just a sneak peak of the medi build

  • Thread starter mellokitty
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so hubby's camera-shy about it until it's finished, but it's pretty close and i'm getting excited. i managed to snap a couple pics of the build that he approves of so here they are:


ps. kitty (the orange one, not me) is only allowed in the build while it's a build.


Lookin good! What system will you guys be running?

Peace & Karma!

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
Looking sharp, I don't know how to type a whistle but here goes nothing....whooooot whoooo!
I'm guessing around 15k watts, and it appears to be a vertical garden.
Nice and clean. Looking forward to some details and updates, subbed and looking forward to the show.


Thinks of Stinks
That'll grow a nug or two...


Very very nice teaser shots.


that is some set up, makes my diy grow box and cfl's look like matchsticks haha



Nice mello im on board! cant wait to see your jungle.



thanks guys, this build's been his BABY and he went and got all Hank Hill on it. pretty sure if he had more time there'd be some pegboard storage with places traced out for his ph and tds meters etc. somewhere. (<-if he ever does this, i'm pointing and laughing and then posting pics)
we're dirt farmers, gonna do trees/bushes in big pots. mostly grotek nutes for now, although we've been experimenting with various poops (mostly quadruped and invertebrate shits).
that badboy you see is getting hung up too, thankfully vertical space not being an issue.
... so... fucking... excited... !


pretty sure if he had more time there'd be some pegboard storage with places traced out for his ph and tds meters etc.

like in my shop? lol

if you're goin grow trees, you might consider hanging the fluoro vertically too. think of it like sidelighting. 'good for those places where it's hard for the hid to reach.

'looking great, and please pass-on my congrats to him.



like in my shop? lol

*roflmao* - and you're probably not kidding. i've only ever seen this once with grow gear, and it was my friend's dad's place whose workshop also has the fabled pegboard storage.

about the vertical fluoros: *great* advice, would totally recommend it myself, i just can't deal with vertical/lateral fluoros, something about that particular light coming from under me gives me a headache (which is extra-weird because i can spend days of 12+ hrs under vertical HPS/MHs with reflective white paint on the floor, with no light sickness issues). i can't even put a fixture on its side for babies/seedlings for a few days, have to macgyver stuff so i can hang it up. i do have mild eyesight issues and i've always wondered if that's why.

thank you, DH reading this over my shoulder has an "aw shucks" look about him... :)



Have you considered doing a cocopot to run alongside just for kicks? Run say one coco/pearlite tub at say a 3:1 so you can still get away with watering just once a day. I think you would find it interesting :)


i don't *mind* coco, and if our priorities meshed with the advantages coco provides, we'd totally be all over it.
but it's my personal belief that the best cannabis medicine comes of actual earth (ie. the stuff that helped it evolve into a medicine in the first place), so, being a medigrow, in spite of the myriad of potential issues/pests, the mess, and the *hauling* (doh!), we're good old-fashioned dirt farmers (although i'm a big fan of aerator/drainage additives like perlite and vermiculite and sand as well). i wouldn't rule out adding coco to our mix, but i don't think we're using it alone anytime soon. (that would be $$$, wouldn't it? the last time i bought it it was just becoming more widely used for mj and comparatively cha-ching)


Just depends on what you are trying to do. The reason I suggested it is because looking at your setup, some of your meds will be headed to market. For the expense that you already have put in, you do want some quality. Do not believe the myth that hydro is less tasty, or any less potent, actually it usually more potent because all of the plants needs are met so well.

Do you guys just use water or do you add nutes when you water? Anyway, coco hydro can be super simple. A large bin, cns-17 as your grow nute, thats all you need (you can get more complicated later but i know the cns-17 will blow you away). Get a bloom and grow bottle, itll cost maybe 30-40 buck for both. some pearlite some coco (maybe 30 bucks) and you will be amazed. You can add a bloom booster after week 3 to that but thats a super simple guarnteed to blow you away hydro setup. Just hand water daily like your other girls, but use a tablespoon of the proper nute (either the veg or bloom nute) in you watering jug swirl around and into the coco, that simple. Just like soil! But very very nice yield and taste. You can even feed it teas and guano, a 50/50 mix of your soil blend would probably be very very tasty as well as having a higher yield than the soil.

