My Experience With Root Aphids And Ecosmart So Far...

  • Thread starter Noel Live
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Root Aphis?

  • Organic Pest Control

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • EcoSmart

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Haha, makes me happy because you act like you are feeling better. Keep feeling better!


Will mosquito dunks kill root aphids? Sorry if it has been asked


I have been doing extensive research on the bane of my existence also known as root aphids. My very first grow I discovered aphids after they started crawling out of the pot. I have tried four of some of the more popular products to no avail. I just ordered some evergreen and will give this a try. I cant figure out how or where they came from as my rooms are all sealed up nice and freshly painted and then bleached and covered in plastic. I am now on my second grow and they are still present in new pots. After I found them the first time I was on the look out for them and caught them early treating them with Azamax. I obviously bleached again and bombed my 6x8 rooms but somehow they are back. I am very clean and try to go in my rooms naked almost. I am trying to stay positive but I have to be honest I am ready to give up, even after spending almost 2000$ on equipment and such. Now I'm just shoveling out money on products to combat them. I am thinking about getting all new clones or starting from my own seeds but they originally came from a very experienced growing who has been doing it for a very long time and is a good friend. I just joined this site in hopes of getting some help from what seems a very knowledgeable community. I tried changing soil and even the place of which I buy it from locally after the first grow. I thought about starting my own thread or post but I know this is very common. I can not tell you how much research of reading and youtube videos I have logged since this began about six months ago. I fear that my new set of veg plants will undoubtebly have them because I have seen one or three of what I assume are adult flying aphids but I have air conditioners in both rooms but have extra filters on the intake. I thought maybe they are just small gnats but its winter time here so Im guessing not. I treated them with a mild dose of Azamax anyways even though I havent seen them yet but their only two or three weeks old. I recently discovered a soil drench is a complete submersion and not just a large amount that causes massive run off so I hope I can do it right with Evergreen. As you can tell I'm close to calling it quits as Ive had this problem since day one. I do live in a older house so maybe them came from the walls or carpet or maybe from somones cloths because when I first started I was excited to show my rooms and equipment off. I will try Evergreen and hope I can finish my current flower cycle of five more weeks. My first harvest was a joke and compared to what my friend gets per plant I shouldnt even be allowed to try. I appreciate any thoughts or comments. I appologize to the owner of the thread if this is the wrong place for this. Aphids from the start and got in trouble with the law and on probation for a year so I cant even try my creation from the first harvest and wont be for just under a year. So yea I am very broke and ready to cut my loses all over a devil bug from hell that has appeared from thin air apparently. Sigh.....


Living dead girl
B.Rad, I'm very sorry to read this. The unfortunate truth is that there is no point in trying to flower anything out if you're still infested. Met52 has been shown to have some good efficacy, and Capulator's OGBioWar, one of the formulations, has the same pesticidal fungi present in it, so I'll suggest trying that at concentrated rates. Beyond that... <gulp> I REALLY really hate saying this, but chemical routes may be your last resort.

I'm sorry, please know how much I hate even thinking the thought, let alone saying it out loud. Perhaps you can try kolah's heat method that he used in his GH a couple or three years ago. That said, others have tried doing dunks in hot water and ended up losing the plants, he simply heated up his GH, around 120*F if I recollect correctly.

I would have 'liked' your post, but there's not much to like about it other than you're being very persistent.
Will mosquito dunks kill root aphids? Sorry if it has been asked
Unfortunately, no, they don't.


Before you give up try using hemppy buckets filled with perlite and vermiculite you will have no bugs in your roots.

Noel Live

@B.Rad No apologies necessary. I understand your frustrations. Keep in mind, these are the woes of growing. We don't take bugs serious until we get an infestation and then we don't know what to do. The idea is to get rid of them and begin a maintenance regimen that will keep those creepers away. In my opinion, and please forgive my foul mouth, you could start over with small cuts you can control. If you don't want to start over you're going to have to do a radical cleaning. Please stick it out for a bit more.


