Michigan’s Snyder Signs Welfare Drug-testing Bills

  • Thread starter LittleDabbie
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How about we, as a country, stop giving away trillions to other Nations that hate us, and our ideals/beliefs first before taking anything away from legal American citizens. I think I'd rather have my money going to a herb smoking, lazy American fuck than some piece of shit raghead in Pakistan that hates us to the core and would literally die just to kill off a few Americans. Just my .02. MGG


I think humans need to practice what I call "Responsible Fucking" ;)

I am not a fan of having government assistance of any type. They giveth and they taketh away. For a very long time humans took care of themselves. Maybe we need to step back to go forward. It all goes back to self-responsibility...which it's obvious ...we all have been side tracked into thinking we are owed something. Yeah it's true they steal our hard earned money and use it for programs...programs that I don't support. Much like the war-machine.
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I'm for it for one reason. I have a friend that had 10 years on the job. The company was sold, first thing the new bosses did was drug test. He was fired for marijuana, which he had smoked the entire time he worked there. Becuase he was fired for a dirty drug test he was denied unemployment. So if you can't smoke and go to work n make a living then you shouldn't be able to sit around getting money from working people. The biggest abusers are the pill poppers IMO, back when I had a script that I didn't need I always traded them for food cards it was double money


I also grew up in a town where food stamps could buy anything! I saw more food stamps than cash as a kid


"pill poppers"...you do know some of us have to "pop pills" just to be able to roll out of bed and get moving right? You do know that many of us absolutely HATE takin those goddamn things and is the MAIN reason we, as med users, use MMJ, so we don't have to take so many pills???

And while we're on the subject of "pill poppers", wtf did you have a script for if you didn't need it, and why were you tradin em for food cards, yet now think that everyone else should be held to this high standard and be tested. Hell it sounds like its people like you, that are buying/trading your pills that you don't even need, and apparently got from your Dr. just for nefarious purposes, that need to cut the bullshit. I cant even believe you posted some shit like that man damn. MGG


"pill poppers"...you do know some of us have to "pop pills" just to be able to roll out of bed and get moving right? You do know that many of us absolutely HATE takin those goddamn things and is the MAIN reason we, as med users, use MMJ, so we don't have to take so many pills???

And while we're on the subject of "pill poppers", wtf did you have a script for if you didn't need it, and why were you tradin em for food cards, yet now think that everyone else should be held to this high standard and be tested. Hell it sounds like its people like you, that are buying/trading your pills that you don't even need, and apparently got from your Dr. just for nefarious purposes, that need to cut the bullshit. I cant even believe you posted some shit like that man damn. MGG
Sorry your so offended. My scripts were from surgeries. I chose not to take them and to trade them. Not like I had a monthly supply coming in. When I say pill poppers I'm not talking about people taking their scripts. Where im from its an epidemic . People would trade anything for pills. I don't see any one trading there food stamp card for weed or out prostituting for a bag. But you see it everyday for pills. I don't think anyone taking 20 vicodins a day is just trying to get out of bed. Or snorting an oxy. N that's what I call pill poppers.


The fact remains that you call out people for being "pill poppers", then admit to getting scripts you didn't need/want just to trade em off...shit I don't which is worse a "pill popper" or somebody doin the shady ass shit you were doin. If ya didn't need em/want em why the fuck were you trading em...and where the fuck do you think most of the "pill poppers" get their pills from....PEOPLE LIKE YOU! WTF over??? This is one of the main reasons I rarely frequent forums anymore...stupid assinine bullshit like this. Mutherfuckers worried about a "pill popper" when he's out abusing the system as much/more than anybody...unfuckinreal. That's about all I got to say about that stupid fuckin nonsense. MGG

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