Leaves curling upwards in young plants?

  • Thread starter sspitfire
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Iv been thinking on lack of co2 tho, articles iv read, what I gather, 4 plants could suck up the co2 in that shed in around 6hrs, ventilation I'ma work on this week, shed sits 6" off the ground, intake threw the floor, from cool air under the shed, hot air rises, container with plants sits 12" off the floor, window screen over the intake, will that keep bugs out or reinforce with wire mesh..?


I took a reveg, put it outside in a TREE... Ever seen these, to me, they look like sweet ants, they love that FFOF.... Any ideas...?
IMG 20160823 125715
IMG 20160823 125955


They appeared to be farming the white chunks, not perlite or styrofoam, more brittle, what I would think is calcium..


Fuck it, I dug a hole in the ground(which here in tx is currently saturated with water) flipped the pot over and dumped all the FFOF in.. good luck skunk...


They appeared to be farming the white chunks, not perlite or styrofoam, more brittle, what I would think is calcium..

Not sure you would have chunks of calcium in your mix? If theres any granular lime it would be coated in like sand or something similar clay like.. wouldn't be white.

tbh i dont know what all is in Fox farm's mixes..


Not sure you would have chunks of calcium in your mix? If theres any granular lime it would be coated in like sand or something similar clay like.. wouldn't be white.

tbh i dont know what all is in Fox farm's mixes..
Im not sure what's in it either, but that shit is a mad man, seen plenty of good and bad reviews, here's my review, seeds straight in the soil, 2 or 3 days later...
IMG 20160801 134750


See the white specs, they crush between your fingers, brittle...


Well after closer inspection, I think iv found mites, I have no scope, but I do have a magnifying glass, white spots I'm guessing are eggs, black and brown specs, some I'm sure is dirt, but I'm gonna research a diy formula as I am broke and cheap, although I think being cheap is a mind set, anywho im growing pot to smoke not spend $$$ on... If I were to move them outside for a week or so, would it kill the mites or give me more problems...?


If you live in Texas, why not try a water cooler? There is a real name for them, but I can't think of what it is right now. It would help both with your temp and humidity problems.

I know they use them in houses in AZ in the dessert. It would work just as well in Texas. We used to use them for PCs and it would cool a CPU from 60C down to 30C without a problem. They are super easy to make too. Take an old aquarium or container that can hold water. Fill it. Put in a nice size pump. Put in a large 4" OD PVC pipe, maybe about 4 feet tall. Fill it with ping pong balls or similar. Introduce moving air into the PVC (like from a PC fan or something). Run the water down through the pin pong balls and drain back into the aquarium. In a dry environment, this can seriously reduce the air temperature in a room by as much as 20F. It is also more cost efficient then an AC, but you do have to keep an eye on the water level and refill it.

Anyway, this was a rush typing job. About to leave the house in a minute. If this is something that sounds feasible, I can find the actual name for it and write a better description. That should help your leaf curling though.


Living dead girl
Well after closer inspection, I think iv found mites, I have no scope, but I do have a magnifying glass, white spots I'm guessing are eggs, black and brown specs, some I'm sure is dirt, but I'm gonna research a diy formula as I am broke and cheap, although I think being cheap is a mind set, anywho im growing pot to smoke not spend $$$ on... If I were to move them outside for a week or so, would it kill the mites or give me more problems...?
If spider mites, then a mix of isopropyl alcohol and water applied every three days for two weeks should do the trick.


in your pics it looks like u growing in clear bottles how well that work for you? I always been told light kills roots so maybe a kinda smart pot???


SO I flipped threw forums and found some plants just a bit younger than mine with exact same leaf situation, guy updated with the cure, his were Russet Mites. He said he applied a 70% iso rubbing alcohol every 2 days for 2 weeks, if you have more than 4plants(myself), this whould take forever and wouldn't be feasible. I found a vid on YouTube using dawn dish soap and water to make a diy pesticide. Anywho, I found some 50% iso alcohol, and figured what the hell. I was really surprised, alcohol usually dries my skin out, a leaf extra crispy, but no, after the first few Taco's leaves were hit with a q tip, I started seeing quite a few black spots in my alcohol. Then the taco'd leaves started straightening back out, edges still curled a lil, by the time I finished wiping down every leaf on every plant(about an hour and a half, untied and retied), they actually responded pretty well. So I'm guessing that it was mites of some sort. Ill hit em again in a couple of days and again a few days after that... Ill update tomorrow with pics, that will tell the truth...

Thank You THCFarmer for this site packed full of useful info and all these greenthumbs with their years of knowledge...
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