• Thread starter thirdeyemama
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It has taken me over a year to write this. It took me over five years to begin to come out of some of the brainwashing I had received from both sides of the debate in the most important political reality that exists today: That is The Personal.

I happen to believe everything is politics. These communications we give and receive in each clique we hold onto or each family we remain bonded to ... these are all subcultures upon subcultures with standards, rules and mores that should not be broken or questioned.

Even the Cannabis Legalization movement has their own code of conduct.

I must tell you that most of my life — from the time I can remember — I have been give mood altering drugs. I was born with a severe chronic illness and have been the benefactor of everything from a death sentence (age of 18) but total family disownership as a result of my refusal to continue in their own interpersonal fucked up family system.

I left at aged 15. I lived in a hospital in Denver where I learned how to live with the disease, not die from it. (Seems the family was priming me on dying from it for so long I began to believe it was the obedient child who would follow that script).

Well fuck obedience, i wasn't just the scapegoat, I was the rebel. By this time, I was enmeshed into the hippie cultural whose unwritten rules were, "if your hair isn't long enough we don't trust you" and "if you don't smoke dope, get the fuck out of my house you narc". I stayed in Denver. My first apartment was a room with a bath at the end of the hall, my rent was $25 a month. It was perfect.

Through the years I realized that i was an addict. I used a lot of different things, but was careful because of my severe illness and the meds I had t take to keep that in line. When I got a decent enough paying job in photography (my craft at the time) I swore to lay off everything (coke, shrooms, any occasional gift) except reefer. That was 1981 and I stayed true to that vow. But I did love my reefer.

I thought if I got out of the art field and photography, and go into legal victim advocacy, I would have to clean up a bit more. I just found better reefer and coked out lawyers.

Run forward a few years and note I met the old man in 1990, we hooked up in 1993, moved here to the mountains in Feb 1994, got married here Aug 1994 and I went to treatment January 1995. He got clean on his own five days later. Since that time, much has happened in the world of legal drugs and much has happened to my health.

Today I am in recovery. I was prescribed MMJ therapy exactly one year ago. I have met with my sponsor, my doctor, my HP was in the room (didn't see it, usually only find it on the edge of a hummingbird wing in the mist) and we have agreed to a regiment of medications that now has me taking
1) NO antidepressant for the first time in 15 years
2) 1/3 the amount of sleeping medication I needed this time last year
3) One 24 hour pain medication, no need for opiates for breakthrough pain
4) in short, I am on 7 less pills today and am more mobile, more able to care for myself, happier and finally able to accept myself.

I don't abuse the reefer. I can't. I know that. The doc has actually called me during the stomach flu hell that I had for two months and ordered me to smoke more dope and drink gatorade. He is an MD who also comes to my home (he lives across the lake from me) to give me acupuncture when I am in tough pain situations.

I begin this debate. How do we find ourselves as old hippies, many of whom have been in 12 step and are now finding that taking Rx meds in recovery can kill an addict. It's been a long road for me and I've taken the turn at my crossroad. I hope to share much more with you folks here, or find another forum (please suggest!!) to begin.

Still clean.
addict named lizzie
sky high

sky high

There are definitely other folks here who are in recovery....or who are still in the grips of it all. I'm one of the former. Went cold turkey Dec 2006 and kicked a 5 year Oxy habit (5 years addicted, 5 years "in training"). In 1995 I quit drinking alcohol. Kahlua and coffee for breakfast, anyone? yikes....

Strippped it all down to the bone here. Other than weed.....and a very rare ibuprofen/NSAID....I steer clear of pretty much everything these days. Therapist said anti-depressants may help my head/heart deal with the "complicated" grief/PTSD/ADHD/and whatever else is rackin on me....and while it >is< tempting and I would certainly entertain feeling something >other< than depressed... the whole "flat line" emotion thing folks tell me about regarding "anti-depressants" scares me. I have a hard enough time giving a fuck anymore....

Glad to hear you are on it/aware of it all...and thanks for sharing.
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

My doctors thought I was just miserable all the time when he gave me anti depressants. Within a week I wanted to kill myself. Unfortunately I need a knock to the head every now and then with benzos, or I find myself spazzing to the point of sickness for the rest of the day.

