Medical Cannabis is for those who need it.

  • Thread starter Darth Schwag
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Darth Schwag

Darth Schwag

I know i'm probably gonna catch all heck for saying these things but i really think we're doing needy patients a huge disservice. What am i talking about? Well, medical marijauna versus what most of us are here for, recreational marijauna. Obama has been cracking down on medical marijauna lately as everybody knows and i'm not here to defend his position or motives, merely to see if anyone else realizes what is going on. Medical marijuana legalization is being abused by all of us.
Firstly, the local authorities allowing abuses to take place for their bribes and graft. Secondly, the doctor who prescribes it for a backache or other minor ailment - is perpetuating the abuse for a profit. I'd say a good many MMJ card holders got it without true medical need. Thirdly, the dispensaries showcase the finest ganja the area can produce, bought from illegal mass growers or growing patients that are out of compliance to make a profit. Look at the guys running Harborside dispensary on "Weed Wars" - dude, they look like throwbacks to the `60s. These aren't professional medicine providers; these are dope dealers with a hall pass. And last but not least, the users. We hoard it, sell it to kids and on the street, grow way more than what we're allowed to grow, even setting up factories to grow thousands more, steal power, set up dangerous grow rooms that catch fire...i could go on.
We are ruining the MMJ movement and setting it back years by not following the letter of the MMJ law.
I just grew 5 plants and that will hold me for months. Why does the guy down the street need to grow 50 or 500 or even 5000? I know people that need and benefit from MMJ. I plan to not spoil it for them.

We have got to get MMJ laws passed coast to coast before we can ever hope to have RMJ.
deep buddy

deep buddy

while i def agree in the medicinal benefits of cannabis. i have chronic pain, mj doesnt really do shit for my pain, it does help me tolerate the opiates i take for the pain. i use cannabis for recreation, period and fuck anyone who stands in my way. they have been saying the same shit about mmj reform since the 70's , med cannabis first as a stepping stone to recreational cannabis, its was crap then just like its crap now. hmmmm report to your local authority's to make sure your in compliance, whats next? armbands with little green stars on them?
bending your knee is not the answer to this problem, it is sad that the sickest people and the most in need are the ones who are being hurt the most by laws that are supposed to help their suffering.


Fear Not!
I have a bit of a Problem with the OP

My wife has Fibromyalgia (nerve pain) MMJ releives some pain and helps her sleep. So I started growing for her.
.Some would call me a rec user..and Maybe I am...But is also helps me cope with my anxiety. And helps me relax.
I prefer it over beer for sure. And it beats the shit out of the "Zoloft" the doc was giving me.

You may not consider mine to be "true medical need". and please pardon me for this....

"Who the hell are you (or the feds) to tell me want I can and cannot put in my body?
I don't need a babysitter,


I don't feel like the op was trying to say people shouldn't use it recreationally (put it in ur body). I think he was just saying maybe he's tired of people always referring to it as a medical need when in fact it's used more like a relaxing tea to most of us..I absolutely love cannabis and tend to continue to use it for anxiety, minor aches, sleep etc.....I don't consider it medicinal for my needs (anxiety etc) but it honestly does help with them and hell it just makes me feel better overall

I will say that if I lived in mmj state then I'd prob get a card even tho I realize I do not technically deserve it since I have no serious ailment..I realize what the op is talking about but in the end the gov will never let it happen ever so honestly it doesn't even make a diff..if its not us users abusing the situation then big money would have done it

It doesn't matter if every single citizen signed a petition for mmj.. They would open it (maybe) and wipe There ass w it before flushing it down the toilet without reading a word


Fear Not!
I don't feel like the op was trying to say people shouldn't use it recreationally

I hear ya. bckwht ...He did say "we"
It doesn't matter if every single citizen signed a petition for mmj.. They would open it (maybe) and wipe There ass w it before flushing it down the toilet without reading a word
I hate to say it...But I think you are probably right there^^^


