Mishawaka owner charged after more than 280 pounds of pot seized from home, venue

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BY TREVOR HUGHES • [email protected] • SEPTEMBER 14, 2010

The owner of the Mishawaka Inn is facing drug cultivation charges and a federal asset forfeiture lawsuit after investigators seized more than 280 pounds of marijuana plants and processed pot from his Bellvue home, the inn and nearby cabins and accused him of running an extensive -- and illegal - growing and distribution operation.

Robin Jones is due in court in Fort Collins on Thursday for a procedural hearing. He was initially arrested on Aug. 17, 2009

In court filings, federal prosecutors and the Larimer County Sheriff's Office say the sophisticated operation at Jones' Bellvue home was consuming more power than a city block. They say Jones claimed he had the legal right to grow the marijuana under the state's Amendment 20, but was unable to provide proper documentation. They also accuse Jones of mailing marijuana, which violates federal law.

"Detective (Joshua) Sheldon also spoke with personnel of the Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association who informed Sheldon that Jones' residence electrical usage was considered one of the highest usages of a rural residence ever seen by their staff, so high that it was blowing transformers in the area," Assistant U.S. Attorney James Russell wrote in one court filing. "According to REA records from January to August 2009, the Jones residence was using an approximate average of 18,100 kilowatt hours of electricity per month ... which is more than the amount typically used by an entire city block."

Jones' home off Stove Prairie Road is about 2,000 square feet, with a 2,000-square-foot basement that deputies said "appears to have been specifically built for the purpose of cultivating marijuana."

According to court documents, Jones told deputies that growing had become a fulltime job. Prosecutors noted that Jones has not filed any income since 2004, and said he was using his home to grow the pot, and the inn and concert venue to process it.

The case against Jones was initially reported by the Rocky Mountain Collegian.

Federal prosecutors initially tried to seize the concert amphitheater, but decided it didn't have any value. Jones owes money to the amphitheater's investors.

"The purpose of seizures of items is to take proceeds from illegal activity, in this case the illegal cultivation and distribution of marijuana," said Jeff Dorschner, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Denver. "The amphitheater, as I understand it, had no equity. There was no money to be seized, no ill-gotten gains via the amphitheater to be seized. The status of the amphitheater is no longer our concern."

Jones is being represented in the criminal case by noted Colorado marijuana attorney Rob Corry Jr., who could not be reached Tuesday morning.

Bobby Smith

"Detective (Joshua) Sheldon also spoke with personnel of the Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association who informed Sheldon that Jones' residence electrical usage was considered one of the highest usages of a rural residence ever seen by their staff, so high that it was blowing transformers in the area,"



Premium Member
LOL, homeboy hasn't claimed income since '04 and is making house payments. WTF was he thinking??


Bobby Smith

Lol........I don't know if it's the blunt I just took to the head or what, but I've been in fucking tears for the last five minutes thinking of how fast his meter must've been running.........I can barely type this I'm laughing so hard at that image.


18k isn't ~that~ much though. 12k flip/flop and associated goodies?

280#'s on hand makes me think there is more to it than that...

Bobby Smith

18k isn't ~that~ much though. 12k flip/flop and associated goodies?

280#'s on hand makes me think there is more to it than that...

Not 18K watts per hour; 18K kwatt hours per month.

18K/30days/24 hours = 25K watts running 24/7, or 50K on a flip-flop.

That's a big fucking grow.


Too many mistakes!!!

See, if it was legal would'nt be a problem. NOT!!!

And, that is just one of the problems w/ prop. 19. This guy would still be a felon (in Cali). How is it legal, if it's still illegal???

NO ON 19!!!
Bud Spleefman

Bud Spleefman

Premium Member
Note to self:
Do not store 750K worth of weed at the grow.
Do not store 750K worth of weed at the grow.
Do not store 750K worth of weed at the grow.
Do not store 750K worth of weed at the grow.
Do not store 750K worth of weed at the grow.

Ok I am tired.......
... but seriously...... if you have that much processed and stored IT'S TIME TO TAKE A FUCKING VACATION! FOR A YEAR!


If that is the same place i went to a rave back in 1999 and it was quite the experience..
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
The owner of the Mishawaka Inn is facing drug cultivation charges and a federal asset forfeiture lawsuit after investigators seized more than 280 pounds of marijuana plants and processed pot from his Bellvue home

they say pounds of marijuana plants, that could be 30 plants and they add the prossesed wieght into that.

25k watts tho 9 plants under each light is more like it.


are you all thinking he was busted due to irs issues? why else would the feds get involved?

are any of you worried about running 25k in lights in your house? most new houses in my area have 300 amp panels. i have a medical card got damnit.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
That place rocks for sure but it is out in the sticks in some canyons with nothing else around at all...power use out there is at a minimum so a hot tub is goin to spike the grid much less 18K.

I wonder if the Harvest Cup is still on????

Pato Bantan is next...lol

This guy is super cool though, to bad so sad..

sky high

sky high


Just think, if he woulda been smart enough to buy one of those CO DOR issued licenses the Feds woulda just left him alone!



Place has been watched for years... always some interesting folks @ those concerts...
people have died from drug overdoses multiple times there.. I on the other hand never really have been a fan of Robin or "Yosemite Sam" as we so lovingly called him always super yaked up and treated me like I was another dumb hippie who couldn't tell you east from west...sucks to get busted ... One of the dopest venues in Co.. Word is it is being looked at heavily by investors..whether it will stay a free for all, I doubt it highly, that time has came and went..
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