Maxibloom in drip using Coco.

  • Thread starter Prestige
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Looks like drip clean is derived from
Phosphoric Acid and Potassium oxide. One of the flushing solutions I have is derived from citric acid and potassium oxide, I think I can use it instead. Haven't had any problems so far, except for calmag deficiency with my first Coco run. I was thinking of using it as more of a preventative measure.

What dose do you use it at, I mean.

I use a few drops every feeding or try not to go over 1 ml per gallon. I have a bag of Maxibloom, but I've never used it so I can't say what amount of calmag to use in order to help with your deficiencies. What I do from experience is get ahead of the problem. #1 I germinate seeds in a 2 ml gal of calmag and 1.1 ml gal of roots excel fed coco solo cup. Then I foliar feed the first two weeks or week and a half with the same mix. That takes care of the yellowing new growth if any. If, you used Canna Coco I'd recommend going ml for ml of calmag to A&B for calmag issues up to 8 ml of calmag being the max limit regardless if A&B exceeds that amount. Fyi, I only use R.O. it's too much bs in tap to be trying to guess what's wrong with my plants for my taste. Using R.O. there's no guessing or it makes the process of elimination easier.


No problem Prestige...any time. Good luck with your future endeavors! Peace


The deficiencies were with my very first Coco grow, haven't had any since. Thanks for sharing you experiences!


Not trying to throw shit on you @Lowman, but I have to take your opinion on Drip Clean, salt build up, and growth rate with a BIG grain of salt (pun intended). You had a BIG problem with salt build up, burning your plants up, and obviously lockouts because of it. No offense bro and like I said I'm not trying to throw shit on you; I'm just pointing out what YOU yourself have said on the matter and your personal experience. I have never had salt build up, other than my very first grow (the only time I didn't use Drip Clean) and I have never burnt up a plant other than my very first grow. There's no way i can believe plants with lockouts/salt build ups will grow faster than plants with ZERO deficiencies. I'll update my grow later today, where the growth I get is easily calculated. No flame or hate bro Ijs...nice colas though!

I appreciate your opinion....but I really don't have time to be measuring growth and so on to compare with your grow. I don't think it would accomplish anything anyways. I do a lot of pruning and training in veg to keep things back while waiting for space in my flower room. I actually hamper the growth of my veggers as they are in shock quite often. I never said that " plants with lockouts/salt build ups will grow faster than plants with ZERO deficiencies." either. Maybe that wasn't directed at me...but it seemed to I wanted to clear that up. I see you also like to measure your runoff....not my way of doing things in coco either. I find it unreliable. I have in the past....but I find digging out some coco from the root zone and making a slur...then measuring is much more accurate. But, carry on...what your doing works...and thats all that matter. Don't fix what ain't broke.


I appreciate your opinion....but I really don't have time to be measuring growth and so on to compare with your grow. I don't think it would accomplish anything anyways. I do a lot of pruning and training in veg to keep things back while waiting for space in my flower room. I actually hamper the growth of my veggers as they are in shock quite often. I never said that " plants with lockouts/salt build ups will grow faster than plants with ZERO deficiencies." either. Maybe that wasn't directed at me...but it seemed to I wanted to clear that up. I see you also like to measure your runoff....not my way of doing things in coco either. I find it unreliable. I have in the past....but I find digging out some coco from the root zone and making a slur...then measuring is much more accurate. But, carry on...what your doing works...and thats all that matter. Don't fix what ain't broke.
No prob...I was just responding to the 'challenge' you presented in your original reply. As I was saying I don't water to runoff; however, if my plants show signs of something wrong I do flush them. Measuring the runoff in that application is very telling, if you use R.O. water, but I saw that you've previously stated you use tap. No biggie bro...we all find our owm way of doing things...if you're happy with your methods I'm cool with it and don't have any problems with it. Good luck with your grows.


I will challenge that statement. I use coco hempys in a drip setup. Fed 7 times a day. Never any drying out. I get much faster growth than when I used to water as needed. Coco is a hydro medium. The more you water...the better it performs. I have also used drip clean....but I find it to be a useless expense.

I totally agree Loman. Drip clean is not needed at all in coco. I've used it and thought it was great. Then stop using it and everything was still great.

I even recently went to a way saltier base nute (heavy 16). My smaller pots (2.5 gal.) dry up in 20 hours and I water every 24 hours. The H 16 leaves a visibly salty residue on the coco where the GH I used before did not. I get zero salt build up issues without using a drip clean type product even with salty ass Heavy 16 and dry coco. I don't lose any leaves all 70 days, no burnt tips, only pure healthy plants.

I will say though that I top off each reservoir with 5 gallons of r/o water when the reservoir gets down to 5 gallons of nutrient solution. Of course I ph my topped off nutrient solution before feeding. This helps to reduce salt buildup in my medium sufficiently. FWIW I also use Hygrozyme until flush. I flush 10-15 days with straight RO water, nothing else. No ph on my flush either. Plants believe it or not are healthy all the way through with a nice fade.

As far as roots Excelerator, I use it every other feeding or so in veg the first two weeks, but I have to say I'm not as impressed as I used to be with it. Not sure if there is a new formula or something, but I feel like I used to get better results from the first bottle I bought a few years ago. I'm looking forward to using compost teas in the near future to boost my root structures. From what I've read in a recent thread here the consensus is that ACT teas are where it's at for super-healthy roots.


Awesome stuff! I am using Maxibloom and it builds-up immediately! I've never seen anything like it. The watering-can gets this quarter sized deposite right in the middle of the bottom.

From what I understand, pH (negative log of H+) has more to do with nutrient availability, than the uptake of H2O. If the goal is to stop the uptake of nutrients, would it not be counter-intuitive to pH the water?

In short, I do not pH my water when flushing, either and it works great for me.


Like, the goal is to devoid the plant of nutrients at flushing, so why pH the water and increase nutritent availability when the goal is the opposite? Plants will still uptake water at a wide range of acidity/alkalinity.

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