I agree with a lot of what the OP said. I used to work for some douchebag who hurt his ankle or some shit, got a state issued card, started growing, and then moved to a huge commercial operation. None of the plants were organic. Hell, they hardly had any care at all. The flush was pathetic. Drying was done halfass, and the curing was nonexistent. In order to save money, aka, capitalize, the "medicinal centers" would willingly purchase this "medicine" from him wholesale. They put mom-and-pop growers, as well as growers who actually give a shit about product quality, out of business daily. It is a legalized drug cartel scene. I don't want to see the stoner in the dispensary, sounding like Tommy Chong, giving out marijuana. I don't go to a physician who is a junkie to get pain medication, I want to see the same standard in the medical marijuana industry.

The thing about serious vs non-serious ailments is that pharmaceuticals, nor marijuana, are supposed to be a crutch. I am diagnosed as having "mixed anxiety and depressed mood", but do I smoke to alleviate my anxiety or depression? Seldomly. Do I see a therapist for my anxiety and depression? Yes. Taking medication(s) that merely mask the symptoms, without helping cure the actual problem, aggravate the problem itself.. allowing it to continue, at the profit of some physician, pharmaceutical company, dispensary, etc., as well as at your own well-being.

It's like, "Hey! You have a problem? Cool. I'll give you this drug, for the rest of your life, so that you nor I have to do anything to remedy the problem at hand".

Now I could see if patients were prescribed marijuana (or pharmaceuticals) for things like depression, anxiety, etc. and REQUIRED to attend some form of therapy. That would allow them to become desensitized to the problem at hand, lessening it's detriment, and simultaneously, adjusting the issue back into a healthy realm.

Not trying to offend anyone, or argue. I am just sharing part of how I feel on the subject.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

Cannabis is great for backaches and many minor ailments, and much safer than other medications readily condoned by society. Wtf is recreational use anyway? Using it to the point of intoxication the way some people use alcohol? I'd much rather have those with bad judgement or addiction problems using cannabis than other legally available substances, and damn it might even help them in the long run. And for everyone else, well I'm totally down with Steve D'Angelo calling it a "wellness" issue. May I restate, who the fuck is anyone to decide what herbs are ok to put in my body, for whatever reason?!

Now the main reason I posted is because I used to totally agree with the OP and others who think similarly. Until I raised my consciousness. There is no more liberating experience than discovering something you believed deeply is in fact false. Since you mentioned the hospice aspect I can tell you're coming closer, may I recommend for another awareness portal..
Darth Schwag

Darth Schwag

I have a bit of a Problem with the OP

My wife has Fibromyalgia (nerve pain) MMJ releives some pain and helps her sleep. So I started growing for her.
.Some would call me a rec user..and Maybe I am...But is also helps me cope with my anxiety. And helps me relax.
I prefer it over beer for sure. And it beats the shit out of the "Zoloft" the doc was giving me.

You may not consider mine to be "true medical need". and please pardon me for this....

"Who the hell are you (or the feds) to tell me want I can and cannot put in my body?
I don't need a babysitter,
Ken, i agree with you. Your wife needs it, she should have a cultivar what suits her medical needs. Furthermore, the doctor should be knowledgable about the MMJ strains and prescribe the kind she needs. But they aren't. They are hypocrites just gaming the system to skim a profit. My whole post was a condemnation of the hypocracy that faces the people who need MMJ and need it legal. I am not, REPEAT NOT, telling you what to do. Please reread the OP with the perspective of the percentage of people abusing the MMJ system and the damage and delay it is causing to full legalization of MMJ coast to coast.


