MC`s Forest Adventure

  • Thread starter markscastle
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Should try tranplanting some into the dirt,see how big they can get..But must be a bitch to dig the holes..Also if its start to get really hot,I'd cover the black pots,with newspaper,or something,so they won't absorb the heat.Bu you should know that already,lol.


Well-Known Farmer
You can`t dig a hole in that ground because it`s all rock. Not even with a backhoe. I`m working on making some above ground with 3` high wire fiencing lined with ground cover. The problem is the dirt up here is useless. Everything needs to be hulled up the hill and I`m short funds until next month. I also need to get black plastic for my blackout frame. I need to get the males in my pop up tent to flower ahead of all the females and collect the pollen then get the females into flower ahead of the bud crop so I`m not trying to dry everything at the same time in Fall. The indoor plants are coming along and some should be ready for the cut in two weeks. I should get 1.5 to 2 lbs. wish they were ready now! I had one small Querkle I thought had mold but at closer inspection with a loop it was just frosty as hell! They need to amber up a little is all.
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Hey bro i sometimes have a hard time timing my chosen males to knock my females up outdoor. I used to have an old freezerI stored pollen long term in but for years I suck at that. Wondering ya got any tricks to save it i don't know....Thought about using a wine chiller or tiny freezer on a digi thermostat set to get no colder than 32...............any Scott's Herbsman insight jigga? Stuffs looking good out there.......gonna be sticky.....
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Well-Known Farmer
Pollen is good for up to two months if kept dry and in the freezer. I put it in air tight small bottles and use a food saver to pack them ,then date the packs.

I had one of my larger plants wilt yesterday. Not sure if I missed it in watering or what. Still looking bad this morning. An other one,an Old Grand Dad, has webbed fingers like duck`s foot. I`ve been growing this strain now for well over 40 yrs and never saw this before.Goes to show you just how deep genetics can hide away in a seed before popping out. The purple pheno type of Old Grand Dad is GDP. Most are not purple but every once in awhile you get one that`s like Kin`s cut only from seed.
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Well-Known Farmer
The wilted plant turned out to have the main stem broken just under the soil. Must have been the wind before I staked them up. That was awhile back though so don`t know how it happended. It was the only one of the bigger plants that I didn` have marked and didn`t know wha strain it was.

This is going to be a ruff next two weeks,very broke with the cost of the generators and all the flat tires I`ve had. I`m scrimping on fuel for the generator and am short fuel for the truck to fetch water also. I will have to wait on payday to run the generator to mix any soil also. My daugher sent me $100 in the mail but someone took the money out of the letter. I tryed to get an on line payday loan but they want me to fax my income report to them.No fax in the mountians! Can`t aford to go to town on a maybe. I put my Honda Shadow and my trash pump up for sale on line, but not holding my breath. I `m headed out tomarrow to get comodities from a food bank and will get some swamp soil on the way back. After I unload it`s off to the creek to fetch water again. Plants are looking good and just gave em some bat and quil guano today then fem`d em again. I`m thinking of tranplanting the males I got in large tubs into 5gal buckets and putting some of the females that are in 5 gal planters in the larger tubs instead. The males don`t need the root space ,as soon as they dump they`ll get pulled anyway. Next week I hope to start pulling some f the indoor that should be ready. Lots to do around here anyway!


Hey Mc
everythings lookin good,sorry to hear of your ruff times,esp someone taking money from your Mail..
but it looks like the road is going good.. hang in there Old friend .. and as i read through i see Mention
of Earth,I had no idea earth was a She... lol go figure maybe thats the way she wanted ya CW
has been gone for sometime now.. Met some of the Best people Ive ever met there.. yes that Incudes
you MC ~lol~!! Kinda wonder what some of the are up to now... ayway Best of luck to you be well
Grow Strong~ and I'll be back to check in on your thread..


Well-Known Farmer
Well the gears of progress are slowed down because of lack of funds until next month. I have maybe 4 weeks of veg left unless I want to set up lights on my grow. Problem would be gas money as well as pushing the veg time back would leave me at a later harvast and up here the weather gets cold and wet early. Now if I knew I`d have some greenhouse tunnels up in time for the storms it would be worth doing. I`m still thinking about it though,I`d only need lights a few hours a day in the mornings to keep em in veg a few weeks longer.I`ve seen this done before in Lake Co. and also in Mendo Co.

I transplanted 9 males into 5 gal buckets so I can use the larger tubs they were in. I`ll transplant some of the 5 gal girls in a few days when the soil gets a little dryer,other wise the soil falls off the rootball. I need a few more 2x2`s for the blackout tent to make a 10 x 20 tent. I really want to flower the males but I`m thinking I might also need a dry place to trim and hang plants this Fall so I`ll wait until my check comes in and finish it larger. I`m also working on some above ground planters but will scale back the size as it would take too much soil and it`s so late now the plants wouldn`t be able to make full use of the larger planters. I`m thinking two rows of 18`` x 3` x 40` instead of 3`x4`x40`. It may not be to late for the plants to put out enough roots to make more bud production even if they don`t get that much larger. I hate money,unless you have enough of it anyway! Oh well there`s always next year !


