my chernobyl just doesn't want to work...

  • Thread starter vino
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have you grown her?

I cant seem to dial this plant in. ive tried almost everything. but theres something lacking or locking out... does it want more calmag? the leaves are real lime yellow, darker veins, purplish stems , and when they get to flower the flowers are small and leaves are kinda tuff. arghh! i would just get rid of the plant, but unfortunately it was mixed in a batch of clones and now i'm stuck with another full run of this damnnned thing! it still frosts up real thick like chernobyls/

royal gold/coco mix
RO water
lucas 6/9/6(calimagic) *feed..feed..water* in flower they get koolbloom
foliar magic green
3 gal smart pot
1000w horti
room temp 78
hand feed
C02 1500ppm

ive posted a pick of one in veg, and what it looks in flower on day 40.
Chernobyl 2


Living dead girl
Bump. What pH are you feeding at?


i will take new pictures today. i gave them dose of calmag 5ml solo and it seems to have helped kick back. i think i'm going to go to 8ml calmag next dose. i think they maybe calmag whores to the max. update later today. i'll take some pictures of the ones that are a few weeks old.


took some new photos of them. I really think that by boosting my camag helped her. chernobyl = calmag fiend. the ones in flower actually seem alot better. it seemed like a few sections of my rooms weren't getting as cool as others. I think that may have had something to do with it as well.
first photo is of the baby chernobyls. They started had major growth after adding the calmag.
2nd is of chernobyl in flower. day 22 or so.
3rd is blue dream
4th is the chernobyl flowering
5th is of my row of djshortblueberry. in same room and same nutes as chernobyl. the blueberries dont enjoy such a high ppm and high heat
6th is the chernobyl moms. definately livened up. i think i have to get some nitrogen boost for her though. leaves are a bit greener, but still somewhat lime and dont want to keep adding calimagic.
Chernobyl mon 2
Chernobyl mon 3
Chernobyl mon 4
Chernobyl mon 5
Chernobyl mon 6
Chernobyl mon


I have a Chernobyl that came as a freebie. I decided "what the hell" and popped it. It is vegging right now and looks the best of the lot, but it is a light feeder compared to the others so I do agree that your ppms seem a bit high which may be stalling your plant out.
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I haven't tested the runoff. i dont water that heavy. 3gal smartpots. i water about 1/2 gal each max twice a week. then do a gallon at 1/4 strength solution. so feed/feed/water pretty much.
I dont think its the ppms. my ppms are 1000. with 500(5ml)ppm of calimagic -in the beginning I was just giving 2.5ml of calimagic. I mentioned they are getting better by adding calmag. not by reducing nutrients. and i also want to give them some H&G nitrogen boost. they are in week 3 veg.

my chernobyl in flower gets same base but I just went up to 8ml calmag this last nutrient mix. they're around week 4 flower. So I'm thinking they need this calmag. especially since I have RO and royalgold/coco mix.

ill take more picture tom.


3gal smartpots. i water about 1/2 gal each max twice a week. then do a gallon at 1/4 strength solution.

Well, this was easy.

You are not watering enough. Half a gallon twice a week into 3 gallon pots is nowhere near enough water/nutes. You should be watering something like every other day (and a half gallon is about right for that size pot).


all my other plants love it. 1/2 gal mon. 1/2 weds/ 1 gal friday. so two gals a week. everyday watering was a qrt a day, but i hand water and daily watering. i dont like water to flow out of my plants like crazy, only on fri i make em leak. its not straight coco. its royalgold/coco mix. so ewc/guanos/perlite/humus etc. all that shit. i understand daily watering and soaking through if it was straight coco. ill try and water a 1/2 gal a day this week and if she prefers that.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
How much light is lighting that whole room? Is it only a 1kw for that massive area? I'd say IF that is the case some lack of light and you notice the flowers right under the light looking worse than the perimeter?


the veg room is 6 x 600w. and the flower is 6 x 1k. light ain't a problem. and those plants are right under one of the AC vents. so the temp stays a perfect 77. and goes to 80 by middle of the room. the rh is 45 - 55 depending on if i watered or not.

so overfeeding you think? i can cut the nutes in half, and keep calmag at 8ml? i really think if i lightened their load they'd be deficient again.

Rezs modified lucas formula is supposed to be fed daily I thought. It works on Bluedream, Blueberry, Girl Scout Cookies, Harlequin, and Green Crack, all my OGs.

Thats what i'm hating. Everyone of my other strains go and go big. This strain is a lil bitch though. I think its meant to be outdoors and just do its thing. The nugs do become amazingly frosty, and its smells like Trainwreck, but it just lacks that umpf!. Its good for hash, but nug size, not so much.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
That's way more cal mag than I've ever used but I"m not a coco guy...
Yeah, I've seen cuts of Chernobyl that were popcorn producers, those can be frustrating for a grower especially when people love the finished flowers.


yeah the nutes arent burnin or anything. and the plants on the perimeter are the ones that lack. ill take a picture of 2 seperate ones tonight. i am working up finishing an irrigation system. so maybe i can reduce ppms and up waterings. i think that should help. does anyone have a chernobyl in flower i can compare. mine does look like the one on TGAs site. and it is a DHN cut.

doesnt the time change suck. now my lights are an hour later.
5ecret 5quirrel

5ecret 5quirrel

took some new photos of them. I really think that by boosting my camag helped her. chernobyl = calmag fiend. the ones in flower actually seem alot better. it seemed like a few sections of my rooms weren't getting as cool as others. I think that may have had something to do with it as well.
first photo is of the baby chernobyls. They started had major growth after adding the calmag.
2nd is of chernobyl in flower. day 22 or so.
3rd is blue dream
4th is the chernobyl flowering
5th is of my row of djshortblueberry. in same room and same nutes as chernobyl. the blueberries dont enjoy such a high ppm and high heat
6th is the chernobyl moms. definately livened up. i think i have to get some nitrogen boost for her though. leaves are a bit greener, but still somewhat lime and dont want to keep adding calimagic.
what’s your ph? these pictures are hard to tell . . . i would say your have a zinc def, are you getting crispy tips on your leaves? ph to low you get mg lock out, but if zinc is the def ph is way to alkaline.


I tried taking photos again, but they aren't green. They have that shitty HPS hue cast on them. I need to get a filter for my camera. Is there a filter that will block that out?

oh and the plants are looking better. still haven't figured out the flowering. in veg i know what they like. but i think i have to cut something on the flower side, or add something. hmm.


Living dead girl
White balance, but I've never been able to figure it out on my camera that still didn't look whonky.
5ecret 5quirrel

5ecret 5quirrel

just take a pic with lights out with a flash. This was ph to high, locked out zinc took months to recover fully it was a disaster. it’s like the whole plant just shut down.

any more pictures on your side would be helpful

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