Is It Time To Flip?

  • Thread starter Magellan
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So I have this plant that I found - literally (posted my story about it in the newbie thread). I found it when it was just a few days old back in December (someone must have been cleaning their stash in a parking lot). Based upon when I found it, I would say it's about 3 months old. It's been topped once - 3 weeks ago and is on an 18/6 schedule under a 300w led. (pic below)

So my questions are:

1) Is it time to flip? (I searched and read other threads about this and I didn't find a definite answer)
2) From my reading it seems that most flowering is done with 12/12, correct?
3) Do I just go to 12/12 or is there a process?

Thanks for your responses

Lazy dog toppedjpg


You can flip as soon as it is above ground, you dont want to let it get too tall b4 you do is the important thing. After you flip your plant will more than double in height, if you let it get too tall it will grow into the light and that isnt good.

If it is mor than half way to your light then you could supercrop or top it again b4 you flip.


I would also shave the legs b4 I flipped her.

Think of the stems like a highway.
The big buds need the water at the top.
The more side streets on the way to the big buds, the less traffic that reaches the end of the road.
If you take off all of the bottom larf that is prone to herm and get male flowers and make seedy buds anyway, there is a better highway for the water and nutrients to reach the big top buds.
That make sense?


Just make sure you have 12 hours of total darkness with no light leaks, not even a pinhole.
Letting her get light while she is used to dark or changing the dark schedule can cause her to go herm.


Def remove the larf...and try tying down some branches. spread her out some. and flip her.
Need to start with adding flower nutrients.
On those side branches you can pick a spot about 1/3 way down, between nodes. take the stem between your fingers, add a little pressure and roll it back and forth. you can also move up stem a little and down. you will be able to feel it soften up some, then slowly bend it to the side. being careful not to snap it. but if you do, just tape it and it will heal.
In a few days it will heal some and harden up, but you can do it again if needed.
Normally you would do this when it is smaller, so you will have it trained by flower time.
This will help with height issue.


Nice rescue.
I don't often applaud bag seed grows, (why? when so many good seeds are available) but in this case your plant has shown the type of spunk that makes me welcome it to the realm of the living.
1 Do we know it's a girl?
2 If yes, I'd clone her so that the story continues should she be the real gem we all are hopping for.

This could be the origin story for the next gotta have.


Ok, thanks for all the info. I think I know what larf is, but just to make sure, larf is removing all the large fan leaves and weak branches on the lower 3rd? I know I want to leave some green so she can produce food for the buds, right?

With respect to height I have plenty of room since I am using the bathroom in my travel trailer as my grow room so it's pitch black with the grow light off and the door closed and it's nice and humid. I will ease her into flower by reducing the light by about an hour a day.

Finally, she is female and I have two clones from her (pics below).

Female Lazy Dog

Lazy Dog Clones


You can remove everthing on the lower 1/3 of the plant, fan leaves and all. If there are small side branches on the lower part I like to clone them.

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