Marijuana not a safe or effective medicine

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Farming 🌱
The marijuana bill the Illinois legislature is considering does away with the Food and Drug Administration process, and the legislature assumes the role of the FDA.
The FDA has concluded that marijuana has a high potential for abuse, has no accepted medical use and lacks an acceptable level of safety even under medical supervision. The FDA has approved Marinol, which is not smoked, but is marijuana in pill form.
Over a century ago, people bought all sorts of stuff from salesmen selling heroin, cocaine, marijuana — out of the back of a wagon. Often called Snake Oil Salesmen, they sold products touted as painkillers.
We had almost 3 million heroin addicts in the early 1900s. The Harrison Narcotics Act passed in 1914, then the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the FDA was established and Charles Walgreen opened a drugstore.
Today people know where they can get medicine approved by the FDA as safe and effective — at drugstores — and manufacturers list the ingredients, directions, side effects and warnings. This bill would make medical marijuana available to 18 year olds, but it won’t be with a prescription or at a drugstore.
Marijuana as medicine means more use and more abuse. Each cardholder can get 2.5 ounces of marijuana every 14 days (2.5 ounces makes 183 joints). Medical marijuana cardholders will either sell their marijuana or give it to others. This is not debatable; this will happen. Based upon Michigan’s experience, Illinois could expect more than 270,000 medical marijuana cardholders.

Research documents that regular users of marijuana have twice the motor vehicle crashes as non-users. In Colorado, since medical marijuana was introduced, the number of drivers causing fatal motor vehicle crashes testing positive for marijuana has more than tripled.
Substance Abuse Treatment centers for children report marijuana as the leading cause for admission. Marijuana is second only to alcohol at adult substance abuse treatment centers.
Illinois employers responsible for a safe work environment prohibit employees from coming to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Employers would now have new problems dealing with employees and applicants using marijuana.
Can employers maintain a safe work environment when people with marijuana in their system come to work under the influence or stoned, threatening the safety of the workplace and co-workers?
Since when is smoking good for your health? Marijuana is fat soluble and stays in the fatty tissues and the brain 75 times longer than a drink of alcohol.

If smoked marijuana is good for cancer, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis patients, why do national associations representing these patients oppose marijuana as medicine? The legislation sponsors argue that marijuana can provide relief from those suffering untreatable pain, but as the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on January 22 “no adequate and well controlled studies exist on marijuana’s medical efficacy.”

This is about whether Illinois citizens want the legislature to decide on how to approve and dispense medicine instead of the FDA. The medical marijuana lobby has put together myths and money that will not make for a safe or healthier Illinois. The proposal endangers our youth, our highways and our workplaces and increases costs for employers and taxpayers. It is bad medicine.
Peter Bensinger is former administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and former director of the Illinois Department of Corrections. Andrea Barthwell is former deputy director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.


headline Midland ,Mi 12 year old commits suicide. best bet for the culprit his epileptic drugs. the drugs this kid was on are known to cause suicidal thoughts in adults. hey big pharma can make more if kids can get it. apparently the FDA testing worked here as the drugs do produce suicidal thought and actions in even a hormonal 12 year old. WTF...


Cause FDA AND AMA actually test drugs for safety . What a funking joke

They honestly do the best they can for the most part. Nothing is perfect. We shouldn't take our anger out at this POS ex DEA administrator for his wild assumptions and lies on other organizations.

I'm not denying the FDA falls short a lot of the time--but it's difficult to understand how truly difficult drug testing is unless you do it.

Burned Haze

They honestly do the best they can for the most part. Nothing is perfect. We shouldn't take our anger out at this POS ex DEA administrator for his wild assumptions and lies on other organizations.

I'm not denying the FDA falls short a lot of the time--but it's difficult to understand how truly difficult drug testing is unless you do it.

