Mr Critchley air his views

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They've been talking about this for as long as I can'll never happen under any of our 3 parties imho. I mean, can you really see the uptight British legalising the hard drugs? "I'd like 2 pints of lager and a gram of charlie please" or maybe "20 bensons and a 10 quid rock".

Now, try to imagine Booze Britain, or one of those clipshows after legalisation of all drugs. Every single latent fruitbat and psycho will become instantly apparent and it will be carnage on a scale we've never seen before.

IMHO the most DANGEROUS thinking is to lump MJ in with all 'drugs' as that article does. It's too black and white (e.g. where's alcohol in there?) and implies all drugs are the same, which we all know simply IS NOT TRUE. Whilst MJ can cause mental health issues if smoked very young, it doesn't have anywhere near the level of impact that the higher level drugs have. And if addiction is the argument against MJ, then cite alcoholism or cigarettes.

Unfortunately I've already had this argument with a policeman - whose line was "we made a mistake with alcohol and cigarettes, repeating it with marijuana isn't clever" - or words to that effect. In fairness it's not a bad line, but it's not enough to continue prosecuting mature, responsible users by criminilising them.

The dutch have it right - make a clear distinction between weed and hard drugs, and come down hard on hard drugs. Educate kids about the risks of young smoking, rather than punitive measures.

FF for Home Secretary \o/

e2a: I'm with Bill Hicks on the mandatory marijuana for driving "*meep meep* STFU and smoke this - it's the law" :)


Well, the way i see this, call me naive if you want, it's no so difficult to twist the view of the masses in the subject. Still and unfortunately, even with all those dedicated proffessionals and scientist and all the research job and, of course, all our bloody rights to do this or that, amounts to little when the economy is at stakes. C'mon, every eight years a country goes from left to right totally convinced, that prick Cameron who was little more than a etonian buffoon months ago might be next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom before anyone blinks an eye, and it's people who will put him there with a little help from the Saatchies.
You tell all those penny savers that they could get out of mortgage shit by legalizing drugs and they will be boasting round the pubs of having a dedicated son that will soon become a real junkie. The Sun will just play along, as did with Thatcher and her economy fairytale, won't they?
And at some point they'll have to make something about it, the market is SATURATED, (and the street full of soapbar) that never happened before so open and clear, and what this means is that moneymakers are bored with a non-dynamic market. Let them get their eyes on cannabis, just now the only industry that doubles up every year passing with the ados of homegrowing equipment (get back to nature, throw away your nintendo anf grow real marihuana, free of hassle, and in your own house. We'll provide the expertise and our technician will visit you to make an asessment and our hotline is open 24 hours a day. Did i tell you about the financing? well... now it comes the best part...), while everything else is wobbly, even they are finding ways to make wheat to contest in price with oil with the biodiesels thing. Guess what's the most potentially productive crop. Yes, the bad brother, but at least is family.
That's how, well, i'm speculating a lot, legalization will come about, maybe the idle part of it will get worse with legalization. In Britain you still can have (i mean, at least in paper) an allotment to grow some tobacco. In Spain is downright forbidden. Milk is legal, but a cow in the cellar is considered kind of excentric, and therefore downright forbidden too in cities, or places with people around. How about regulations in safety, control of the quantity and something like a legal limit for THC as in alcohol? I say, fuck legalization. It fucks up everything. If not harming, let it out of the game, please mr Cameron. Pair it with beautiful roses of all colours and superbig courgettes in country fairs, it'll slip in like a dream.
But they've got to take the "jailing" bit right out of it, mj self supplying growers do not belong there and that should be a law itself. As for other drugs, everyone fights its own battle, i don't give a damn as i dislike chemicals. Maybe Batman will help their cause.
Critchley is just talking simply what the mood is, and if he gets his views aired, it's because someone is interested in him airing them. People talk a lot all the time and little fits in the codebook of daily papers. I expect a swing in this matter, that's why i tell at the beginning of this rant you can call me naive.
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