More Noob DWC questions...changing water? PPM?

  • Thread starter Chris1
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Hi guys, more elementary hydro/dwc questions (But I'll be a champ soon enough...)

Should I ever be swapping out the water entirely? Or am I just going to be adding water as needed?

And with PPM, should I be adding nutes/water as PPM fluctuates?

Mr. Greenthum

when u switch ur plant from Veg to Flower u will need to empty all the water and before u put new plants in u have to disinfect ur system i use 29% h202 with water then i give it a clean rinse with osmosis water. WARNING 29% H202 WILL BURN UR SKIN!
And u add nutes when u ppms are to low keep in mind when u add nutes u add water.
ppms range between 800-1000 and PH is between 5.5-6.0
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