Jacked... Can anyone help

  • Thread starter BayAreasFinest
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Fact - It was stolen.

Fact - Somebody HAD to know it was there.

Fact - either your set up was shoddy or someone told SOMEBODY.

Move on, get a new place, grow ALONE, not with a room mate or a girlfriend, do it on YOUR OWN.

All this talk about murder and breaking fingers is insane. We exist in a shady world, not all pot smokers are peaceful hippies , so we must adapt.

But immersion in negativity will not do you or your weed any good.

Good luck bro.


Living dead girl
lol grew up in iowa so i know all about tractors
i think id step outa the way before i shot somebody.....
and call the police, your not going to get to far with a tractor
love it
Old Ken, he didn't get out of the way in time! He got his old foot run over.

Now, the man he shot and killed already had a history in this county of nefarious behavior. But now that he's dead he's sainted. His poor long-suffering twat of a wife, too.

Good find. Can you believe that's my local source of "information"? Half the time they can't formulate a sentence and continually misspell peoples' names (they started off calling him Zen Zimmerman, two full articles' worth!).

Yep, good old tractor wars.

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