Mills Does It Really Pay The Bills!?!? Mills Nutrient Line

  • Thread starter coltivatore
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hello i just wanted to start up a little thread were going to be running a little experiment thought id bring you along with me on this little journey! currently im running advance nutrients 3part ph peferct in hp pro mix soiless mix its just a walk in the park theres nothing wrong with that its good for a starter grower basiclly just mesaure and add no phing involved and you get a quatily product everytime but im a little past that level i want to push my crops to the next level have the best resin i can produce naturally that draws me to organic growing but at the same time im drawn to more of a production state of mind and cant have my yeilds be affected possibly by makeing my own soil (which i have done in the past is deffintly an expprince to say least) so thats what draws me to mills nutrients ive been thinking about switching to a coco meduim for a while now the whole force feeding my plants has both negatives on my mind and postives id rather the plant take its time and not rush it with force feeding it and possibly overfeeding it but at the same time pesronally i workout and take in artifcal protien after my wrkouts force feeding my body and you know im healthy as long as i flush all the build up down everyonce on while im golden haha but you know at the same time if i flush my plants rite whats the diffence in the longrun bigger yeilds possibly !?well see anyways enough with the intro lets get down to the facts were going to be running some exotic gentix cookies n creeme ,kimbo kush,and mint chocolate chip there currently in solo cups and have had 2 feedings of mills basis a basis b start r the first feeding i cut down to 2ml per gallon of basis a basis b and 1 ml of start r since i poped them from seed they had one straight water then 2nd feeding i feed them full low dose recommended 4 ml of basis a basis b and 2ml of start r with no burning there loving it looking healthy loving life i will post some pics later i plan on transplanting them into the mills coco mix and running with that wel so how it goes if anybody else is running it or has ran it any tips would be appreciated same with any input and lets begin upon this journey of growing the goods and lets see if mills holds up to there slogan and pays my bills good vibes to all and good growing!
el coltivatore
rubthe nub

rubthe nub

Really curious to see how that turns out for you. Can't find Mills anywhere local, 1+ hr drive to get 'em.

Not to sound like a dick but your post was REALLY hard to read.
They're your friends bro;)


@rubthe nub yea sorry writting or spelling has never been my strong points thats why i stick to the whole growing side il try and work on it but cant help the fact im nothing but a simple marijuana farmer when it comes down to it im new to this whole posting things i always thought content was important not spelling but il get it down.


@rubthe nub yea sorry writting or spelling has never been my strong points thats why i stick to the whole growing side il try and work on it but cant help the fact im nothing but a simple marijuana farmer when it comes down to it im new to this whole posting things i always thought content was important not spelling but il get it down.
I think he was trying to say a lot of people won't make it past the third line because reading a run on sentence is hard on the brain for all of us especially when you almost wrote a short book I to am a farmer and not a write so I feel where u r coming from but if you would just break it up a little bit we all could enjoy.
Og Gong

Og Gong

Rip Geologic
I read about half way and lost track because I'm stoned lol I can't wait to see how it goes. I ran the DNA/Mills 90day soil and had good results.


I have the best luck with Mills, but would love to see what you do with it!

I'll take a seat here thanks...
can i get that lighter real fast......

thanks bro......
[Cough cough]


I am also very interested in this Post!! Since Monsanto bought g.h. I've been looking for another nute line. I won't buy from g.m.o. pushers but I've never found the results worth the extra money for any other line I've tried ( b.c. & envy ). I always end up back with g.h. flora advanced ... Now I HAVE to switch . pics and regular posts would be very beneficial for me. Thanks.
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