Loompa Challenge - Greyman's Yeti BX2 Adventure

  • Thread starter greyman41420
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As not to clog up the Loompa Challenge thread sticky, I figured I would consolidate my run with the Yeti BX2 to this thread.

I am going to copy my original post in the challenge thread here and just move forward so its chronological.

Here was the cracking of the 24 Yeti BX2 seeds I received from here.
Loompa challenge   greymans yeti bx2 adventure

Don't mind the Gorilla Glue clone on the right, I happened to grab her same time I procured the BX2 Yeti seeds, so i figured they would be happy chilling together in their infinite badassness.
Loompa challenge   greymans yeti bx2 adventure 2

And here we are in the veg room right before I took cuttings of each specimen.
Loompa challenge   greymans yeti bx2 adventure 3

We had 23 out of the 24 seeds crack and out of those 23 plants, we were left with 11 females which are pictured below in our flowering room under 3k watts. Do not mind the plants in the back, they are our pure pakistanis under their own 3k watts(obviously 6k watt room). These were all 3-3.5 feet when we triggered 12/12.
Loompa challenge   greymans yeti bx2 adventure 4

This is pheno #2, which I have been eyeing as the keeper pheno. Vigorous growth, pine sol stench(and i mean stench), red stems and the three finger leaf that has been referred to here as the UG trait to search for.
Loompa challenge   greymans yeti bx2 adventure 5

We are now in week 2 of flowering, so I will start to hopefully get some better shots of the buds as they grow and evolve and I will share them here. Hope everyone is doing well tonight and my apologies if I screwed up anything with this post, bare with me, its my first time posting pictures on the internet. Gonna have to cut this old guy some slack.


And today week 2 of flowering comes to an end. Posting a small update and a few updated pics now that flowers are forming. I gotta figure out a way to get better pictures, the iPhone camera is just not good. Most recent feeding was calmag, drip clean, fasilitor(double dose 48ml in 40gal), canna a/b, and small dose of bloom boost. Res PPM was 1190, ph 6.0-6.1, temp 70. Current foilar system consists of two recipes. 1) Canna boost 15 ml per gallon, ro water and 2)magic bullet as defined by cap. I switch up every day.

Wanted to show the best close up I could, of how well this plant responds to super cropping. Different phenos are displayed here so its genetics as a whole.
Photo 2 10
Photo 11

Here is a pic of the three leaf everyone keeps referring too from our Pheno #2, a bunch of her leaf subsets are the three leaf formation. Pheno 2 is our front runner thus far in overall categories(veg, flower structure, smell, purple stems, etc). In the past 48 hours pheno 2 has been putting out a strong fuel smell, I can tell the nose on this pheno is going to be killer. Second pic is front shot of said pheno.
Photo 1 9

Couple of canopy shots as week 2 closes. Sorry it looks so discombobulated, Ill figure out a better camera situation shortly.

Photo 2 10 copy
Photo 1 9 copy

Flowering height started at 36-40 inches. We have super cropped every plant, but current canopy height is over 60 inches entering week 3. Will update again next week as week 3 closes. I am going to make sure I get pics of each of the 11 phenos we have going. Once again wanna thank Loompa for putting these genetics into the public domain. Everyone is always asking about me about a pungent pine sol og and I believe this is going to be the one. Have a great weekend everyone.


Trichome Engineer
Very nice. Looks like nice striping on the keeper. And good stretch. Good to know how tall these are going to get. Much appreciate the info. M


Wanna watch these beasts get loved by ya! Sexy stretchin' imho. I am closing my eyes imagining your terpene profiles.....yummy! Everything looks great, thx for starting this thread greyman!
Oom pah pah

Oom pah pah

Loompa Farms
Woo doggy . ... Looks like you got some serious potential in those candy striped stem phenos. Looking a lot like the mama( underdog) . They look nice and happy . Make sure you get a couple clones off those ladies


Woo doggy . ... Looks like you got some serious potential in those candy striped stem phenos. Looking a lot like the mama( underdog) . They look nice and happy . Make sure you get a couple clones off those ladies

Those are our clones we are flowering:) The seed mothers are relaxing under t5's around 4.5 feet tall right now ready to take massive cuttings from once our run is done and we know what we are dealing with. I really appreciate you checking out the pics and letting me know what you think, the information is invaluable.


As the lights have gone off in this room, week three has come to an end. Loompa, I do not know what you have in these genetics, that is way above my pay grade, but these plants are special, I would argue with anyone who says different. I believe that I have more than one keeper out of these 11 females. I am forcing myself to almost ignore pheno #2 so I don't miss out on another beauty. As always sorry for garbage pics, I ordered a new camera off amazon so week 4 pics are gonna be a lot better! Alrighty, on to the update.

Current res PPM 1280-1320. Foilar ended today, hit them one last time with foilar 1(canna boost). Current nutes cal mag, drip clean, fasilitor(ended double dose last night as well), canna a/b at 350ml per 40 gallons, some bloom boost, some peak boost and caps tea mix. Tested runoff all in acceptable ranges. Current temp is 78-81 degrees lights on,, 69-71 degrees lights off. Co2 at 1600 ppm(to keep my room above 1500 I keep it at 1600), humidity average is 41% lights on, 52% lights off. Current canopy height is approx 70 inches. Tomorrow we will open up the plants by staking them outwards and tying and what not.

