More than just an introduction.

  • Thread starter Mr Withershed
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Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

Hello there everyone! First off I would very much like to say that I am very impressed with this small community, aside from the occasional and ever-present trolls, I sense a very professional vibe here. I stumbled upon this website by chance looking for methods of producing concentrates. Then, before I knew it, I was finding myself immersed in very technical discussions on a variety of subjects.​
But then it was about that time that I felt a familiar pang of guilt and regret. When I was in high school, my fathers alcoholism spiraled out of control. Though it is no excuse, I began slack on my studies due to the intense level of stress I was under. The fighting never ended. All night. All day. Day in, day out. Didn't really help that that was when I became a target for ridicule at school. I spent most of my time away from home and school to escape the madness.​
Since then I have had several major turn arounds in my situation and attitude. But when I see things such as calculus equations, DiffEQ, Organic Chemisty, ect, being thrown around like its childs play, I can't help but want to punch myself for not trying harder. I am by no means a stupid kid. I was always the brightest kid in my class, the only problem was the amount of effort I put out.​
But hey! Enough of my sob story, the past is the past, right? So I come here today to reach out and humbly ask for guidance through my endevours, whatever they may be, from understanding an equation to telling me to shut the hell up when I need listen, and to connect with people who are much brighter and knowledgable than myself. I look forward to a fruitful year working with everybody!​


Then let this be more than a mere welcome, Mister! I know the guilt that comes from missed opportunities to excel, and I can offer hope; today is the best day to make a change!

Learn all you can, and more importantly, apply it. Even more importantly, pass it forward to others.

Let this be a watershed moment for you, to become more like who you wish to be, to do what you desire to achieve.

A community is more than the sum of its constituents; it is that- and the sum of its members' contributions and achievements.

Mr Withershed

Mr Withershed

Ah shux... y'all got me feelin all warm and fuzzy on the inside and stuff.. Thanks everybody for such a warm welcome, and to ttystikk for your more than just a welcome :D . It's nice to know there are others out there who have experienced and moved on from the same mistakes I made. And its strange that you said what you did about "Let this be a watershed moment for you" because that's exactly what I wanted it to be, word or word you nailed it with those two middle sentences. Well I'm happy to say that it will be a watershed moment. I've found several good websites that cover everything I missed back then and go much more advanced, and started studying like a damn tweaker. Well I've got to be off to work now, so once again thank you guys! Top of the day to ya!


likes to smell trees.
welcome to the family!


Welcome to The Farm Mr.Withershed! I am fairly new myself and I have to say this is an Awesome Community. Lots of knowledge and tons of cool people. I am new to growing and I found this place looking for questions. Now I am a resident of this It's Nice! See you in the threads!


Welcome to The Farm Mr.Withershed! I am fairly new myself and I have to say this is an Awesome Community. Lots of knowledge and tons of cool people. I am new to growing and I found this place looking for questions. Now I am a resident of this It's Nice! See you in the threads!

I was gonna be a smart ass and say something punchy, but I just can't bring myself to do it here. I guess I should just say, 'Thanks', on behalf of all those here who spend so much of their time answering questions and giving advice.

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