FDA only tests less than 15% of total they approve,rest is done by 3rd party. It's been proven time and time that not only is the FDA but the 3rd parties are corrupt fucks. I watched a video where the news company clearly got 4/5 3rd parties to admit how much it would cost to approve a already proven deadly drug, they didn't even spend the time to google the drug name or # to clearly show it was voodoo or snake oil. Most of our meds in the US are tested in India and Russia for ray profit since they get time and time caught not even doing real or accurate testing. The pharm want treatment not cure or prevention



FDA only tests less than 15% of total they approve,rest is done by 3rd party. It's been proven time and time that not only is the FDA but the 3rd parties are corrupt fucks. I watched a video where the news company clearly got 4/5 3rd parties to admit how much it would cost to approve a already proven deadly drug, they didn't even spend the time to google the drug name or # to clearly show it was voodoo or snake oil. Most of our meds in the US are tested in India and Russia for ray profit since they get time and time caught not even doing real or accurate testing. The pharm want treatment not cure or prevention


There is generally no such thing as a cure, unfortunately. Treatment is a best case scenario often times.

I'd ask for some evidence to base your numbers on--otherwise aren't we all as bad as you're claiming the FDA is? They seem pulled from the air to me.

I think you'll find that there is corruption in any sufficiently large system. It's the way greed works today and its the same way it will work tomorrow. Unfortunately the world can't have new medicines if they aren't tested.

If we went through the motions on every single one of them--you'd be stuck treating cancer with tylenol for the most part.

There is inherent risk with taking medications, and I think what's wrong is that this isn't properly explained to patients. We honestly can't blame, in its entirety, an organization which does a pretty damn good job in a lot of cases for not being perfect.

There are going to be failures, and there are going to be assholes who are cogs in the wheel (like the private companies you cite). This doesn't surprise me at all.

I'm not saying we should sing the praises of the FDA. What I'm saying is, if you're so against them--what in the hell is your alternative?
My guess is that you don't have one, and that if you came up with one it would take less than a month for it to become as corrupt as the FDA is. That's where you're missing the boat on this one I think. It's not the FDA you're mad at--it is the way of the world we live in.

Burned Haze

There is generally no such thing as a cure, unfortunately. Treatment is a best case scenario often times.

I'd ask for some evidence to base your numbers on--otherwise aren't we all as bad as you're claiming the FDA is? They seem pulled from the air to me.

I think you'll find that there is corruption in any sufficiently large system. It's the way greed works today and its the same way it will work tomorrow. Unfortunately the world can't have new medicines if they aren't tested.

If we went through the motions on every single one of them--you'd be stuck treating cancer with tylenol for the most part.

There is inherent risk with taking medications, and I think what's wrong is that this isn't properly explained to patients. We honestly can't blame, in its entirety, an organization which does a pretty damn good job in a lot of cases for not being perfect.

There are going to be failures, and there are going to be assholes who are cogs in the wheel (like the private companies you cite). This doesn't surprise me at all.

I'm not saying we should sing the praises of the FDA. What I'm saying is, if you're so against them--what in the hell is your alternative?
My guess is that you don't have one, and that if you came up with one it would take less than a month for it to become as corrupt as the FDA is. That's where you're missing the boat on this one I think. It's not the FDA you're mad at--it is the way of the world we live in.

Incorrect and ur obviously assume your just so much more "knowledgable in such fields when obviously ur a kiss ass to the government and pharm industry. They have over the last 50 years turned the med industry into a drug dominate bullshit cause he AMA owns the industry including school requirements for zero nutrients knowledge in school but dominate pushed knowledge of just drug treatment of even the most common prevention options with just a simply nutrient diet could save millions of just blood pressure issues but also heart disease . Their has been so many cases where their holistic discovery is so much more safe but also effective than the liver destroying pills. If their main intensins were not to only make you dependent on them why is it 1/12 in the 50's for cancer and now 1/4 . Cause you know chemotherapy is jut so effective and great treatment. BULLSHIT

I went to school and graduated for neurology , if you want to assume of people's knowledge but also their sources, just google it lol

Only less than 15% is tested in the USA and majority is tested in India and RUssia


Incorrect and ur obviously assume your just so much more "knowledgable in such fields when obviously ur a kiss ass to the government and pharm industry. They have over the last 50 years turned the med industry into a drug dominate bullshit . Their has been so many cases where their holistic discovery is so much more safe but also effective than he liver destroying pills. If their main intensins were not to only make ur dependent on them why is it 1/12 in the 50's for cancer and now 1/4 .