Here is pheno #8, I took this shot right before lights went out. Her smell is unique, much different than the other plants. I get a fruity overtone, no real fuel, just almost a strawberry aroma.
Photo 1 10

I have to foilar using epsom to boost up her mag levels or she lightens up overnight. Took me a few days to figure out, but what I like about this plant is that its stretch was only 1.5-1.7x.

Here is pheno #2, aroma is just an absurd kerosene fuel. You do not need to even grab a branch to smell it, you can be around a foot from it and already get a hint of it. When you grab a branch and really put your nose in, it smells like a gas station. Def not the biggest nug formation thus far, but the resin production is amazing. This pic does not do justice to the amount of trich already showing on this one.
Photo 5 3

Photo 1 10 copy

Next up is pheno #7. Not even sure what to say about this plant. She has streched almost 3x. Her nug structure is off the charts and she is clearly going to be the yielder out of the crew. I am having to feed this plant once daily now as she just hit 6.5 feet tall. Her smell is a mix of the fuel and some cherries. Posting this pic first so you can see differences, pheno #2 is the front and the tall one behind is #7.

Photo 4 5 copy

Photo 4 5

Gonna do just a few overview shots. I am excited to get the new camera so next weeks update should be a lot better. You will notice a 3 gallon, 2 gallon pot and a 1 gallon pot as well, I am doing this to test out the strains in smaller containers to see how they yield and form, they haven't been included in any of my plant count numbers or what not.

Photo 2 10 copy

Photo 2 10 copy 2

Photo 5 3 copy

That is about it for this update. Next Sunday will be the end of week four and I am going to bust out a lot of shots with the new camera, so that will be good. I can't begin to describe how excited I am for the next few days to see how all the buds form out, trich develops and all the phenos to start putting off some nice aromas. Also excited to stake them out and open them up to see how the plant handles its growth. I appreciate everyones feedback and Loompa once again for making this all possible. The world is in a real shitty place right now so going to my rooms and checking out these beauties really perks me up a bit amid all the senseless violence in the world right now. I kind of think to myself, if only everyone had the underdog, maybe they would be too stoned to fight. Or hell, even a bong hitting contest to solve disputes would be something worth discussing. Hope everyone is having a good weekend and Ill be back again next Sunday! peace.
Photo 3 7 copy
Photo 2 10
Photo 3 7


Some nice pheno expression, nice work bro.. Keep us updated..


Kudos on the big Jungle Mr. Greyman
I am obsessed with givin Loompa the best I can,, I am growing out his ladies and gents as well MoonDawg F2 and YetiF3 I am in it for the fun of the grow thats for sure
Do you recall how the seedling looked at say week 3-4 I have a few that are very different than the reds and striped ones? did you get any tails that can be used as markers this small.? I have a few that are all very green little to no color but the smell ! so young didnt expect that. In your grow do you recall early aromas.
Great Grow
Thanks for the time


What up Farm! Sunday Update!

Week four has come to a close and things are moving along really well. I am starting to understand the bud formation and branch setting of these phenos, seeing a lot of potential in multiple plants. Phenos 1, 2, 7, and 20 clearly have that pinesol fuel nose to them as they already stink and we have five weeks to go. When the lights go off, it gets crazy because within ten minutes it just reeks of lemon pledge fuel in the room. Anyways, on to the information.
Current res PPM averaged 1340 this past week. Current nutes cal mag, drip clean, fasilitor, canna a/b at 430ml per 40 gallons, one dosage of bloom boost at beginning of week and caps tea mix. I am watering the five gallon smart pots every 48 hours. If I had a solid watering timer I would have it watering the room at every 40 hours, but I just wait till I get there in the morning to do it manually. Tested runoff all in acceptable ranges. The Yeti stays even more consistent in runoff ranges than my normal strains. Current temp has ranged from 80-82 degrees lights on,, 66-70 degrees lights off. Co2 at 1600 ppm, humidity average is 36% lights on, 49% lights off. Current canopy height is approx 74 inches and all stretch has long since completed.

Pheno #7 putting off the large colas already, absurdly trichy(imho) really almost coated in white, great structure and strong fuel scent. Def not the strongest smell of the pinesol phenos but strong enough where if the yields were to come in as strong as I think they will, she will be a keeper.
Photo 3 7

Here is pheno #1, probably the strongest fuel scent of the pheno's or tied with pheno #2 for that honor. Once again, the trich is just blowing away the right side of the room which is my paki plants. At day 63 I am hoping this plant is so covered in trichs you won't be able to see any green.
Photo 4 5

Best up close shot I could get of pheno #2 nug structure. Not the best shot or bud site to choose, was really the only photo I could get to come out at all. This pheno is def not going to be yielder of the group. Golf ball sized buds across the board. Between the genetics itself and double dose of fasilitor I was putting in them there are a lot of bud sites, so while yield on this pheno won't be stellar on this run, I can train this one differently for my next runs to garner a stronger yield. Supercropping every branch out will be the idea.
Photo 5 3

