is the michigan scene taking off yet??

  • Thread starter danko
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Yea I think.... Im pretty.... sure.... I smoked some of your chem dude and it is fire. WAY FIRE. The L is so friggon small dude. lmao!

I'm in L. Have you two had my Hindu Kush? I just finished some Kevorkian that was semi ok. Sorta so-so, not what it was hyped to be.

well meetings are great for seeds and clones word of mouth is the best come and chill sometime Gone Wired we are havin a growers round table for patients, caregivers, and the public today at noon to 2 so come and join and support the bill we all pasted:cool0041:

Cool, man i've been dreaming about Chem'91 my whole life. I'd lvoe to aquire that clone.. i'm an LEMCC member as well, i know exactly of the round table your talking about. I will stop in some saturday, PM me if your gonna be there this weekend.

Not everything is settled and quiet in Michigan: legislative efforts are afoot to stop small-time growers:

First off, those bills are not going to pass. Second of all, I thought I'd warn people about the 3MA. The leaders are running it as a non profit but are basically stealing the money for themselves. They only care about themselves, and will take any opportunity to fuck up the current laws in Michigan to better themselves (i.e.: They have lobbiests..). I don't like them, and wouldn't give them a dime.


Premium Member
I'm in L. Have you two had my Hindu Kush? I just finished some Kevorkian that was semi ok. Sorta so-so, not what it was hyped to be.

Cool, man i've been dreaming about Chem'91 my whole life. I'd lvoe to aquire that clone.. i'm an LEMCC member as well, i know exactly of the round table your talking about. I will stop in some saturday, PM me if your gonna be there this weekend.

First off, those bills are not going to pass. Second of all, I thought I'd warn people about the 3MA. The leaders are running it as a non profit but are basically stealing the money for themselves. They only care about themselves, and will take any opportunity to fuck up the current laws in Michigan to better themselves (i.e.: They have lobbiests..). I don't like them, and wouldn't give them a dime.

Yes I will be there this weekend and really hope to see you there too. Have not tried the Hindu but would luv to, and if u got the kevorkians please let me know been on a search for may have grown my HDK thats floating around everywhere lots of people jus calling it vorks... and can tell u its very tired.. was tired when I stopped growing it 4 years ago! so thats why u prob think its not that strong. Kevorkian was 1 on the strongest erb I ever smoked top5 for sure 1 of MI BEST wish I could get my mittens on that mitten legend!:rasta:


Yes I will be there this weekend and really hope to see you there too. Have not tried the Hindu but would luv to, and if u got the kevorkians please let me know been on a search for may have grown my HDK thats floating around everywhere lots of people jus calling it vorks... and can tell u its very tired.. was tired when I stopped growing it 4 years ago! so thats why u prob think its not that strong. Kevorkian was 1 on the strongest erb I ever smoked top5 for sure 1 of MI BEST wish I could get my mittens on that mitten legend!:rasta:

I dont think the kevork that was floating around was the real deal. it was strong, but i expected more. Is sour diesel stronger? maybe thats just me.

The HDK i got was passed to me by a guitar playing fellow in town. It seems to be the real deal, landrace and all. Smell is hard to nail down, lots sweet charas and a hint of lavender, along with a hint of skunk, pine and sandalwood. Grows slow in veg, bolts up when flipped, and then just gets so heavy it cant stand up, comes down in 55 or less, little to no veg needed for SOG. I'm about 1 week away from the cutdown :)

Shot below is from day 35. Tomorrow is 50. :banana:
Budshot3 Day34


Premium Member
I dont think the kevork that was floating around was the real deal. it was strong, but i expected more. Is sour diesel stronger? maybe thats just me.

The HDK i got was passed to me by a guitar playing fellow in town. It seems to be the real deal, landrace and all. Smell is hard to nail down, lots sweet charas and a hint of lavender, along with a hint of skunk, pine and sandalwood. Grows slow in veg, bolts up when flipped, and then just gets so heavy it cant stand up, comes down in 55 or less, little to no veg needed for SOG. I'm about 1 week away from the cutdown :)

Shot below is from day 35. Tomorrow is 50. :banana:

WOW havent seen her in a few years thats her. Me and a buddy made that cross we used Heavydutyfruty and the Kevorkian busted a buntch of seeds and thats what came out as the best one and I keep her for awile before passing her out to a few cats that jus raped her to the masses witch is kool cuz I get to see again every now and then. Thanks for the pic...o forgot I use to let her go 8 to 9 weeks real knock out stone then put u right to bed!:rasta:


As far as the growers roundtable, I only know RD. Does he frequent it?
Moe Danks

Moe Danks

shit i didnt even know kevorkians where an MI strain. I got a zip of that shit when I was in 10th grade (4 almost 5 years ago.) and is was killer. Only ever heard of that one zip, and thought someone was just making up names.
I'm not sure if they were they same thought. These were all pretty big nugs and not too dense at all.
Don't really remember the details of the high. I just know it was killer and I could never get it again.

southwest MI. btw.


3 bowls and a whole thread later. The michigan dispensaries seem pretty lame still.


And the prices.... so horrible.
One place in A2 was charging 20-25 a gram

I've been to a few CC gatherings and the prices on the meds people were selling were bad. Such low quality too. I couldn't believe it. I feel horrible for those that truly need that don't have access to anything else.

I need to link up with a better CC perhaps, the West MI CC is just getting going so we'll see what happens in the future. I'd be down to take a trip over to the L if it means I can cross paths with some kind folks. You guys ever get together on weekdays? I can't do the weekends, too many thirsty souls need me to pour them beer.


guys dont go to dispensary, join your compassions club, many have like a farmers market it is way cheaper and you support your community.


Premium Member
CC what did u start at 9?

Never mind forgot we talked about in this thread just read it...this must be B and yeah u started smoking at 9 i remember those days bro.:animbong:


yeah, the coops buy all of my overages... Other than that they're pretty much worthless to me. What's a good compassion club in the dearborn/detroit area?


Clubs have a purpose for people who are not like us, and do not grow, or do not have hookups. If your 65 and this is the first time you have ever smoked you have no choice so they need to be there. On the other hand the clubs cannot be charging insane prices for herbs. Alot of this stuff is import anyways, who wants cali's outdoor harvest from last year? Michigan caregivers also have to realize that this is not illicit anymore and stop expecting 400 for a oz. People need to realize that you can be compassionate and still make a fair living without gouging patients, because in the end we all are caregivers, and that is who this is all about!


Thanks! :) I have a little extra time on my hands now... thought I'd stop by. One of these days coming up we're gonna have to medicate on the fall harvest...


Genetics still are behind in MI compared to CO, CA... but I've been seeing some fire done locally .... It makes me smile and step my game up!

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