Looking for background info on my number one favourite outdoor strain

  • Thread starter Kreation
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Here are some photos of my long time favourite outdoor strain. I recieved her under the name Three Leaf, I call her Elphinstone, and she does grow with alot of her fan leaves having only 3 blades, however I know she's not the only one with this trait but does express it strongly. I beleive it was created in BC, maybe on the island, one of the gulf islands or the coast. The stem has a very unique spicyness to it unlike anything else I've ever had, that reminds me of christmas clove oranges, has medium long nodes and fair stretch and the root system can be a bit floppy. She can produce some very solid colas and yields very good in ratio to plant size, consistently coming in at the third week of septemeber at 50 degrees north with good mold resistance. Her odor profile is very fresh and quite sweet and fruity like melon and can also have a sour rhubarb smell to her, curing very well with potency lasting far longer than the average strain. I would like to say the high has some sativa influence but it definitely has a heavy side to it and certainly isn't soaring, more psychedelic, is very long lasting and good medicine. The smoke has a dry hashy taste and good expansion, smelling hashy and lemony when you smell somone smoking it. Any info as to what genetic makup or any other info regarding this strain would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Kreation
Looking for background info on my number one favourite outdoor strain
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I was thinking Chemo too but no-one would describe Chemo as being fresh and sweet smelling or having a fair stretch, so it's probably a Chemo hybrid, certainly looks a bit like Chemo with those 3-fingered leaves.


Hey north One and Lone Wolf, Thanks for the input, I have never had anything under the name Chemo so I couldn't compare myself, however I know it is a local clone only and has been around for many decades. North One your comment reminded me, she also has a very solid woody stem that never has a hollow center, and thick smooth bark, on the stretch, and finish time, it seems like the more light it recieves outside the earlier it flowers and the less she stretches, the plant in the middle pics didn't stretch at all, she finishes a week or two later with less light levels and stretches more, as well as nitrogen making her stretch more. Another interesting trait I don't see often is all the bud sites develop nice dense buds unless there completed shaded, it's not common for even the lowest bud inside the plant to be dense and solid. I have only ever grown her indoors once and only a few small plants, I will try and find some photos because the bud structure is more detailed on the indoor, thanks guys, Kreation


im from da' BC coast so i can give an educated guess.looks similar 2 Dutch Treat and a bit like Texada timewarp.could be a timewarp/indica hybrid.there used 2 be a Mt.Elphinstone(sunshine coast)timewarp yrs ago from the Gibsons/Sechelt area.hows she taste/smell?looks like a great outdoor plant/bud


Hey Big Bag, The smell is very fresh, sweet and fruity with a lemon/rhubarb sourness to her, the stem being very spicy like clove filled oranges, a smell I have not come across in any other strain. It definitely originates on the sunshine coast and is said to have been bred in egmont but thats as much as I could find out, I always wondered if it could be related to timewarp. I have heard a little bit about sunshine coast timewarp but not much beyond the name, maybe it could be it but it came into my hands without a name so I called it Elphinstone, others who have it call it three leaf and say this is the strains name although I prefer Elphinstone. It is definitely a great outdoor plant and bud, seeming happiest outside, so far the best overall outdoor strain I have grown. Thanks for the input, Kreation


Hey Reeferman thanks for the input, I always wondered if it related to timewarp and it comes from close by so that would make sense, I have your timewarp back cross so I will look for similarities when I grow those out because I've never grown the timewarp clone, Kreation


your descriptions r reminicent of TTW 4 sure.there u go....most likely TTW hybrid.def up there wit da best od buds,imo and ive ran alot of TTW x's.the clone is still amazing after over 30 yrs,albeit not as good as she was in da 90's.one of the true legendary BC buds
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