Liquid Organics

  • Thread starter kevinn
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I can only grow a couple of plants at a time, so making my own organic soil takes a lot of work for the little that I use. Any suggestions for what out of the bottle organic nutes, I should give a try. Grow in promix under 600w hid.
Thanks in advance


I can only grow a couple of plants at a time, so making my own organic soil takes a lot of work for the little that I use. Any suggestions for what out of the bottle organic nutes, I should give a try. Grow in promix under 600w hid.
Thanks in advance
Earth juice. Not using this myself but from what I see they are well rounded. A little goes along way with Earth Juice. I know an old guy using this with ebb and flow. Great farmin bruh!


roots organics or gh bio line. both good. since ur running a lil bit, u dont need a res, im assuming. unless ur doing dwc or ebb n flow. just be careful with organics, cuz things will get clogged. the beneficial bacteria will get chunky in your res.

however if u just mix like 5 gallon bucket, hand water, you'll be fine.
promix is good shit!. there is a coco thread also. get some info from there as well!


roots organics or gh bio line. both good. since ur running a lil bit, u dont need a res, im assuming. unless ur doing dwc or ebb n flow. just be careful with organics, cuz things will get clogged. the beneficial bacteria will get chunky in your res.

however if u just mix like 5 gallon bucket, hand water, you'll be fine.
promix is good shit!. there is a coco thread also. get some info from there as well!

put some earth juice in a sprayer to see how that would go well it did not go lol maybe 2sec before I had to wash the hole thing out knew it was going to b bad but dang


oh yeah. molasses will feed the microbes, and if u use bennies, you'll see sludge man. no if ands or buts. you're gnna see sludge. haha i run drain to waste system. and i sometimes i have leftover feed, so ill top off with water and the next day, i'll see sludge. i use a blend of synthetics and organics. and this is a problem i constantly run into. it's fine. but im just saying watch out haha.


The Beast Slayer
Earth juice. Not using this myself but from what I see they are well rounded. A little goes along way with Earth Juice. I know an old guy using this with ebb and flow. Great farmin bruh!

earth juice is not to bad what I am using now

I use all earth juice nutrients.

They work wonderfully.

Here are 3 plants currently awaiting harvest you can look at to see the results.

G13 labs--Mozarella

Genofarm--purple haze auto

Barney's farm-- amnesia lemon.

And all other unknown genetics were recorded in my main thread in my signature.
Downloadfile 12
Downloadfile 11
Downloadfile 13
Downloadfile 23
Downloadfile 15
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Downloadfile 2

Downloadfile 8

I have had very good experience with these nutrients. Very simple to use, And a good value When you buy in gal bottles.

When I started I purchased quart bottles of everything. That way if I didn't like it i would save some $.

But now that I like it i get the gallon bottles.


The Beast Slayer
Thanks Rmoltis
I think I will give earth juice nutrients a try. I have been using General Organics and just to satisfied. Could you list for me which of the earth juice additives that you use. I see the Big 5 listed. Just wondering if you use them all or if there are others also.

The main 5 is the best start.

I substitute half of the bloom in flower with big bloomin guano now.

I use the biozeus microbes with each feed. And the mychorizae for mixing into the soil. (These products are a must have, they help a lot I believe)

The oilycan is good if you need extra calcium and magnesium.

I use the catalyst during veg but during flower I've been using molasses instead. The catalyst has sea kelp which messes with the ladies during flower.

And God silica for stem, branch and trunk strengthening from the training.


The Beast Slayer
The big 5 also includes
Microblast & Meta-k. Any need for them ???

I'm sorry I should have said the big 5 are included here is the list

Big blooming guano
God silica

Then non earth juice additives
Epsom salts
Neptunes harvest hydrolyzed fish and seaweed fertilizer (veg only)

If your looking at this line they recommend the Amazon bloom soil.
It is designed to help buffer the acidic e.j. nutes. I have not yet but I've wanted to try it for some time now just to see if it completes the package.


I'm sorry I should have said the big 5 are included here is the list

Big blooming guano
God silica

Then non earth juice additives
Epsom salts
Neptunes harvest hydrolyzed fish and seaweed fertilizer (veg only)

If your looking at this line they recommend the Amazon bloom soil.
It is designed to help buffer the acidic e.j. nutes. I have not yet but I've wanted to try it for some time now just to see if it completes the package.

Directions for feeding say with every watering. How do you incorporate
Epsom salts
Neptunes harvest hydrolyzed fish and seaweed fertilizer (veg only)


The Beast Slayer
Directions for feeding say with every watering. How do you incorporate
Epsom salts
Neptunes harvest hydrolyzed fish and seaweed fertilizer (veg only)

Over time you will want to develop your own nutrient recipe because no grow environment is the same.

And feeding on a schedule is not ideal with soil plants. You will want to learn to watch them and feed when they need it.

Sometimes I feed after every other watering, sometimes after 2 waterings, sometimes after a feeding.

Feeding and nutrient requirements vary highly between person to person and between feeds.

So the best I can do is to say start with one of the nutrient charts on their site.

And then tweak it over time to your liking.

I mix the Epsom salts into the nutrient mixture.

Neptunes harvest I add 1tbsp per gallon the nutrient mixture during veg if she asks for it. This stuff is strong so add a little at a time, once it starts breaking down you may get a little tip curl. So dont use every feeding.

You can't deliver nutrients every feeding. You still need to water only inbetween feeds to reduce feed buildup. Organic nutes build up very slowly so its easy to think your not adding enough at times. But once in the soil, takes time to Break down..

Earth juice faq;

3. Why are my plant’s leaves yellowing after switching from a synthetic 3-2-1 nutrient to Earth Juice Grow?

I was using the 3-2-1 at 5 tsp per gallon and now I’m using Earth Juice Grow at 3 tsp per gallon. I also flushed with straight water just before starting with Earth Juice Grow.

– The flushing with straight water will dilute and/or rinse the present nutrients from the soil which could be helpful but could also be stressing your plants. Now you will have to wait until the soil dries out, which may further stress your plants.

– 5 tsp of a 3% N synthetic is on the higher side of hand feeding plants with a plant food with each watering but if you plants are thriving at this dosage rate they must be very aggressive feeders. If this is the case, to obtain the same rate of Nitrogen using Earth Juice Grow you will need to use 7.5 tsp (2.5 Tbsp). Earth Juice Grow is a protein (amino acid) based grow plant food so you can easily increase the dosage rates without the fear of burning.

Here’s the general usage guidelines for Earth Juice Grow Bloom to be used with each watering (feeding): Mild:1/2Tbsp – Medium:1Tbsp – Strong: 2Tbsp – Extra Strong 3Tbsp.

For fast growing plants a common rate is 2 Tbsp per gallon.

For example I like using the advanced plus chart but I started cutting out nitrogen after first week or so of flower and changed catalyst to molasses.

There is also a reputable earth juice feeding chart I skimmed off a specific thread. I've yet to try it for a full round but I'll present that option to you.

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I'm sorry I'm not more specific.
I am also still dialing in my ideal recipe.
It will take many runs to find the perfect recipe. But every run I get a lil closer.

There are some days I don't even measure my nutes. Just mix em by eye with what i think I see that they need :cry:


I can only grow a couple of plants at a time, so making my own organic soil takes a lot of work for the little that I use. Any suggestions for what out of the bottle organic nutes, I should give a try. Grow in promix under 600w hid.
Thanks in advance

Blue planet nutrients check them out I have great results from it and they offer both organic and synthetic lines

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