Libery Haze - 30 days into flowering

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I posted on here a while back about an issue with yellowing leaves on these plants. I battled with it for the entire veg and eventually got it under control when I flipped to flower.

I grew these from seed, a feminized pack from Barney's Farm. This is my first ever grow so wanted something a little more guaranteed.

I've kept my nutrients very simple, not wanting to over complicate matters in my first run, and just learn to get things right before tinkering about with all these other plant elixirs. So, all I have used is the Canna Vega for veg and Canna Flores for flower as well as a CalMag supplement along the way. Like I said, simple.

With that I've been super tight on my pH and EC, measuring religioulsy, and keeping them in range, to my mind any way. When reading about how to grow before setting out the one thing I took from it all was to keep the pH levels perfect!

So, they've been under a 400w HPS their entire lives and these latest photos show them at around 30 days into flowering. It's recommended to give 60-65 so i'm working to that schedule and then just seeing how they look come the time.

It's my intention to give them at least a 10 day flush, maybe 14, so any suggestions on this would be welcomed.

Any other pointers or advice would also be welcome. I mean do you think they look ok? Are they a bit small bud wise for this stage of flower?

Cheers, and thanks for looking.View attachment 319358View attachment 319358 Libery haze   30 days into flowering


I think these look great. They may seem small because you only have a 400w HPS on 4 large plants. If you could put another 400w or just go 1,000 watt, you would see the colas swell up substantially (more light to penetrate farther to get long colas and lumens). I havent ran soil in a while, but when I did I ran a 7 day flush. Great grow!


I think these look great. They may seem small because you only have a 400w HPS on 4 large plants. If you could put another 400w or just go 1,000 watt, you would see the colas swell up substantially (more light to penetrate farther to get long colas and lumens). I havent ran soil in a while, but when I did I ran a 7 day flush. Great grow!

Thanks for that! Now you've said it, it's pretty obvious that the light would be a contributing factor. It is my intention to get a stronger one for my next run, just need to get a bit of money behind me before switching up.

Appreciate the tip on flushing, I was wondering if 10/14 days might be a bit too much so will probably keep it on the shorter side.

The other thing I didn't appreciate at the start was their size. I never intended to grow so big plants, but throughout veg I was never sure when they were ready and so left it too long. Then once flipped my two at the back just seemed to take off whilst the ones at the front stayed nice and unifrom.

Still, all helps in the future. Thanks again for the help!


No problem, that's what I love about THCfarm.

Sativa plants can really sneak up on ya and explode when the are put into flower mode. Its hard to remember their potential size when they look so small in veg. One thing that I'm sure you have thought of when you go get an extra light is to have adequate cooling. I run dual 600's in the summer time because of the ambient heat outside, but when winter rolls around, I am able to run dual 1,000's with little cooling help. I always try to donew growing methods as well. Always trying to perfect the LST/topping/FIM. Once you grow the strain multiple times, you can get more of a feel of how the plant will fill out and maximize your results in a tent/small room. Cant wait for round 2!


Yep, cooling has been plaguing my mind when conserdering the upgrade.

All I can do is see to it that I have adequate extractors and hope we don't experience a heat wave!

I'm definitely going for the SOG technique next time. I figured since it's not with in the confines of the law to grow these things, I may as well reduce the number of plants whilst increasing the overall out put. That's the plan at least!

So, here are some newer pics showing how things are progressing.

My feeding regime is simple. A full dose every other day. I was considering throwing in a plain water feed every now and again but I've ssen no signs of a problem with the way it's been going so just left it that way.

Any feed back is appreciated once again!IMG 1889IMG 1890IMG 1891IMG 1892IMG 1893IMG 1894IMG 1895IMG 1896IMG 1897IMG 1898IMG 1899IMG 1900IMG 1901IMG 1902IMG 1903


Yeah thats pretty much all you can hope for is the best. I run hoods to only for cooling purposes, if i had the opportunity to run bare bulbs I would. I am reducing my plant numbers as well to 4, and going to do a SCROG method and really get my yield up. I think I am going to hit that 2lb mark


So, it's been another couple of weeks, give or take, since my last update.

To my untrained eye things are going along ok. I was expecting/hoping that the flowers would have fattened up a bit more than they have since my previous post but i'm struggling with some environmental factors so appreciate they may not be living up to the strain's potential.

In my neck of the woods this last week has been getting hot. Not only that, but it's that stiffling, humid, muggy heat that's just horrible to be in. As a result, my tent temps have been touching 90, mainly hovering around the mid 80's though. As I said, I know this is far from ideal, but I just don't have the means of cooling my room at the moment. I don't even know if air conditioners are worth using.

Going by the info provided by the seed bank these babies take between 60-65 to flower. Seeings how i've never done this before i'm going to trust them up until a point. These times give me a cut down date of either 28/6 or 1/7 which means i'm starting to give them 1/2 dose feeds, reducing to 1/3 dose feeds before going into flush in the next few days.

Popped my next lot of seeds already and they're growing up under a 250w CFL right now. I'm planning to SCROG these next three, under a 600w HPS and get a better intake fan in the hopes that this will aid the cooling process.

Any thoughts, pointers or comments most welcome.

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Environmental conditions can be tricky to deal with in conditions indoor. I know that when these conditions come about, I have the option to turn down my ballast to 750watt in the summer and then bump back up to 1,000 watt in the winter. I have noticed in my room, that if the humidity is higher than normal (65%), sometimes you might be able to have the plants be under mid 80's. In veg mode, I will cut down my sunlight hours to 20/4 and have the lights shut off every 4 hours for one 1 hour. Helps keep things cooler, and less electricity. I think you will notice a huge difference once you get that new intake fan and will make a big difference in keeping the plants cool. Looking forward to that SCROG


Small update, day 57 of flower and the flush has begun.

