Monosaccarides Which One Works best?

  • Thread starter Professor OG
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Professor OG

Professor OG

I have now found a sudden interest in which Monosaccarides are best for bloom to make tastier buds. Bio-boost from canna I have heard works wonder for taste when used from the start of week 4 and on. Molasses is another one that I have heard to work well. Im not sure what other products are comparable but im going to look in to it at the grow store.

Now what Im going to try is take as several of these products and make several formulas that are similar in nature and im going to run them all in the same plant during flower and compare the results of bud growth, taste, and quality.

Now Monosaccarides do several things for the plant: Monosaccharide absorption activity of root usually depends on high salinity conditions. Plant Roots are able to absorbe Monosaccarides from the rhizosphere but also release Monosaccarides that are critical for growth. The uptake conditions of the Monosaccarides in the plant can also determine the stress conditions of the plant and also improve the resilience of the plant.


I've used black strap moleasses and am curently trying out Advance nutes Carbo load and Nirvana as well of a bunch of other AN adatives. If you don't have good roots though, you won't get good buds. I'm going to be starting a worm farm soon so next year I plan on making nothing but my own teas.
Professor OG

Professor OG

After talking to to a good friend about what i would like to do with this project I have learned that vinasse is used in Bio-Boost and is refined molasses. Then oligosaccharide that is in boost allows for better cell-regeneration during photosynthesis. Knowing this information there are only three different types of oligosaccharides that can be used in a plant Fructose, Dextrose, and Vinasse. What I am going to do is grow cultures of these three different oligosaccharides with bacteria and fine tue the salinity of the solution to create the best posible growth patterns for plants.
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