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Fear Not!
Police Fire Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in Oakland
New York Times

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Well-Known Farmer
Just wait until people find out what`s going to come down after elections in 2012! They are putting off much of the problem until they get themselfs re-elected! From what I gather China is in much worst shape than Greece is and if the richer UE nations keep helping out the poorer ones they will go down with the ship also! So much for being all tied together economicly!


I hope it is, i didnt stock pile all this stuff for nothing.


The bay area is hectic?, oh my god please, what a bunch of panty waists!!!!!
Dude do you remember the Oakland fires?Rodney King riots?89 earthquake? Now that is hectic, not a bunch of protesters getting gassed, not cool, but not a reason to get your panties in a bunch!!! Protests always get that way when too many get involved and push cops in riot gear, duh!!!


The bay area is hectic?, oh my god please, what a bunch of panty waists!!!!!
Dude do you remember the Oakland fires?Rodney King riots?89 earthquake? Now that is hectic, not a bunch of protesters getting gassed, not cool, but not a reason to get your panties in a bunch!!! Protests always get that way when too many get involved and push cops in riot gear, duh!!!

Hey "DUDE", did you see the video?


MENU TITLE: Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms.

Series: NIJ Research in Brief
Published: May 1997
20 pages
41,893 bytes

National Institute of Justice
Research in Brief

Jeremy Travis, Director
May 1997


Figures, charts, forms, and tables are not included
in this ASCII plain-text file. To view this
document in its entirety, download the Adobe
Acrobat graphic file available from this Web site
or order a print copy from NCJRS at 800-851-3420.


Issues and Findings

Discussed in this Brief: Results of a nationally
representative telephone survey (1994) on private
ownership and use of firearms by American adults.
The survey provides the most complete data
available on the private stock of firearms in the
United States.

Key issues: With nearly 200 million guns in private
, firearms have an important impact on the
quality of life in America. What is the size and
composition of the Nation's private gun inventory?
What are the methods of, and reasons for, acquiring
firearms? How are firearms stored? How frequently
are guns used against criminal attackers?

Some official findings from 1994-- those are OLD numbers. Very Old..

Uncle Sam Dont want it .. lol
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

Oakland looks like Athens right now....probably the 2 most hardcore rioting/protesting cities in the world right now!


Well-Known Farmer
I`d rather see a National People`s Army rise up than see a disorderly bunch of people getting slattered by the Corperate States of America.Remember the idea is to purge the krap from the system not completely destroy it! It`s the right of the people to rebel if our Goverment goes astray,least that`s what the founding fathers wrote!


Kolah please!!!!
what the fuck does watching the video do, make your panties tighter?
Im sick of some people over reacting to what should come as no surprise in todays state of affairs, seriously, what the fuck did you think was going to happen in Oakland with a large protest as the 1 that occurred? I dont need to watch any stupid video "DUDE", I was born and raised in the bay, I have seen it b4 and Im sure we shall all see it again, and as unfortunate as the outcome to that "peaceful" rally was to be, it never ceases to amaze me the weirdos who push the panic button thinking the worlds coming to an end!!!OMG get a grip, it was just teargas and idiot protestors and cops, but cops nearly always fall into the idiot side of life, it just gets all caught on cellphones these days!!!
Armageddon is here Armageddon is here!!!!
Kolah you just made my day, thanx!!!!


Hey DUDE, I don't bother responding to trolls and assholes. And in your case you fit em' both. Enjoy your day. :)


LOL "DUDE" go ahead go back to your cave mr probably start all the hysteria rumors too!!!
Much rather be a troll than a wuss, and yes I am an asshole, so fucking what!!!!


LOL "DUDE" go ahead go back to your cave mr probably start all the hysteria rumors too!!!
Much rather be a troll than a wuss, and yes I am an asshole, so fucking what!!!!
the rrock

the rrock

Kolah please!!!!
what the fuck does watching the video do, make your panties tighter?
Im sick of some people over reacting to what should come as no surprise in todays state of affairs, seriously, what the fuck did you think was going to happen in Oakland with a large protest as the 1 that occurred? I dont need to watch any stupid video "DUDE", I was born and raised in the bay, I have seen it b4 and Im sure we shall all see it again, and as unfortunate as the outcome to that "peaceful" rally was to be, it never ceases to amaze me the weirdos who push the panic button thinking the worlds coming to an end!!!OMG get a grip, it was just teargas and idiot protestors and cops, but cops nearly always fall into the idiot side of life, it just gets all caught on cellphones these days!!!
Armageddon is here Armageddon is here!!!!
Kolah you just made my day, thanx!!!!

i agree foothill,i grew up in oaktown,its all hype,slow newsday,protesters there just for the cameras, you wusses get out in the "bad" parts of oakland then you can panic,this is a funny thread


Umm are you people retarded?
We should be on the same side as these protesters. Not to mention this movement is happening in almost every major city across America. Bank of America has seen a 20 fold increase of people leaving since this began. Slow news day I think not. Don't bash other people cuz your uninformed

O btw they put some ex military guy in the hospital with rubber bullets


they are too busy trying to act like oaklands hard to get the news anywhere else but there T.V.

theres more then a few protesters, and yeah this is just the start a lot of people from all over the nation, its no death and mayhem but it doesn't have to be.
100K protesters

to the T.V crew

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