I debated whether to start it now or not. The seed bank says it needs 65 days but as this is the first time i've grown I was a little concerned that i'd miss out on potential yeild/fattening if I went into flush too early. I mean, what if they need 75 days? Have they missed out on some much needed feed right at the end that would have sent them into a better flush?

Also, I bought a microscope today as I wanted to see some tric. colour. They still seem pretty clear to me, perhaps a scattering of clouding so it's pretty obvious i'm not near the end. I wondered though, do the tric's turn colour quickly near the end or does the fact they're still mostly clear now with a week to go suggest they need another two weeks say?

Any help on this would really be appreciated. Thanks for stopping in.

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hey man, your plants are looking very good.

as NWElite said, if they were under a 1k, they would look like they're on roids. however, one got to work with what's available to them atm, and from what i'm seeing, your ahead of the game.

thanks for the show.


hey man, your plants are looking very good.

as NWElite said, if they were under a 1k, they would look like they're on roids. however, one got to work with what's available to them atm, and from what i'm seeing, your ahead of the game.

thanks for the show.

Thank you catdaddy, I appreciate that. I'm my own worst enemy so it's nice to hear from another more experienced mind that thinks they looking good.


Flower - Day 61

So, according to the seed bank, these should be done, well maybe another week, but they claim this strain to be a fast flowering one. I don't have any experience in this but to me they just don't look ready. I can appreciate that things really start to move in the final stages, but I think these need a bit longer.

I started my flush, thinking 7 days would be good, but now that they don't seem to be near completion I thought no harm in extending that to a 14 day flush. After all, i've had these growing a long time so that extra time can only benefit, right?

Anyway, I can't really find much information about the strain so wondered if some of the universal rules of sativas, and more particularly Hazes, would be more applicable than the seed bank info?

This is what i'm figuring - I read that Hazes are long in flowering, some taking up to 20 weeks. Couple this with the fact it's a sativa and you just end up with a really long flowering plant! I've waited this long so i'm not going to get all jittery and cut them down early out of shear impatience.

I've invested in a little 420scope, or 60x-100x microscope to the uninitiated, to get a good old look at those crystals. What i've been doing is clipping the end of a semi sugary leaf and studying that. As of now, I still think they're transluscent. I want them all cloudy with a smackeral of amber. Is this the right technique though? Are all the parts of the plant developing the same or should I be looking at the crystal in a certain place?

If this is the case and they are all clear, does any one know if the onset of the cloudy colour happens fast? or is it gradual? Maybe that's something that varies from strain to strain?

Anyone who can give me some pointers on any of these would be much appreciated. Someone who saw them told me they need another month - sounded a bit too long to me but what do I know?

Aside from all that, they're certainly getting fat at the ends!! I've had to go in and do some support work as some branches where starting to fall all over the place (yet another reason to get my SCROG game on next run).

Thanks for stopping by!

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Canna, I'll start out by saying I'm not an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. I think Barney's genetics are not good, and I think they have a lot of misinforming marketing. I have grown out several of their strains. They almost always took longer to flower out then the site said. They often times looked nothing like either of the two reported parental lines. Imho I would do what you are doing with the scope and watch the trichs. Opinions vary about when the best time to harvest is. Generally I try to take samples from a couple of different sites. Hope that helps! Peace-


Canna, I'll start out by saying I'm not an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. I think Barney's genetics are not good, and I think they have a lot of misinforming marketing. I have grown out several of their strains. They almost always took longer to flower out then the site said. They often times looked nothing like either of the two reported parental lines. Imho I would do what you are doing with the scope and watch the trichs. Opinions vary about when the best time to harvest is. Generally I try to take samples from a couple of different sites. Hope that helps! Peace-

Hey Patanjali, expert or not, that's just good info! You can't beat a bit of first hand knowledge so if you've had more than one bad experience, with different strains, all from the same bank, then something is amiss.

Since starting here on the farm i've actually come across many a negative opinion on many of the more prominent seed banks to the extenet that I think i'm going to start a new thread on the what people feel the more credible ones are before buying any more seeds.

I don't have the option for cuts so it's seeds all the way for me.

And thanks for your info on the trichs. I'll be sure to take different samples and if I think i'm at the stage I want to be I'll check another couple of areas and if they all seem similar it'll be time to break out the cutting tools!

Thanks again and all the best in your endeavours!


Flower - Day 64

Since starting the flush a week ago all I can say is WOW! There's been a growth explosion!

The flowers on my front two, shorter, plants have really started to move. I felt they were a bit behind my taller two at the back but again, this last week, they've really started to develop. Not only are they packing on girth the taller two aren't, they're also starting to stretch out a bit too.

Smell is becoming more prominent also. This Haze has got a lovely citrus aroma akin to limes which is smelling more appealing to me than any of the lemon strains i've experienced. That might be down to the fact that i've grown this though and i'm biased.

There's been no real obvious increase in THC productivity such as there's been with the flowers' size. In my limited experience i'm putting it down to the fact I just can't get my temps controlled properly and it's been getting a bit too warm recently.

More good news - did another 'scope test and there is now a definite milky colour beginning to dominate the trichs. With any luck this next week of flush will be enough to see them develop a stage further!

Any how, here's some more pictures. Sorry if it's over kill, just wanted to show a good selection.

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Small update - things are still going strong!

It only occured to me yesterday that I hadn't looked into what's the best pH level to flush at or what an ideal EC should be. I've just been pHing to 6.5 with an EC of 0.7/PPM (US) 350.

Visually these levels seems to be doing no harm, but just wondered if that all sounded ok?

Attached two pictures I took through a magnifying glass. I didn't know how they'd come out but was pleasantly surprised. Ok, so they're no frost laden buds but I thought it might be of interest to some.

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