
  • Thread starter spud
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Ok, as a noob, my head was also spun.... "You need 50 watts per sq. ft... you need 10,000 lumens per sq ft. - NONE of the grows seem to fit the figures.

I started with 100w CFL and was impressed.

I upgraded to 75w HPS and was impressed.

So I'm at a yard sale and see this incredibly ugly light from PI lighting in Canada, it's got this ugly "clam shell" hood attached to the ballast housing - like a giant lolipop.

I blew passed it, but had another look at the bulb... 430w Son Agro... Hey, I've read about those!.

So I snatch it for $20 and take it home.

Fire it up on a coffee table in the living room, and it looks like a 25w florescent.

Half a minute later it starts getting brighter and a little orange.

Another half minute later, and it's brighter and back to cool blue.

Then.... the ballast starts to growl, it goes WAY orange, and JESUS!!!

It got so bright that I could look directly at the other lamp shades in the room and could not tell if the lights were on or not!

So I came away with two things.

1: some feeling about what a lumen is.

2: I can't imagine what 1000w looks like.

Moral of the story... when these guys recommend bigger lights - it's because they've seen them in action.


i did that whole 1000watt light setup and didnt like it i traded it 4 a 400watt and 15 cuts and a mamma plant and then went and bought another the 2 400 together gave me a bigger healthier crop then the 1000 since then i also bought a 600 and that alone pulls 27 ozs dry moral to the story 4s and 6s are the way to go


The 430's are nice, I run 2-side by side and love them. Would I upgrade to a 1000? Hell yea but only when I have a room devoted for my hobby, and then I would run 4 of them.


yeah i agree with the idea of 400 or 600 working better for some, as my grow space is small (3x3 tent) so a 400w or 600 does me just fine and temps are easily managable.


My first HID was a 430 :) By the end of that run I ran two and got some great results. Currently I run 4 X 1kw hps and 2 X400w cmh and its like staring at the sun in there. Personally I would rather run more smaller lights but there would be to much wiring, ballast space needed and upkeep (like raising/lowering) for my use. The light output difference vs the distance you can have them away is pretty comparable you just need more lights. I didn't get results that you can compare to with the 430 but Ive seen some pretty great diary's that put out great weight and product. Masses420king, Ive seen a 1000W produce over 60oz each, its all in how the grower does their thing.


My first HID was a 430 :) By the end of that run I ran two and got some great results. Currently I run 4 X 1kw hps and 2 X400w cmh and its like staring at the sun in there. Personally I would rather run more smaller lights but there would be to much wiring, ballast space needed and upkeep (like raising/lowering) for my use. The light output difference vs the distance you can have them away is pretty comparable you just need more lights. I didn't get results that you can compare to with the 430 but Ive seen some pretty great diary's that put out great weight and product. Masses420king, Ive seen a 1000W produce over 60oz each, its all in how the grower does their thing.

absolutley for me 400 and 600 the way to go pullin bumper harvests i just didnt like the 1000 not enough points of lighting sources for my taste i bet 1000s can do that easily i can pull 1.6 1.7 grams per watt[sog] so all day i bet they can just not my style:cool0041:

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