Fear Not!
Right on Darth. It's cool Bro. No hard feelings at all here.:)
It's the Feds im pissed at. For making all this so difficult.
I don't think the feds are gonna lighten up in my lifetime. :(

"If the people let government decide
what foods they eat and what medicines they take,
their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state
as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
Darth Schwag

Darth Schwag

The Fed is not our enemy; They are not the great Satan. They are our government even as flawed as their perspective is on the subject of cannabis. If they were out to stamp out MMJ utterly from the face of America, they would have subpoenaed every doctors record, busted every MMJ patient and staked out every dispensary for busts from day one. They didn't. In fact they have legalized it in DC to learn how to govern MMJ usage. It's already legal in 17 states and DC, 68% of Americans want it medically, over 50% want it recreationally. We are winning!!!!!!

Look, i don't like Obama. I don't think he's a particularly good president or person. I didn't vote for the man and i haven't seen anything in 4 years of this stinking recession to change my mind or vote. But he is the duly elected president of our country; And i respect his office and the man has a job to do and some of us are abusing the system. I'm not saying all of us, just a percentage of us. And those are who he is going after. I'm just giving a shout out for sanity.

We, the people, in order to form a more perfect union must stick together and help our nation reverse this terrible prohibition. It will happen well within our lifetimes. Keep the faith brothers and sisters.


uhhhh. Why does someone else get to tell me a plant god created, the constitiun was written on, and the first president smoked is or is not legal. Governements are not supposed to have that power. They are supposed to provide things that enrich your life. Wake up.
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

Believe me Darth, I'm really well aquatinted with these feelings you mention. Being someone who needs it desperately myself, and having been through the ringer with lots of bullshit useless drs trying to scrip me all the wrong medications for issues I don't even have, I'm frankly amazed that it was an mmj clinic doc who was the only one who made sense and cared enough to help work toward alleviating some of my suffering. Thing is, there should be no damn mmj cards, everyone should be free to grow it on their window sill with whatever other herbs we want. I'm so sick of everyone who points out the high % of mmj cards written for chronic pain -well newsflash, there are many health issues that cause pain (both major and minor) and cannabis is an excellent first course medicine with minimal side effects (most of which are actually pleasant, unlike typical pharms used for the same conditions, both scrip and OTC).

I guess my point here is while we seem to agree that we live under an abusive system, we cannot allow our hearts to be hardened such that we allow any person to suffer while standing by with these attitudes. I was one of those people for quite a long time, and have become deeply sick of it, enough to re-examine my own thinking as I described above. 800,000 people each year in the US alone, most a lot less guilty than us regarding the draconian marijuana laws, have their liberty confiscated just for simple possession. In many places cops make regular practice of shaking people down, stop and frisk, ust to force them to remove weed from their pocket so they can be busted with public display. And as we all know, that's barely scratching the surface of how fucked up laws like this are, indeed ones that were put into place illegally by lying corrupt bigots, and kept that way by the very people who make tons of money on prohibition (prison and leo industry, alcohol, pharma, and yes worst of all healthcare).

Frankly I do agree a bit on the silly reality tv shows and thuggy dispensary approaches, not because they're not entirely 'medical', but because it lessens the seriousness around what some of us work very hard on (including d'Angelo, who I'm sure didn't get much input on the editing if any). But even so, I'd rather see every parent tasked with how to keep their kids from abusing cannabis that's as legally available as alcohol, rather than have even one person suffer without access to it (and maybe they can teach about what the liquor and medicine cabinets are for and how to respect these substances while they're at it). It's the money/propganda system that keeps this bs status quo, so now our jobs to spread the consciousness that will undo it. And the bullshit about taxing medicine for sick people? Is that all we can do now is cave in and offer this maniacal system the carrot of making even more money off the backs of people who just want to use herbs for wellness as we see fit?
sky high

sky high

I agree with so much being said here. I SO WISH that Gov't could step out...but as you have pointed out...there are many folks out there who have taken HUGE liberties with the current laws that are hurting everyone's chances of seeing this plant's legal status move forward....either via MMJ or via out-and-out legalization.

If all of the patients holding cards nationwide were merely growing in their homes and supplying themselves I believe we would have already seen the Gov't turn a blind MMJ on a nationwide level. This to me is basically what Obama/Holder/the Fed have said all along.... and from my perspective...have kept their word on....