Ive been using Evergreen that is pyrethrum concentrate and I used Azamax before this. I am just trying something different and to be honest its cheaper to buy as far as how much you get per dollar. The ever green is 5% pyrethrum I do believe but I have to be honest when I say I think Azamax knocked them down much better but as you know its very hard to tell. My question is how much should I put in of the Evergreen per 1 gallon of water or 5 gallons? I have to booklet but its not like Azamax and it doesn't even say soil drench and from what I read is just referring to tomatoes or any vegetable or flower. I used 5 ml per 1 gallon of water and I am thinking that was not enough. The plants are dying at a rapid rate and almost 100% yellow, leaves are shriveling up and falling off faster then 2 other plants that appear green and very healthy. I know usually when you have aphids all plants get them but since my first harvest I have been on the lookout for them and trying various things to kill them which I have not succeeded in doing but I think Ive got them knocked down some because this time I cant see them walking up the sides of my plastic pots. I use dirt with the perlite and vermiculite which is 3 kinds mixed actually. Since I found them on my first harvest cycle I did a massive clean with bleach and bombs and then went ahead and plastic lined the entire room and sealed up tighter with foam and everything else you can think of. I even have like a make shift plastic entry way. I know it does not matter where they came from I just want them gone. I am getting off topic from my question. I bought a lot of Evergreen which used to go by another name but its pyrethrum basically concentrate of 5% so does anyone know how much to use per 1 gallon? I have nobody to ask that knows what they're talking. Also I learned that I was not drenching right so once I learn how much people are using I will do it right but time is short as I am 4 weeks from harvest actual date and your not supposed to do this any closer. Please anyone know? Surprisingly Google has not turned up many results when I ask this question which is why I joined to get some help. please reply anyone or email [email protected] thank you so much guys, tired of small tiny buds and low yields because of root aphids. Never even heard of them before. Almost at my limit and have thousands invested.


Well... it just so happens that I already have, many times. Have you tried using the search function? It would be nice if people did that first.
I've used the search function like crazy I'm just here looking for answers


I killed my plants doing the root drench with neem and that was just trying to control fungus gnats. My experience using neem and Azamax against them was that it pissed them off and populations of flyers exploded. If you have the OBBioWar, I'd use that at the highest strength it's labeled for. After that, my only experience says chemicals are the way to go. But others have had success using organic methods since that, so I'd go with those. Aren't most of them using the OGBW? I think so.
I'm hearing good shit about og bio war I used merit 75 on my aphids made my smoke toxic but I had no other option


It's been 8 months since I started and I'm still battling root aphids. I've tried everything except hard chemicals.. I bleach, spray and pyrethrum bomb my tiny room ever cycle and same for my veg room. I have definitely took them down a notch but when it comes to the last 3 weeks before harvest is when they have enough numbers for me to see them so I know I still got them. I use evergreen and azamax in the early get stage for maintenance just because it's what I got because I have a lot left. I have even covered my entire room in plastic, the thick 14ml kind and they still got in after I taped and overlapped all edges for nicely. I have now come to the decision that they are in my carpet and or walls because I live in a very old but large tailor house. Also I think maybe my dog has something to do with it. Yes I go in semi naked and only after a shower. I've tried it all and all I can do is keep their numbers down with naturally derived pesticides. I might buy orthene or the triazene or whatever it's called but it's very expensive. It's safe to say I gave up. Just try to keep them down but I know it's why my yields lower then my friends. Just thought I'd update.


You can clean with vinegar and peroxide in two seperate spray bottles spraying one liquid on a hard surface and then the other directly on top of the other liquid. Wait 5 seconds and wipe with a dry cloth, this will kill any loners, eggs or stray larvae. Wear gloves and old clothing, peroxide is a base, white vinegar is an acid. Mixing the two greatly speeds up what the peroxide does, bleach and kill living cells. Imo this is the best way to clean a grow area, simple and effective. I would clean walls, chairs, ceiling and all...


Hey all, its my first time on this forum . i posted this bug pic on another thread too, but can anyone accurately id this bug? I used Imid and it didn't kill them, they live under the pots and are smaller than a pinhead but crawl quickly around. I have had some mystery symptoms in my garden the last few rounds. wondering if they are indeed root aphids?


That's a mite, I believe. 8 legs, not 6. Possibly a hypoapsis (good).
Thanks! I think Ive seen them before and determined that they are beneficials/harmless, but with the odd symptoms that were happening in my garden I began to get paranoid again :/ maybe they just come in the soil? Do you happen to know if there are types of soil mites that can be harmful?
Savage Henry

Savage Henry

Not off the top of my head, boss. But I'd suggest doing some googling there are several college agricultural/horticultural departments with vast amounts of information on pests and management for free.


Not off the top of my head, boss. But I'd suggest doing some googling there are several college agricultural/horticultural departments with vast amounts of information on pests and management for free.
boss, haha! the uncertainty certainly doesn't have me feeln like a boss :/ we'll see if my switch to salt based nutrients pushes back up the yields. the combo of that and hitting them with Imid, oy vay…where have my organic practices gone?….next time maybe…i switched from Botanicare to General Hydro Nova recipe…I'm not sure why it should matter that much if I'm still feeding the same ammt of ppms?, but maybe it has to do with nutrient availability...


thanks again for responding and clueing me in on 6 legs vs 8 :)
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