Marijuana Legalization Victories Could Be Short-Lived

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* Colorado, Washington vote to legalize

* Oregon voters reject similar measure

* Federal government considers marijuana an illicit drug

By Alex Dobuzinskis

Nov 7 (Reuters) - Votes making Colorado and Washington the first U.S. states to legalize marijuana for recreational use could be short-lived victories for pot backers because the federal government will fight them, two former U.S. drug control officials said on Wednesday.

They said the federal government could sue to block parts of the measures or send threatening letters to marijuana shops, followed up by street-level clampdowns similar to those targeting medical marijuana dispensaries the government suspects are fronts for drug traffickers.

"This is a symbolic victory for (legalization) advocates, but it will be short-lived," Kevin Sabet, a former adviser to the Obama administration's drug czar, told reporters.

"They are facing an uphill battle with implementing this, in the face of ... presidential opposition and in the face of federal enforcement opposition," Sabet said.

Colorado and Washington state legalized the possession and sale of marijuana for adult recreational use on Tuesday through ballot measures in defiance of federal law, while a similar initiative was defeated at the polls in Oregon.

The initiatives appeared to reflect growing national support for liberalized marijuana laws, as indicated by a Gallup poll last year that found 50 percent of Americans favored making it legal, versus 46 percent opposed.

The U.S. Department of Justice, which considers marijuana an illegal drug liable to being abused, said enforcement of the federal Controlled Substances Act "remains unchanged."

"We are reviewing the ballot initiatives and have no additional comment at this time," a government statement said.

Sabet said he expected the Obama administration would at some point file a federal lawsuit to challenge and seek to block aspects of state-level legalization measures and that this "is going to be caught up in the courts for quite a while."


But federal action was not expected to snuff out state-sanctioned marijuana in those states - especially the ability of individuals to possess an ounce or less of the drug without risk of arrest by local police.

Sabet, who opposes legalization, acknowledged that states were free to eliminate their own penalties for possession. But he said U.S. Attorneys could send letters to Colorado and Washington governors warning them not to implement provisions to regulate and tax marijuana at special stores.

Or the federal government could wait until such a system is created and sue to block it, he said.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, had said he personally opposed his state's legalization measure. But he has since said he plans to respect the will of voters.

In Washington state, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jay Inslee, who was leading in the vote count in a tight race, has spoken out against his state's initiative but is committed to implementing it, campaign spokeswoman Jaime Smith said.

If the Obama administration reacts too harshly, it could suffer politically with younger, more left-leaning voters who chose legalization and typically lean Democratic.

But President Barack Obama also faces pressure from anti-drug groups to protect young people from harm they say would result if states set up a regulated and taxed marijuana trade.

Robert DuPont, who served as drug czar for former Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and opposes legalization, said he welcomed a confrontation.

"I think it's time to resolve it," he said.

Ian Millhiser, senior constitutional policy analyst with the left-leaning Center for American Progress, said the federal government, even if it sues to challenge the Colorado and Washington initiatives, cannot force police in those states to arrest people for marijuana infractions.

"If I were Barack Obama, I would look at this and say I would rather have young voters with me," Millhiser said. (Additional reporting by Jonathan Kaminsky in Olympia; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Jim Loney)


Obama is no dummy, he knows that the young, the women and the minorities are the ones who got him elected. He isn't going to shit on the ones who backed him and gave him 4 more years of playing KING! The young and minorities would absolutely go crazy and abandon him and his policies.

The next step to freedom has been taken. Sure it's going to be a difficult road but time and the changing population of the US is ultimately going to win out and give the voting public what they want.


Living dead girl
That's IT. I'm watching Boardwalk Empire.

Obama is not the one(s) in control here. He is mostly a figurehead, but ultimately has little actual power. It's the fucking INCUMBENTS that we people keep voting back into office who are the ones in power and who are wiping their asses with what we want. Representation my ASS.
sky high

sky high

Sabet's response mirrors what I have been saying all along...the FED WILL STOP the retail side...but they have no means to stop us from growing/possessing in our least not in a physical sense where they knock on everyone's door as the run the drug dogs around yer house/etc. What they do "otherwise" to fuck things pee tests for any/all services/licenses/etc/etc/etc is yet to be seen.

The dividing lines are drawn...and have been drawn since the first "Ogden" memo.... that the Gov't is gonna ease up on individual intent and go hard on the folks who only have a commercial intent.

After 40 years of smoking and bein under their thumb...I support any/all actions that protect the individual right. Screw the rest of it, we don't need it anyway...


You are absolutely right Obama is a figure head however the incumbents want their job as well and will do whatever it takes to keep it. Therefore imho only the stupid and commercial growers need to fear 64 and what it will bring in the future. It's funny, all the opinions and comments on the subject. It is going to be very interesting watching how this all plays out. In the mean time I will sit here and hide just like always. We will will just take time. Oh, is it going to be like you want it, CERTAINLY NOT, but it will get more liberal as time goes on.


Living dead girl
I'm talking about the powerful incumbents, like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. Who still holds her seat, by the by, thanks to my fellow constituents. Mindless fucks.

Ooops..! did I say that in my out-loud voice...?


Sea, right on! One problem, they are old fucks and getting ready to be put out to pasture. When the old fucks die off it will get better. Pelosi will go live on her vineyard and live just like the rich republicans, so will Reid and the rest of the Hippocrates.
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