Medicinal pot is coming. Why it's not time to worry

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If it goes through, we'll see a trade-off. Increases in addiction, crime and family dissolution along with assorted benefits.
But enough about the proposed expansion of casino gambling in Illinois.
Today I want to talk about the inevitability of legalized medical marijuana here, a development very unlikely to lead to such social problems, the fears of opponents notwithstanding.

I say "inevitability" because a measure to make Illinois the 19th state to permit doctors to prescribe marijuana to treat specific medical conditions passed the General Assembly Friday, and on Monday, in a conversation with the Tribune editorial board, Gov. Pat Quinn sent an unmistakable signal that he will soon sign that measure into law.
Quinn sometimes dithers publicly when bills land on his desk. In early 2011, for example, he played Hamlet on the abolition of the death penalty for nearly two months, continually (allegedly) seeking more input from more sources on an issue that had already been exhaustively reported and researched, until he finally signed the bill.
But there was no dither in his response Monday, even though he said it will be "a month or so" before he acts on the bill.
First, he brought up the fact that military veterans — a group that he has long and vigorously championed — are particularly strong proponents of medical marijuana, in part because many feel it is of great value in coping with post-traumatic stress disorder. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs formally allowed its patients to use marijuana for medicinal purposes in hospitals and clinics located in states where such use is legal.
About the Illinois bill, Quinn said, "I just want to make sure that it's done properly. Sometimes there's technical defects in bills, so you have to pay attention to that at all times."
He added that, right now, he's putting all his energies into helping settle differences in Springfield over pension reform legislation.
Fair enough. But aside from possible small "technical defects," I asked him directly, "Do you have any big concerns over this bill?"
"I read his column today," Quinn said, nodding toward my colleague Steve Chapman. "I thought it was a good column."
He was referring to an entry in Chapman's blog at that listed "two big reasons" Quinn should sign the bill: "The first is that cannabis is truly useful for some therapeutic purposes. The second is that this legislation subjects it to tight controls that should alleviate the concerns of skeptics." The entry concluded, "For Quinn to sign it would be an act of humanity that holds little risk."
The idea in general holds little risk. One indication of that is that none of the states that have legalized medical marijuana since California became the first in 1996 have repealed it (though some have tightened their restrictions). Another is that academic studies have shown no particular correlation between medical marijuana laws and increased illegal use among teens or adults.
In fact, a 2012 study published in the Annals of Epidemiology found the implementation of medical marijuana laws statistically correlated with a small decrease in the rate of marijuana use among 12- to 17-year-olds.
Another reason this bill isn't risky is that it will be one of the most circumscribed marijuana laws on the books, limiting doctors to the amounts they can prescribe and the medical conditions for which they can prescribe it. The law in no way resembles the almost comically permissive California medical pot laws (which, even still, have not caused the Golden State to fall into the sea).
And, finally, if our state turns out to be an outlier and the new law leads to rampant reefer madness, it will sunset after four years unless the legislature renews it. And, of course, the whole thing can be repealed at any time.
I congratulate Gov. Quinn in advance for his good sense, and urge the doubters and worrywarts to take a chill pill, or whatever you do to relax.

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