Less is More?

  • Thread starter tortuga1503
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Ok so I`ve been looking for a less is more fert program. I currently use H&G with additional additives,hygrozyme,b-cuzz bloom,hydroplex,b1,nuts,sweet and silica. Ya I know thats a whole lot of crap that is expensive. This is a hydro stores suggested fert program.(Geared To pay His Mortgage) So I started my current run w/gh lucas formula. I started to see issues and was at the hydro store and was telling dude about my issues. Well they have been trying to sell me on their program and this time caught my attention because of the issues I was trying to correct. The time of year and I fell just a lil short last run. Dude asking me if I want to see results guaranteed!! So I said screw it lets try it out. I couldn`t believe how much this program cost me and have was bitching about the cost,but I must say my plants look awsome not to mention I have 8 different strains flowering and all look great. I know there are growers getting the exact same results with much less work and much less money. I recently switched up my veg room nutes. I went to Dyna Grow and wow my veg room nutes goes as follows, Dyna Grow Veg,silica blast and calmag because I use ro. So easy, The plants look very green and healthy. I will start a side by side after the new year. I plan on running 2 20 gal rez`s with cost per gal. One the hydro store program the next Dyna Grow. If there are any Farmers out there that use this less is more please help those of us that just pour our money down the drain literally.


Ok so I`ve been looking for a less is more fert program. I currently use H&G with additional additives,hygrozyme,b-cuzz bloom,hydroplex,b1,nuts,sweet and silica. Ya I know thats a whole lot of crap that is expensive. This is a hydro stores suggested fert program.(Geared To pay His Mortgage) So I started my current run w/gh lucas formula. I started to see issues and was at the hydro store and was telling dude about my issues. Well they have been trying to sell me on their program and this time caught my attention because of the issues I was trying to correct. The time of year and I fell just a lil short last run. Dude asking me if I want to see results guaranteed!! So I said screw it lets try it out. I couldn`t believe how much this program cost me and have was bitching about the cost,but I must say my plants look awsome not to mention I have 8 different strains flowering and all look great. I know there are growers getting the exact same results with much less work and much less money. I recently switched up my veg room nutes. I went to Dyna Grow and wow my veg room nutes goes as follows, Dyna Grow Veg,silica blast and calmag because I use ro. So easy, The plants look very green and healthy. I will start a side by side after the new year. I plan on running 2 20 gal rez`s with cost per gal. One the hydro store program the next Dyna Grow. If there are any Farmers out there that use this less is more please help those of us that just pour our money down the drain literally.

Last stuff I grow was with no fert, just Home Depot soil, Huge pot to put it in and a 40w fluorescent bulb. Soil ended up having gnats... used sand... gone the next day. By the time it flowered came out great!! just didn't get quite as much as you can w/fert, only got like 3/4 oz- 1 oz off a 3 ft plant. Strain was blue crack (believe it's Blue Dream/Green Crack mix). If you really wanna be lazy you can even just get some all purpose fert but would be best to give proper fert for proper stage (Veg/Flower), can be done pretty cheap if you learn the what the numbers on the fert means and what to look for.


Thanks for the reply,but its not really about being cheap or lazy. Its more like wasting money. Buying shit that the plant can`t even use or doesn`t need. Now believe me I want to give my plants the best and have no problem buying them the best but with so many nute company promising bigger yields faster growth,blah blah blah. I totally bit into all that. I just wanted to see what other farmers are using dyna grow I know there is something here about dyna grow but I was hoping one of our experianced farmers was using. I`ve been using it in my veg room and the shit kicks ass so far. Very green leaves reaching for the light and super easy. 1 tsp dynagrow,1tsp calmag,1tsp silica and Im out of there. I will be doing a side by side. Prolly won`t post the grow. Nobody seems interested in using less here I guess I don`t know. What I do know is that if I`m spending 1000/1300 for nutes per run than I want results that cannot be obtained with basic base nutes and maybe a lil kool-bloom or hydroplex. My plants look killer but Im wondering if I can get similar results using less thats it


^^^ Bro your in about 75% of our shoes.... I just dont think alot of peeps will down right admit it! I run a crazy Super Formula prob more products than your hydro store formula. YES it costs 1200$ every round! Search TheKINDMAN formula youll see how much is involved. Either way im sure its very similiar to your crazy recipe as well cause all were doing with the crazy recipe is ensuring were Hitting all of our Elementals and at high levels..
So that Said Over the past Year or So Research has been KEY to understanding what a plant needs. Then you can take it to the next level and learn How to make your Own Nutrients....
Once you grasp the concept of what a plant needs and understand the labels youll be able to put together a Few "less is more" Formulas..


Yo Registered I am going off a similar program to The Kind Mans OG recipe. I was intigued when I came upon that post a few months ago. Partly because I already had 80% of what he was calling for in his recipe. I'm not following it to the T, but took some ideas from it and am using it now. Results are GREAT!!! Will give details if anyone cares to know.

Regarding less is more, I am interested in using less next time. I too wonder if all of these things are really needed or used by the plant. I got my nutes at a 50% discount this time but that was a one time deal. There are a couple of things I think I could eliminate with no loss of quality and production. There are others though that I feel are essential. Either way its going to cost some dough.

I'm with Registered as far as most of us using a bunch of stuff that costs a lot of money in our nute programs. Thing is we all want the bomb and will usually do what it takes to produce it. So many theories, advertisements, and we hear so much first hand advice here it is easy to be sucked into the hype...


For sure. I want the best for my plants too and willing to do what I have to do to provide the best,but I`m really wondering are all these additives and boosters really providing the best. Hey Reg I will check out the kindman formula right now. I can say that I have many strains flowering and they are are happy. I had a Skywalker OG start to get a lil yellow but calmag took care of that. So the Hydro stores recipe works and works well. I`m 29 days in bloom so only half way done. H&G rocks forsure,but whats wrong with DYNA-GROW


Good to hear your having great results... Yes there is a few things IMO that you could eliminate with no loss of quality and production. Theres a couple diff routes weve taken with the formulas. Pm me what nutes your using and ill give you my 2cents..

And Tort..
Dyna Is extremly high in P levels... If you want a AWESOME 1 part nute Get BOtanicare CNS-17 Grow and Bloom..Ive got a Friend thats been using it in his mom room for a couple months and everything is BEAUTIFUL... The ripe is pretty much just overdrive. The formulas are a bit milky IMO but whatever for the price and effectiveness I think it might be worth putting up with if your not running drips...

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