is light tapering necessary indoor->outdoor

  • Thread starter Mitchell Ross
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Mitchell Ross

Hey community!
I've recently started some beans inside @~4/24/13 under 18/6 T5s. As I am a new grower this is all a learning process but I would like to get some decent bud at the end of the season when it is all said and done :p. I was curious if I will have to taper the light down to match the outside lighting when bringing them outside in a couple weeks. I've found a lot of mixed information on the subject. Some people say its fine, and just pop em outside, others swear they will go into flowering. Any info on the subject is much appreciated, I apologize if I posted in the incorrect section


Living dead girl
Why not just put them outside right now and be done with it? It's the easiest, simplest, most foolproof method I know.

Tapering down, IME, leads to flowering of sexed plants. Interruption of the dark phase of the photoperiod is what I practice (with clones, no more with seed starts). I did it with seed starts the first time this year and I had what can only be described as an ABYSMAL female:male ratio, just completely abysmal. This was my very first time starting seeds indoors, I've been doing them outside this whole time, nary a problem. Not even SNOW caused a problem (wish to hell I could find that pic of the seedlings under snow).

Either way, they don't start flowering until they've shown sex, and they don't show sex until the nodes begin to alternate.

Mitchell Ross

Thank you for your speedy reply Seamaiden! So you just think put em outside right now? They are about 8 inches tall 4th set of leaves are growing in, have been under these t5 18/6 for like 3 weeks. This wont cause any problems just putting em outside? I know my question are probably ridiculous to pro growers :p Here is a pic of about how big they are. Thanks in advance for any info you can shed upon this


Living dead girl
Oh, yeah, no problem putting them outside now unless you're at elevation or very far north (or south, whichever the case may be). But, at this stage there will be no issues with early flowering because they haven't shown sex yet.

Mitchell Ross

Thanks again you're a life saver, out of all the material I read none of it said " don't worry about it unless the plants have shown sex" you are epic :p. I live near Sacramento in Northern Cali, if I remember correct from scrolling through previous posts you also live close to this area? No elevation issues here right?


Living dead girl
Yes, I'm in the foothills outside Sact'o. Your elevation issues have to do with flooding, or if a levy breaks. Always keep a pair of highwaters on hand, just in case. ;)
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Mitchell, Sea has given you some phenomenal advice. The only thing I may add is that when moving plants from inside to outside I personally like to keep them out of direct sun light for the first few days. This is because the light of the sun is significantly more powerful than any indoor light we may provide our plants. Putting them in partial light when moving outside keeps the stress levels of the plants to a minimum.

Mitchell Ross

haha, thank man. More question to come I'm sure, you take care. Appreciate your time.
@smoking gun, thank you also for dropping in, I've heard of this before and plan on putting them under a tree outside, not total shade but the sun should move around the plant as the day progresses through the leaves (:


Living dead girl
haha, thank man. More question to come I'm sure, you take care. Appreciate your time.
@smoking gun, thank you also for dropping in, I've heard of this before and plan on putting them under a tree outside, not total shade but the sun should move around the plant as the day progresses through the leaves :)
Ooooohhh... that's actually a big one and SG got your butt covered where I left it exposed. Thank you, Smoking gun, for catching that! I use a tree, or I have also used shadecloth or even landscaping cloth held up over the plants by bamboo poles.


Fear Not!
and just keep them partially shaded for what about a week right?, maybe two?
Welcome to the Farm Mitchell! :)
That plant looks great...I think a few days is enough..
Get her out there! Keep us posted :)
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

and just keep them partially shaded for what about a week right?, maybe two?

In about 7-10 days they should be ready for full light. After day 4 or so I inch them further into the light so by day 10 they are in full light. But keep a close eye on your plants, they will let you know what they are liking and disliking.

Mitchell Ross

Thanks caregiver, (:
@ Smoking gun, I'm going to try it the way you recommend. I'll let ya guys know


Harding the plants off is a must when moving from inside to outside, you will see the difference. I start all kinds of new strains in Jan and move them outside at the end of May. I put then under the trees for 3 to 4 days and than start to move them back into the sun over the next 6 days. This prevents shock. All good advice ^^^^^^


Yes, all very good advice!!!
I wish I would have got a pic of two girls that were vegged inside and put out in the 'weather' carelessly(by me!) a few weeks ago. The weather was kind of cloudy and I figured it'd be okay seeings there wasn't much sunlight. Haha, that's even worse than direct sunlight??--->or so it was for these, filtered sun and all......They looked fine throughout the day, the next day most ALL of the fresh green leafs were WHITE, bleached... The next day they were translucent. They are pulling through now, slowly, finally fresh green leafs again, though I think one of them may stunt....we shall see.

Best of luck + Karma!


You put them out with no protection at all...?
Haha, yeah Seamaiden.....I know.:eek: They were headed to the compost as it was but they are actually coming back pretty good; well the HSO BlueDream is anyway. The other is Samsara's HolyGrail69 that was growing all spazzy and, well, it still looks spazzy.... "Spazzy" :confused: If I am going to leave them out there(may just take a slip of the BD) I will need to up pot them for sure. It's raining out right now and only like 53F today, so they're 'roughing it.' I also have a 'few' on my covered deck that actually are looking great, although I dont mess with black out and all like the guys out here in hoop houses. I am NOT an outdoor grower by any means.....

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