? I was thinking of getting some Avid as I hear decent tales of success, but I also have heard nausea inducing tales of people using it too late in flower. Potent stuff from what I understand. I was thinking using Azamax every ten days or so going forward and then substituting one, maybe two, other treatments like Avid.

The Safer type soaps seem to be only useful so I will keep some on hand, but probably only using if there is another infestation.

So, thoughts on Avid? Will alternating applications of Azamax and Avid stop borg tolerance? Anything else I am not thinking of?

Thanks for support thus far, you guys have been very helpful. I was at my wits end with these fuckers and fairly discouraged with the situation - you guys have kept me focused big time. Hopefully some others find this information useful when they get da crabs!
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