But that isn't the we all know. The Gov't is movin in....because....without a doubt....there's a classic case of "give 'em an inch and they will take a mile" in play...with huge warehouse grows and open sales being almost as common as closet grows. Folks can't regulate we get what we get...yet again.

"you want the obvious, you'll get the obvious..." Todd Rundgren

s h


Fear Not!
I agree with a lot of what the OP said.

The thing about serious vs non-serious ailments is that pharmaceuticals, nor marijuana, are supposed to be a crutch. I am diagnosed as having "mixed anxiety and depressed mood", but do I smoke to alleviate my anxiety or depression? Seldomly. Do I see a therapist for my anxiety and depression? Yes. Taking medication(s) that merely mask the symptoms, without helping cure the actual problem, aggravate the problem itself.. allowing it to continue, at the profit of some physician, pharmaceutical company, dispensary, etc., as well as at your own well-being.

It's like, "Hey! You have a problem? Cool. I'll give you this drug, for the rest of your life, so that you nor I have to do anything to remedy the problem at hand".

Now I could see if patients were prescribed marijuana (or pharmaceuticals) for things like depression, anxiety, etc. and REQUIRED to attend some form of therapy. That would allow them to become desensitized to the problem at hand, lessening it's detriment, and simultaneously, adjusting the issue back into a healthy realm.

Not trying to offend anyone, or argue. I am just sharing part of how I feel on the subject.

A Crutch?..Maybe...Maybe Its more like a Nutrional supplement

Maybe My depression and my anxiety is a result of blocked Cannabinoid receptors..And they just need to be stimulted.
Seems to be workin pretty good. :D


Fear Not!
Im Saying this as nicely as I possibly can ;)

let me get this straight..

So, You guys that feel you have more of a right to this plant than people that just wanna use it for fun and relaxation?

Rec users should Abstain from use, so Folks in pain "Might" have a better chance of the government letting them use it?


Man...I need to go spend some time with my plants..Have a good day.:rolleyes:


Fear Not!
this is why Cannabis will never be legal



I have no issue with it being used as a nutritional supplement. When one chooses to be high all day, everyday, that is when I say it is a crutch. I am really for the nurture, as opposed to nature, argument.. so I am inclined to say that most things are developed, not inborn. Generally things like anxiety and depression can be remedied. I think if one were to medicate with cannabis, while practicing relaxation techniques, they would be able to overcome the neurosis.

Now, on the other hand, if someone goes, "Oh, I'm (anxious/depressed/angry/etc.). If I smoke, it will go away", and relies on cannabis to eliminate what one would normally have to learn how to cope with, that seems counterproductive.

I really only feel it's a crutch when people allow themselves to suppress their thoughts and emotions, instead of learn from them, and grow with them. With THC being a psychedelic, it has a lot of potential therapeutically... but it's all what you do with it.


I'm not trying to say someone can or can not do something though. Only how I feel about the subject. I personally don't care to see any substance in this country legal. Granted, we all know prohibition does not work. The USA consumes over half the drugs in the world annually. We are a nation of sick people. I really don't want to see another drug added to that pile. I just wish they would be as stupid about tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals as they are about marijuana.


Fear Not!
The USA consumes over half the drugs in the world annually. We are a nation of sick people. I really don't want to see another drug added to that pile. I just wish they would be as stupid about tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals as they are about marijuana.
But Joe.."They" want "sick people"
Sick people are great "consumers"......"they" make lots of $$$ from sick people.
And that's why "They" don't want the consumer to grow there own meds...the best meds...
Our Goverment Knows Cannabis cure's cancer...


Fear Not!
We have got to get MMJ laws passed coast to coast before we can ever hope to have RMJ.

Morning Darth...I just read that to my wife^^^

She said she agree's with you there.

I said. "Not gonna happen" :cool:

just sayin...

Have a good day! :)
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