"Mother of draggin's" MAG+ grow journal

  • Thread starter Dr.Infern
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this is a first attempt at growing, using 9 bag seeds. 1x from super silver sour diesel haze , 7x from Mr. Nice, and 1x random. since it's already day 11 since they were planted in the soil I will give you the run-down.

first planted the 7 mr nice bagseeds and the 1 super silver sour diesel haze in keg cups filled with roots organic soil. 4 mr nice came up and one sssdh so to round off my count to six on day 4 planted another random bagseed. the random is coming up but he rest that hadn't broke soil still didnt on day 10 so i took them out.

plan to use subcool's supersoil that i mixed in april so i will be using a little extra. still hasn't attached the 6" inline fan with carbon filter because of money issues but just needs a few bucks so it will happen soon.
the tall one is the super silver sour diesel haze, thinking i am going to have to tie this one down because by all accounts its going to be a tall bitch
Mother of draggins mag grow journal
Mother of draggins mag grow journal 2
Mother of draggins mag grow journal 3
Mother of draggins mag grow journal 4
Mother of draggins mag grow journal 5
Mother of draggins mag grow journal 6
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