Mr.Wakenbake's Grow Show

  • Thread starter Mr.Wakenbake
  • Start date
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This is the grow show.. welcome to the program.

In the room i have a bunch of gifted seeds that are unknown in name now as i didnt' label before popping. Also there are a few clones of afghanica x dragon's breath, and the Romulan x Dragon's Breath.

Anyways, just wanted to show off my grow.
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Thanks for the kind words. They are a varied group for sure. Romulan x Dragon's Breath, Afghanica x Dragon's Breath, some bubblegum x's , some ww x's. Most of the seeds were gifted to me by a few close friends I met online and have built relationships with over the past few years.

Sadly, I have become lazy when it comes to the grow area and it was beginning to show. All those pictures were taken after the clean up, but as I got to looking , I now realize it's time spiff it up before the next run. New plastic on the floor, ect.ect.

I'm sorry if I didnt' give alot of information on my grow, I was just happy to get em up here that night...cause i was floating :). Not to mention my xbox distracts me very easily.

I flower under a 600w Eye Hortilux HPS, and veg/clone/ and keep a couple mothers in my Homebox Clonebox. The Clonebox has a 400w HPS lamp with a Sylvania Grow Lux Horticultural Spec lamp with a more balanced spectrum. I didn't go Eye Hortilux for the 400 due to them being too overpriced for compared to the competition and availability on my favorite place to order online.

I run passive exhaust, and am currently growing in a 5-1/2ft x 6ft walk in closet. During the summer i have alot of help from the A/C unit as there is a duct in there and my temps never hit 80f. I run an average of about 77f .Due to having an oversized fan and a Can 66 carbon filter pulling the smell out, i have no worries. I run 6" exhaust fans with air cooled hoods. Hoods are Sun Sytems i think, i forget though. They have tempered glass on em of course .

Fan pulls 400cfm and easily cools the 1k watts i have total I run in lighting.
I run Lumatek ballasts for both lights.No complaints there, period.
Door is sealed with weatherstripping, the rubber kind, and the door is sealed at the bottom too.

Intake comes from, well.... where else?! the a/c vent ;). So due to keeping negative pressure in the room, i have no smell leaking through the venting , even when the a/c isn't on . :) Anyways, I hope I gave some info on the grow. It's a small area, but that's all the wife allows me :(

Over the next 5 years the wife and I plan on making the move to a more friendly state. I have been growing indoors for almost 3 years or so, and had a few plants outdoors before that over the years a few big hits and a lot of misses. Damn deer..... flying pigs, and RODENTS. Anyways, outdoors this year will be 10-20 plants, all clones and a good start before they go outdoors.Next run of indoor will be 16 afghanica x db clones that I plan on vegging for a month under the 600 before actually flipping the lights.

The plant doesn't stretch much, and the clones end up being bud stumps after flower is complete... albeit a bud stump-o-sparkles :). So, more veg time is going to be needed for me to up the yeilds with this strain, as she can be unweildy if let go too long in veg, but can put up large amounts of potent bud for her size. Over time, I will dial this girl in as this is only my 2nd run with her as a mother . 6 or 7 clones of her are in there now. The next run will be all her, so this was another test run you could say , for that.

I was also seriously wanting to pop alot of beans i had gifted to me. Sadly didn't label any of em! Anyways, this post is too long already and I hear my xbox calling my name.
Be cool and stay safe guys and gals.



just a few pictures to update the grow..

26/30 clones rooted in the rapid rooters.
The plants are all between 40-55 days, those that are further along will come down in 2-3 weeks, others still have another 4 or so to go.

Anyways, enjoy the pics. Maybe I will pick up something from thcbay soon. I like the cali connections gear.
Anyways, here's the pics.














Mr WnB:)! Nice to see you around. You still over at MP? Very nice grow you have, as usual.


No .

I don't reall peruse MarP that much anymore. I honestly hang out exclusively at and i mess around here too now.

It's not that i don't like it there it's just too many sites to keep up with


i guess my pics wont' show up in a hyperlink...?
oh well , i will just have to upload em later.

I guess they uploaded... cool


Premium Member
hey right on Mikey ya gotta post image tag homie [ ]

post em up cant wait to see..

Simple Simon

Hey Mr.Wakenbake, First of all I LOVE the name Wakenbake is my #2 favorite thing to do "when I can". You look like a weed growing son of a gun, good job. I'm thinking a lot about the Idea of growing some (Romulan,or Romulan x Dragon's Breath) What is your opinion of these Hyb. strains ? ---- SS.:free-character-smil


Romulan, is an excellent strain. Although i don't have pure romulan, i do have a Romulan x DB plant that i have flowered and am now revegging that is excellent. It's a soaring type of high that lasts a long while. It can be disorienting at times.

I don't claim to be a guru. I just grow the plants the best way I know how. Sometimes i have problems( currently am ) and sometimes not. Thanks for the kind words. If you can find a pure Romulan(clone only) or a hybrid like i have in seed form then you will be happy for sure.

I got the seeds i have from a friend on another board. I know they are legit. Don't buy seeds online that claim to be pure romulan. Unless they are S1's you ain't gonna find it unless it's a hybrid. If you have access to a co-op in a med state you may find it.

If you can find a hybrid Romulan that you can verify isn't a ripoff definitely go for it.


Harvest ... around 60 days

Just wanted to post up harvest pics... Some pics of my head stash of popcorn, trash bag-o-trim, and of the aftermath.

19 out of the 22 came down tonight. All rather small plants except one. Anyways, enjoy the pics.
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Premium Member
Awesome mikey.. Nothing like growing your own eh buddy. :harvest:
Looking forward to seeing your next go round..


Simple Simon

Thanks for your quick response Mr.Wakenbake, Don't you just love harvest time ? Soon you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor. You earned it ,Have fun !!!:bong2:

Johnny Blaze

Looks like u done a really good job there with them m8 !!

Keep up the god work !!

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