Here is a little group shot of phenos 2(left), 7(back right) and 16.
Photo 12

Heading into week five now. I plan on taking this room 63 days, so four weeks to go and will start flushing at the beginning of week eight. Going to keep the plants on similar feeding regimen as previous week, with the subtraction of bloom boost and small reduction in cal/mag, while increasing magnesium separately. Week five will be the last week of fasilitor in the regimen. Towards the end of the week I will begin using moab and hammerhead through the end of week six. I do not run the combo in week seven as I feel like I can taste it a ton less by ending in week six. Week seven i will reduce cal mag further, canna will be reduced and prep the plants for the flush. Drip clean will be run through the end and caps teas up until the end of week eight. I will begin taking CO2 down to 1200 in week six, 1000 week seven, 800 week eight and then cut. Humidity will stay in the 35-40% range until week seven when I take it down to 25% for the remaining three weeks. Temps will be brought down to 78 degrees lights on average in week six, then 76 for last three weeks.

I did take some shots of each pheno with my new camera. I just need to procure a cord to hook up to my ancient laptop and I will upload them and get them on here in another post in this thread, goal is by later tonight. hope everyone is having a good weekend, Ill catch up in here next Sunday. Loompa, these genetics kick ass man.


End of week 5 has arrived, posting a few pics of the room just random shots. Everything moving along well, plants filling in quite nicely. Gonna keep the verbiage to a minimum as nothing really changed from previous week in terms of regimen or environmental controls. Gonna change up a few items this week and can go over them next Sunday at the end of week six.

Photo 1 10 copy
Photo 1 10
Photo 2 10 copy
Photo 2 10
Photo 3 7
Photo 4 5 copy
Photo 4 5
Photo 5 3 copy 2
Photo 5 3 copy
Photo 5 3


Start out the weekend right, Yeti BX2, 48 hours from end of week six. Full update coming Sunday. This plant is just fucking amazing, fuel smell out running my scrubbers, trich through and through. Loompa just killed it with this strain. Thank You Sir.
Photo 4 5


Sunday Update, end of week six and the home stretch begins! Gonna take this room 63 days before I put it in the dark for 48 hours. Have started lowering the cal/mag and will start lowering the overall feed ratios this week. Going to take the temp to 76-78 range with humidity around 30% and the subsequent weeks 20-25%. Only so much I can say about these plants without sounding like I'm blowing too much smoke up loompas ass, but man, these fucking plants are just sick. I lost the ability to control the smell around the middle of week 4, by now I am getting concerned its sneaking outside. Pure fuel, hints of lemon and berry. If you so much as brush by the plant your clothing will smell like you killed a skunk by hand. The camera i bought off amazon I haven't figured out really how to connect to my laptop yet, so my apologies for the crappy pics.

Pheno #2, most resembling the underdawg traits as discussed in the Yeti thread.
Photo 1 12

This is the pheno I refer to as "short stack." Plant never stretched, even in the 5 gallon smart pot, but wow, has these large arms with just huge colas on them. Far and away the thickest and largest in the room. First pic is the plant, second is one of the colas. She is only around 4.5 feet tall.

Photo 5 3

Photo 4 6

Here is pheno #1, if I had to cut everything down today, she is my winner. Suspected yield, bud structure, plant structure, pure fuel smell, I can go on and on. First pic is of her in all her glory, second is best close up i can get of buds themselves. I am sure some of you guys have nugs in your room that look this unreal, but up until this point in my life, I have not.
Photo 4 6 copy

Photo 3 8 copy

Here is pheno #22, tallest in the room, she is banging out right about 7 feet, maybe a little more. She is surpassing my co2 burner in height.
Photo 3 8

Here is pheno #7, all around great plant in every category. Wish the picture wasn't fuzzy, thats lame.
Photo 2 12

Pheno #17, the bushiest of the bunch. Her smell is much more fruity than the other plants, but she appears to be the best yielder out of the crew if i had to guess up to this moment.
Photo 1 12 copy

Excited to be coming to the finish line here soon. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Looking real nice in here!

Push them to 70+ days if you want the real magic to unlock... I know it's super tempting to pull in the 9 week range, but from my experience, the extra week is where the money is on og Kush plants

your killing me smalls!!!!!!
Power OG

Power OG

Kudos on the big Jungle Mr. Greyman
I am obsessed with givin Loompa the best I can,, I am growing out his ladies and gents as well MoonDawg F2 and YetiF3 I am in it for the fun of the grow thats for sure
Do you recall how the seedling looked at say week 3-4 I have a few that are very different than the reds and striped ones? did you get any tails that can be used as markers this small.? I have a few that are all very green little to no color but the smell ! so young didnt expect that. In your grow do you recall early aromas.
Great Grow
Thanks for the time
Looking real nice in here!

Push them to 70+ days if you want the real magic to unlock... I know it's super tempting to pull in the 9 week range, but from my experience, the extra week is where the money is on og Kush plants
75days for the win! Is some true head advice. Looking amazing in your room! Great job
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