Black plastic isn't a great choice for a blackout tent, you need breathable blackout fabric or else you're creating a hotbox that is going to result in stressed plants and a lot of mold and mildew. Check out FarmTek they sell all kinds of specially designed breathable blackout fabric. That's what you need.
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Well-Known Farmer
I Plan on venting it and it will be in the shade when the plants are in it. I only plan on having them in there during the early mornings to shorten the light hours.

Get this I can`t get a payday loan because they want me to fax them my income report. I don`t have the gas to run to town to fax them anything, that`s why I wanted the payday loan in the first place,Duh!


Premium Member
Your plants look very well tended and you've got quite a forest. I know it sucks not having any money when it takes money to do anything these days. Hopefully the lean times will be over soon and on to bigger and better things for your little slice of heaven. I hope your health is doing well and things are cool for you and yours



Well-Known Farmer
Thanks mal! Yes I`ll do ok but just disapointed I couldn`t do better. Cost of Gas,repairs and the high price they want these days for anything involving MMJ. Next time I`m in a hydro shop I`m going to tell them I`ll pay that price if they will water,weed and trim my plants! My health is ok these days but the old lady been passed on a few years now. I`ve about give up finding a new one,seems the only ones intrested in me are way to young or way to old.And none of them do a very good job at trimming! I had an ex-playboy center fold for awhile that could trim just fine, but her mother kept hitting on me and her dad hated my guts.


Sounds like plastic will work for what you're doing then. Nice plants man, I'm jelly!
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Well-Known Farmer
Two years ago I had 22 plants in a Co-op grow that were 6x6 by this time of year. I got about 100 lbs off them. These plants are dinky if you ask me! They still have a ways to go but because the soil is poor up here and the space I have is almost solid rock I have them in containers. If I had enough $ to make larger above ground containers early enough I would be a wash in bud this Fall. I`m planning on getting soil through out the year for the next grow so this will not happen again! For the seed runs I won`t need very large plants. Most of the crosses will only be F1`s or F2`s. Every year I plan on improving my grows until I have it down . I added to the bulk of last years soil and will do that again until I have more than enough. Some amendments and composting and it just gets better each year. I grow alot like `Three Little birds` style ,but been at it longer than them.


Well-Known Farmer
Butte County Sheriff`s chopper just flew over and did a once around. I tryed to find my camera in time but couldn`t. Dam I got pic`s a few years ago when they came over the house a few times. They don`t like pics being taken and take off soon as they see a camera so it`s hard to get a good shot of em.


Well-Known Farmer
The Growers below me also got buzzed today,they circled kind of both gardens. I don`t think they saw the one just up the hill from me though.
I had some bad news about my Grandson today,tests came back He`s Autistic along with other health issues.All that can be done for him will be but, all I can do really is to love him.

On the up side I made $100 today so should be easyer to make it to my next Social Security check.


Sorry for the news on the grandson Mark. Glad to hear ya got a little money to help ya get by until the 3rd.

Since they done their flyover, probably with video cameras rolling so they can count plants at their leasure, I'd be prepared for a visit from them aholes wanting to look at yer paperwork. Be ready for them!

Stay healthy bud.

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Well-Known Farmer
They got my GPS address now! Yep they`ll most likely be out. I`m thinking they have a bunch of other grows to visit also so it may be awhile. Most the time they do the fly overs a few times and keep watch until Fall then hit you up when your plants are full of buds. I just did a plant count and with males and plants I plan on hitting with pollen I`ve got 193. I`m looking into getting an other script out here to cover things but the males and a few other plants will be gone in a few weeks.
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Damn....guess ya best start stretching your prison wallet back out.........lmao....
just fooookin around mannnnng....Cali loves to fly around n photograph everyones herb garden....seems you are more likely sweated from the air middle of nowhere than suburbia........
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Hope your grandson's health gets better !! AndI hope not to see you in the news any time soon,stay safe!!
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ok now i'm worried about ya old friend....them feds are nuthing to joke about and I was fuckin fubar on some canna snickerdoodles last
....I'd try in dot the i's n cross all t's I could as far as recs. They are likely doing look n lands on more than a thousand if they are feds in yoor part of Cali so lets hope ya are golden.....big advantage of doing your work right up in the triangle is ya can get pretty big stiill be small potatoes....I got a 2nd cuz not far from ya at all got buzzed with few too many last week too and is shitting....hes an X tweak freak with four kids n no ol'Lady though....he dont need troble either......fuckers take retired vets n disabled peoples livelihood n passion not to mention meds even freedom away....fuck that.........I gotta little plane port right by my house so I get buzzed everyday my shits cloaked n a veil of magical greatness though.........rastafari....sometimes i feel like taking pot shots at them with the 30/06 on hot days though..............
keep us posted till it "blows" over n push come to shove let someone know in the canna scene if shit hits so we can help ya jigga............Big Ups n Good Vibes.......bum bum bum
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