Weed def does help, but at the same time I could contribute a lot f the craziness in my head to growin the shit
sky high

sky high

Add the benzos/"zepam" drugs to the list of shit I can't touch anymore. In college a friend of a friend "got access" to a pharmie in a small town and we had garbage bags full of all of your favorites....for months....and wow.... we ate so many blue 10's I STILL have effects from that shit 35 years later. Ditto that with ludes. Suitcases full of them bootlegged bastards were rolling through in Summer '80. Say what? I did WHAT? I was WHERE? LOL. yikes again...

gonna guess our friend lizzie can relate...cus anybody who liked the downs and was around in the 70's loved the ludes....and the rest of the easy-to-acquire fare as well. "Better Living through chemistry?" Well....for a short time anyway....:rolleyes: Then....all bets are off


Former drunk here. I got drunk 7 days per week. If I had the flu I had to have some "maintenance beers". 4-5 per day with the flu, or cold. It's been years since I have had a drink, but now I just prefer to smoke. I see the worse addictions right now in America as food, and prescription drugs. We are becoming fat zombies.


Living dead girl
While I haven't suffered the issues surrounding addiction, many loved ones in my life have. In fact, I'm working with someone right now who's concerned about becoming addicted to anything, but whose doctor is prescribing her all the worst kinds of drugs for someone who has addiction issues. We've just found a 'sweet spot' for her and she sounds very happy and relaxed.

Glad you've found your way here, mama. :)


Man I was worried this morning that I would have to come in here and delete this thread, that it would be passed by in most circlees. I have had contact or initiated contacted with most of you in my last few weeks here, and I already feel at home. Damn good thing, cuz I have a very iffy "last house on the block" waiting for me at the end of a meeting if this is brought out.

So my ex-grandsponsor is now getting the drugs from her husband, who would rather I take them and use them wisely. My sponsor came to see me one day and walked into a room filled with 8 strains in various sized glass containers. His 25 years are very clear, and he did wince just a bit, but he knew and had already supported me in this attempt to get from opiate hell.

I tried to live in pain, and that means I lived mostly in bed for almost seven years. I took one vicadin at night. I have a tylenol toxicity and bleeding ulcers at this point, so things had to change. Some of my degenerative diseases are a result of taking cortisone (steroids) all of my life to stay alive, and i know have osteoporosis. I break easily.

Never had a pain med before I got into recovery. Never even heard of some of the shit. I stayed away from things that might affect my respiration, probably saved me from the spike many times.

I'm slowly coming "out" to a few cyber folk. I don't go to outside mtgs, we are in a hike in cabin and I don't hike well (LMAO RDTH) so I do phone meetings. What a incestuous world that one is!

The hampster ball keeps turning, and this lady is outside doing her serious work: moving the plants into the sun and watching the chickens to make sure the line for the egg laying spot (yes, they will only lay in one friggin spot) doesn't get backed up. Two ducks also moderate the line.

We have a white peahen married to a Pekin duck. Really. We rescue fowl, and get all sorts of deranged and confused birds. Enjoy:

And much love


Therapist said anti-depressants may help my head/heart deal with the "complicated" grief/PTSD/ADHD/and whatever else is rackin on me....and while it >is< tempting and I would certainly entertain feeling something >other< than depressed... the whole "flat line" emotion thing folks tell me about regarding "anti-depressants" scares me. I have a hard enough time giving a fuck anymore....

Glad to hear you are on it/aware of it all...and thanks for sharing.

Antidepressants did help with some complicated stuff with Fibromyalgia but for Dog's sake, no orgasm for 15 years is too much to ask of any human, and every Catholic Priest and nun knows it. So I got off the damned things. And I find many hybrids that help with one thing or another. Just being able to get out of the fucking bed and clean my house is enough to pull anyone from the depth of despair.

I have to tell you that I found a strain through Terrapin Care Station, Boulder, called "Jack Herer X God Bud". I have lived with PTSD most of my life, secondary PTSD as result of being an onsite victim advocate — and I haven't felt so relieved, safe, clear, and uninhibited (from the fear, as you well know) in at least two decades. The work I did in therapy was extensive and I can go no further in that type of therapy. But the gift of FEELING SAFE was overfuckingwhelming to me.

Now here's a question. Is the God Bud around BC God Bud, and what the hell is Jack Herer X God Bud?? I've seen and tasted bud sold as "Jack Herer" and also weed labeled "God Bud". Am I a completely confused idiot or just an incompletely confused idiot?

love from the mountain


Also, the first time i have been able to take a shower without the water hurting my skin was after smoking Bubba Kush. We have no room anywhere for bath, so I live with the inevitable spray. Finally! I can enjoy a friggin shower. (this is one of the fibromyalgia symptoms that suck less than others, but it was a bother.

desire nothing, you will find it all


welcome to the farm lizzie! And congrats on another day!


Welcome and thanks for sharing you personal accomplishments. You should be super proud and stoked that you took control of your health and your life. It also gives much needed inspiration, motivation and support to those who often feel as though there is no Hope. Keep chugging and let us know how your summer grow does!

And BTW, it is nice to see you helping out the animals as well. They acknowledge your loving care and give back 1000 times more. Cheers!
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