Jacked... Can anyone help

  • Thread starter BayAreasFinest
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i know of 3 different grows on my street alone. all have no ties to eachother. its not hard to spot if you know what to look for. someone saw the tent in your garage. theres alot of us growers in SD and even more theifs. when meeting new herb smokin friends i usually can tell if they have grown or not.

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
An ass whooping sure...but I cant see myself taking a life over a plant that I can grow again.
(So the previous statement can't be bent out of context....) "I would and will defend my loved ones with deadly force, in a situation that required it".
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I have no intention of hurting them. It seems like a good idea. Catch them, identify them and release them. As for my brother he has never been robbed. Why? Because people know him. He is small but tricky. He fights dirty when confronted and anybody
in the county knows even if they did manage to rob him someone is losing an eye. LOL!

His house gives me the creeps just looking at it. It's in the boondocks and the roof is a layer of moss. There are dozens of Keep Out signs. My favorite is the sign that reads, "If you are close enough to read this sign chances are you will be dead soon".

His property is a junk yard but organized junk. Junk that can fall and since you ignored all the "Danger Zone" "No Trespassing" signs when the old car propped like a mouse trap falls on you and you die it was your fault.

I don't think there is a law against catching someone alive and unharmed in your house or on your property. Especially a catch and release or given over to the police situation. I am more interested in who they are. I like to know my enemy. Nobody is getting hurt at my places. Not my style. I like instilling fear.


Sorry brotha... Was the garage door locked and they broke through? Or was it unlocked like a side entrance or something? just curious thanks.


Sorry brotha... Was the garage door locked and they broke through? Or was it unlocked like a side entrance or something? just curious thanks.

ya it was deadbolted and had one of those chain locks too. it was a cheap door and broke
the rrock

the rrock

if you were closer to the bay area i could help you out,at one point you must of lived here(bayareasfinest) thieves suck and deserve payback


if you were closer to the bay area i could help you out,at one point you must of lived here(bayareasfinest) thieves suck and deserve payback

Thanks Man. Ya I was born and raised in the Bay, just recently moved to San Diego. Fuckin right man they suck if they would have taken just my tree it would have been one thing but the mother fuckers took everything. I would love to smack around the prick(s) that took my shit to bad ill never truly know who it was.


sound like you dont need a hood
soo if u click the link below it will take you to htg supply

they have all different wattage and spectrum DIY ballast kits
it comes with everything you need but the bulb and power cord (but you can use any extension cord to hook it up) and plain easy to read instructions
i got a 400 watt hps for 54 bucks, it was only a few more for shipping and i got it in 3 day with no extra money for priority shipping
hope in the info helps and sorry but not surprised that the ugly side of the world showed you its ugly face


Can you grow somewhere else for a while? And still grow some in your garage, as a trap? Make it look like you've left again? Man, I fucking hate thieves! I've had so much shit stolen. They're stealing weed, so most likely they ain't about to rat when something happens to them. Use a 3lb sledge and break all their fingers when you catch them but do it one by one. I had a bunch of shit stolen from me on a job once and I set up some bait and waited behind a cracked door down the hall. Too bad they were smart enough not to do it again, because I was truely going to enjoy listening to them scream and cry like little bitches as I crushed the bones in their fingers. Fuckin motherfuckers, I hate thieves.


Can you grow somewhere else for a while? And still grow some in your garage, as a trap? Make it look like you've left again? Man, I fucking hate thieves! I've had so much shit stolen. They're stealing weed, so most likely they ain't about to rat when something happens to them. Use a 3lb sledge and break all their fingers when you catch them but do it one by one. I had a bunch of shit stolen from me on a job once and I set up some bait and waited behind a cracked door down the hall. Too bad they were smart enough not to do it again, because I was truely going to enjoy listening to them scream and cry like little bitches as I crushed the bones in their fingers. Fuckin motherfuckers, I hate thieves.

WTF??? I wouldn't want to borrow sugar from you... You really want to harm someone soo bad? karma usually plays its role in the universal truth!


I have no intention of hurting them. It seems like a good idea. Catch them, identify them and release them. As for my brother he has never been robbed. Why? Because people know him. He is small but tricky. He fights dirty when confronted and anybody
in the county knows even if they did manage to rob him someone is losing an eye. LOL!

His house gives me the creeps just looking at it. It's in the boondocks and the roof is a layer of moss. There are dozens of Keep Out signs. My favorite is the sign that reads, "If you are close enough to read this sign chances are you will be dead soon".

His property is a junk yard but organized junk. Junk that can fall and since you ignored all the "Danger Zone" "No Trespassing" signs when the old car propped like a mouse trap falls on you and you die it was your fault.

I don't think there is a law against catching someone alive and unharmed in your house or on your property. Especially a catch and release or given over to the police situation. I am more interested in who they are. I like to know my enemy. Nobody is getting hurt at my places. Not my style. I like instilling fear.

WTF damn thats some heavy shit


Living dead girl
WTF??? I wouldn't want to borrow sugar from you... You really want to harm someone soo bad? karma usually plays its role in the universal truth!
No it doesn't. That's why so many bad people continually get away with doing bad things, and then go on to live it up, whereas so many truly good and decent people are just straight up fucked.

Borrowing is a hell of a lot different than stealing, too. Borrowing implies the person borrowed from knows in the first place. Being ripped off doesn't.


friend in my hometown mowed somebody down with a ak, was looking at attempted manslaughter
was dropped b/c they were trying to steal "stereo equipment" and was deamed self defense
(non medical state homie was hustling hard)
dont steal from people, somebody might be waiting with a ak :)


Damn! That really sucks. Thieves are the worst and they deserve punishment. I do hope Karma will kick them in the balls. Sorry that you got jacked and I'm sure you feel hella violated, too. Hopefully you can get a new place and start growing again soon. Best of luck to you!


Living dead girl
friend in my hometown mowed somebody down with a ak, was looking at attempted manslaughter
was dropped b/c they were trying to steal "stereo equipment" and was deamed self defense
(non medical state homie was hustling hard)
dont steal from people, somebody might be waiting with a ak :)
Good Christ. Out here there's an old guy who's gonna do the rest of his life in prison because he shot and killed a neighbor who tried to run him over with his tractor. Hold no quarter for poor Ken Zimmerman!


Nothing Worse then a Thief, Nothing. just pieces of shit that cant do anything for there self, sorry fucks.


Good Christ. Out here there's an old guy who's gonna do the rest of his life in prison because he shot and killed a neighbor who tried to run him over with his tractor. Hold no quarter for poor Ken Zimmerman!

lol grew up in iowa so i know all about tractors
i think id step outa the way before i shot somebody.....
and call the police, your not going to get to far with a tractor
love it


quit telling all your friends your growing bud trying to be the man. Some asshole is always waiting to pull jack moves.
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