Good luck, and remember my advice is worth what you paid for it :)


yeah, whether they're headed to market or not, our priority is on 'medicinal value' and not taste or potency. (also: the medi market is much more aesthetically forgiving than the commercial one. most patients would rather have bugs than poisons.) most people would ask what the difference between med value and potency is; IMO there's a HUGE difference, which is a long-ass digression, unavoidable in explaining my view of cannabis as medicine, so here goes:

i'm personally wary of hydro farmers' tendency to look exclusively at quantifiers based in empirical science and say things like, "...all the plants needs are met so well."
as somebody with a metaphysical as well as existential view on life development, i would ask, "how do you know that ALL of its needs are being met, when you're only factoring in the needs that are measurable in units, by our scientific process?" you can feed/water/clothe/shelter a child optimally and efficiently but you can't be sure you're meeting all his/her needs. maybe the plant wants to be talked to/addressed (aside from the added CO2 factor). maybe it wants to be touched. does science care? maybe, but it still has no way of measuring things not apparent to our (or a more sensitive instrument's) 5 senses, like whether a plant wants to be talked to or touched, or planted in dirt. not that i'm some flake that goes around talking to and carressing my plants or anything, just hypothetically, if they wanted for these things, how would we know, you know? i do, however, believe that it wants to be planted. as a student of life it is my sincere belief that there are energies at play beyond our wildest imaginations, much less our 5 senses.

science falls short as far as cannabis goes, even in the measurable factors; they've only scratched the surface of terpene interactions, for instance, and any biologist knows they're there and that they affect the high. why wouldn't they also affect the med value? current medical science hasn't even gotten beyond examining delta9THCs and CBDs as active medicinal ingredients. anybody who's used marinol will tell you it just aint the same as a good old-fashioned joint or brownie. which leads me to believe that there are more chemical compounds at play in the medicinal value of cannabis than just those 2.

i've grown hydro, aero, soilless, soilless with coco, dirt, and various shits, and each has its place and advantage, just in my *medigrow, the onus is on recreating the natural (as possible) conditions that prompted cannabis to become a medicine in the first place, in order to maximise *that* particular quality. i know firsthand that hydro revolutionised cannabis horticulture, that it produces excellent and strong MJ. i just have my doubts whether it produces excellent *medicine*.

i know that as a hydro farmer you're just trying to help me be more efficient/reduce my workload and i'm grateful for that. but you might as well be trying to convert sholem asch to catholicism. ;)


btw: yield is even lower on our priorities list than quality, but i find that quality and plant happiness generally come with good yields in tow...
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Kitty has a very big grow dream. Grow some goodness kitty.


Kitty, I said nothing about pesticides. Good luck :)

Edit: Kitty, I have grown in soil as well, not as much as hydro but there is a reason for that. Just as science FYI please understand that plants do not take up organic nutrients. The organics has to break down before it is absorbed, so its really very similar. As far as taste goes, if you take proper care, you will have all the flavor as soil, compared with what I have grown. Anyway, good luck on your journey :)


thanks, i mean it, not just lip service, i appreciate the sentiment, i'm just explaining my general 'why we do things how we do' in case there are any hydro farmers out there thinking, "dirt and shit?! get with the times, you got a great room ffs!" (which i have read multiple hydro farmers say to multiple dirt farmers in my short time here, often not as politely as you). and hey, you asked. way to open the can of worms. ;)

your reasons for not growing dirt are like my reasons for not growing hydro for this room; i'm sure they're all the *exact same reasons, we just have different priorities. like i said, i'm grateful for the input. :) (oh, i didn't mean pesticides either, dirt is waay more susceptible to all sorts of crawlies, which i know has been the reason for the switch for a few farmers i know) (which, letmetellya, is a whole other thread when you're talking orgs)
we can agree that a big difference between dirt and hydro is that the required benes are mostly in the dirt already with minimal human intervention (esp. manures), whereas in hydro we the humans add stuff that's not already present in water, ie. we build our own microbial ecosystems from scratch, right? which, don't get me wrong, it's not like there isn't a part of me that enjoys that path/exploration, or that some of the aeroponics i've worked with didn't blow ^this project out of the water (lol!), i'm just not that comfortable playing god like that with our medicine, especially because in canada we're only limited by number of plants. i refuse to believe that i as a human being with my limited wisdom and using microbes and chemical compounds borrowed from other mediums with the help of stabilizers/ homogenizers/ preservatives etc. can produce an end product that will stop pain or nausea especially well, especially when a complete system of nutrient delivery that does that is already readily available to me as dirt. to me, it's like breeding and rearing a bunch of beefed up steroid monkeys to send out to the world as holistic healers, you know, yes they might be robust specimens of efficience and power, just not exactly the traits we're looking for in healers (which may or may not even be apparent to our level of science).

i tole u it was gonna b a long-ass digression, dint i? ;p
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