I went to school and graduated for neurology , if you want to assume of people's knowledge but also their sources, just google it lol

1. I didn't assume I was more knowledgeable, beyond that I didn't suggest, imply, or allude to it either. I will admit that in the past on this board I have made that mistake--and that is precisely why I didn't do it here. I was simply saying my piece.

2. Providing one document is far away from providing evidence for any of what you've said. While it was an interesting read, you've pulled more numbers out of your ass than that document sures up--even if we were to believe that it were gospel.

3. I'm totally on board with you that the cancer rate is fucked up--but I wholly disagree with you as to why. I think it has more to do with the sheer amount of industrial chemicals we're exposed to now versus then--the number difference is staggering. In either case, neither of us have proof or something would be done about it. You're blowing as much smoke as I am. What I will say is that pharmaceuticals doesn't really make sense as a leading cause, because the rate of childhood cancers has skyrocketed as well and there's not an epidemic of over-medicated children in this country and especially others (where the cancer rate has still steadily climbed).

4. You started your statement with the word "incorrect" but provided no refutation whatsoever to any of my claims or statements. If you graduated from school, perhaps you should've paid attention in English class.

5. Literally, FUCK the pharmaceutical industry. If you think I'm kissing their ass then you don't know a fucking thing about me. My life's goal is to see the whole thing toppled over. It's a broken machine and it needs to be destroyed. I acknowledge that the FDA plays a role there, but I simply believe the way you've gone about discussing them is disingenuous at best. It is possible for me to have a difference of opinion without sucking big pharma's dick. I'm not sure where you're from, but I don't live in Nazi Germany. I have this freedom of speech thing that I'm pretty fond of.

6. Personally, I think publication bias is a way bigger problem than approval bias is--because that's where the whole thing begins. Big pharma is behind this, not the FDA. The FDA is, in fact, hamstrung by it--and that is why big pharma does it. The problem is that the FDA is governed by a corrupt set of laws which they must follow to the T. It's not the organization that is corrupt, but the organizers (legislators)--which goes to my final point.

7. I AM a believer in government, I just think the one we have now is doing a shit job. I don't think the answer is to destroy government--but rather to fix it. I reject the idea that we can't do better.

8. The only person making assumptions here is you. You assumed you knew the first thing about me and my beliefs, and you were dead wrong. At the very best you're a hypocrite, but I suggest that you've got me all wrong. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter--I know who I am and what I believe, I don't require your co-signature.


I did not intend to cause a uprising but i did intend to cause thought, this is good.

I am fully aware of all the bad these and so many of the mood stabilizing drugs as well as N-said as well as many OTC drugs cause. addictions is just one Burned Haze is right on w/ liver and Kidney destruction. nuero drugs can cause seizures stroke heart attack and death by simply missing a dose or two. WTF. I take 3 different ones daily, w/out pot its 5 to 7. n- said and other pain killers have differing effects some process through the kidneys some through the liver all will kill you. or at min. decrease the life insuring function of these organs.
the purpose here was to point out the exact same thing that your Gov. forces big pharma to point out on every info-mercial we get bomb with continuously their drugs have side effects and they are not all so easy to dismiss.

If three people die in a bombing we hunt the killers down but Ibuprofen is a killer also and it is still on the market.

When I was 5-8 years old enough children died of an illness seldom seen today to fill a large cemetery, (rise syndrome) children with the flu were given the wonder drug Aspirin for there fever and holly shit they were dead in hours.

Your gov. is out of control and has been for 1o0+ years. The constitution I swore to uphold is under constant attack and should be reestablished.

normally I agree w/ you squigg and your right they do good. but any time a people believes they have created knowledge so powerful the can disregard that learned centuries before it is a sign of ignorance and disrespect beyond that comprehend able by myself. we as a people have forgotten more knowledge of our surrounding then we may ever posses again.
apologies for the grammar. not an English major.

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