Is my first day!

  • Thread starter Diegonorris
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Hey there folks!

I started my journey to a successful indoor mini farm a couple of weeks ago, I'll start growing in the upcoming weeks (or months), no prior experience, but I've watched a couple youtube videos so far, and gotten a general idea of the process. I will try growing autoflowers, but still have doubts about:
  • Which substrate, soil, fertilizers, and similars shall I use?
  • In terms of amounts, how shall I mix the soil and others?
  • When shall I start feeding my plants with water and substrate and similars?
  • What are the proper amounts per liter?
I'll appreciate any hints, comments, links, resources or advices.

Thanks, peace!


Soil is "old tech" - learn Hydro! start out simple with a 60/40 mix Coco/Perlite. Most Modern Nutrient Lines will work, make sure its for Hydro/Coco.
FloraNova is a good simple to use Product for New Gardeners - If you go that route you can DM me if you have questions...
Its fact that all things grow faster, healthier with higher Brix in Hydro, also less pest pressure, in the near future all food crops (with the exception of only a few) will be grown Hydroponically. Id estimate Commercially, 80% of Cannabis is grown in Hydro. I was in soil for about 18yrs before hydro came on the scene, after I started in Coco I never looked back, not even once! There is a mild learning curve. (so read!) (read it twice!)

No Shade thrown at my friendly Soil Farmers! (but please stop bringing dirt into your house on purpose!) Right On!


Soil is "old tech"
No shade taken my friend : ) Was chatting about this with my local grow store owner a while back, Im not sure I would call it old tech yet (thats just me) grow store owner thinks its going to take over here in the near future (sounds like you guys are on the same page)🤷🏼‍♂️ im indifferent to the whole thing : ) I’ve been considering starting an indoor veggie hydro thing just to see what’s up with it( I have a dream of making an awesome perpetual kitchen garden). I think for me its just the ignorance of all the working pieces and everything having to be dialed, its a little intimidating, I can hardly keep shit straight in my little shed in soil😂 did you just convince me without me even knowing it too hydro!?😂


Hey there folks!

I started my journey to a successful indoor mini farm a couple of weeks ago, I'll start growing in the upcoming weeks (or months), no prior experience, but I've watched a couple youtube videos so far, and gotten a general idea of the process. I will try growing autoflowers, but still have doubts about:
  • Which substrate, soil, fertilizers, and similars shall I use?
  • In terms of amounts, how shall I mix the soil and others?
  • When shall I start feeding my plants with water and substrate and similars?
  • What are the proper amounts per liter?
I'll appreciate any hints, comments, links, resources or advices.

Thanks, peace!
Welcome to the farm! If you start a grow journal/diary you can get some followers and they can help tremendously! As chopper stated hes open for questions : ) ✌️


Soil is "old tech" - learn Hydro! start out simple with a 60/40 mix Coco/Perlite. Most Modern Nutrient Lines will work, make sure its for Hydro/Coco.
FloraNova is a good simple to use Product for New Gardeners - If you go that route you can DM me if you have questions...
Its fact that all things grow faster, healthier with higher Brix in Hydro, also less pest pressure, in the near future all food crops (with the exception of only a few) will be grown Hydroponically. Id estimate Commercially, 80% of Cannabis is grown in Hydro. I was in soil for about 18yrs before hydro came on the scene, after I started in Coco I never looked back, not even once! There is a mild learning curve. (so read!) (read it twice!)

No Shade thrown at my friendly Soil Farmers! (but please stop bringing dirt into your house on purpose!) Right On!
Each has their purpose.

For someone like me who’d love to go back to hydro, I just can’t. My power is too unreliable here to run a constant hydro setup reliably without expensive equipment and generators. Prior when I was living in the states, I ran a DWC and NFT setup and really loved the results, but never preferred the taste over soil, but the fast growth and weight couldn’t be compared. Again there’s a method to every madness but you shouldn’t tell people not to bring soil indoors when it’s been done countless times successfully 😉
Soil is amazing 🥲 took me a couple of grows to dial things in, but I really do prefer the taste in the smoke in soil versus hydro, in my opinion of course!


Hey there folks!

I started my journey to a successful indoor mini farm a couple of weeks ago, I'll start growing in the upcoming weeks (or months), no prior experience, but I've watched a couple youtube videos so far, and gotten a general idea of the process. I will try growing autoflowers, but still have doubts about:
  • Which substrate, soil, fertilizers, and similars shall I use?
  • In terms of amounts, how shall I mix the soil and others?
  • When shall I start feeding my plants with water and substrate and similars?
  • What are the proper amounts per liter?
I'll appreciate any hints, comments, links, resources or advices.

Thanks, peace!

Start your journey in soil, there are plenty of quality commercial soils that need minimal amendments to start with. Then you need decide organic or synthetic for nutes, each has plusses and minuses, use manufacturers instructions for dosing. Once you've mastered the basics you can try coco/hydro if you wish. Soil is much more forgiving than hydro, and cheaper to start-up. Also, depends on you grow space, indoors or outdoors? Water quality is also a consideration, I can't grow hydro/coco, because my water is so high in PPM's/EC (1400 PPM's out the tap!), also if your running indoors with coco/hydro do you have a drain system to handle the waste/overflow?
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