My grinder project and how its changing my life

  • Thread starter TheDrGrind
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*Sparknotes at the bottom

**Lengthy Post

Hey guys! I just wanted to introduce my lil project to you that I have been working on for many months, and is finally finished.

It all started back on March 17th of 2020 when the rona forced me out of business. I had lost my families manufacturing company of 32 years making products for the oil industry here in Texas. I was left devastated, and decided that night I was going to drink myself under the table and smoke until I reach the heavens. So fast-forward 2 bottles of wine later and I'm 3 sheets to the wind. I decided that it's time to switch from drinking to smoking so I grab my flower, a stack of papers, this $100 grinder I had bought and begin to try to roll a joint....

Only problem is that it is very difficult for me to use any grinder because when when I was 4 years only I lost most of my left hand in a farming related accident. As a result, gripping and twisting a grinder is difficult sober let a lone wasted. I struggled to get it to work. I tried pinning it against myself, the table, everything, but my weed was just too good and too difficult for me to grinder. At this point I'm almost in tears because I've hit my lowest low of my life. So in a fit of rage I stood up, and threw my $100 grinder I had in my hand threw my wall and yelled out, "I can make one way better than this!" Then it dawned on me...I could. After all, I had just spent the last 10 years of my life running a manufacturing facility with some of the most advanced CNC machines on the earth. I knew how to do it all! Needless to say you could say the little light blub had lit up! Since this was going to be easy! I thought that there has to be other people who wanted an easier to use grinder because they have a disability like me, or reduced strength or whatever. There has to be people who want a better designed product. There has to be people who want a new style all together so I decided then and there what I was going to do in my future.

I spent the next day working on my design. That day turned into a week. That week turned into a month. That month turned into 6 months...6 months and 4 revisions later I am finally finished. What's not included in the revision are all the different styles of subcomponents I tried. I feel like I know more now about grinder weed than I'd ever imagine lol. Working in the oil industry everyone was always so uptight, and business was often crooked which kinda ate at my moral core. I just wanted to do a good job and be rewarded equally for the quality of work I performed. Now all thanks to a drunken night I've been liberated and finally get to work on my dreams! This is already getting lengthy so I'll wrap it up here lol.

Here is a picture of what I built. I'd love to know what your thoughts are so I can perfect it. This is the first time i've posted this story. So i'd like to think that if a guy with basically only 1 hand can use this then...
Sparknotes: Shut family business down due to flu. lost hand in farming accident. Couldnt use normal grinders. Decided to change life and make better grinder design.

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I'm so sorry to hear about you're experiences. The grinder looks cool can you tell us how it works/ how it differs?


Thank you, it's okay life has made me a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Hilarious part is I left out the home burning down, gun shots, cancer, death, near death parts lol.

But it's real simply. It's a 2 piece design. Everything under the lid is all connected so you'll never drop a chamber. You just push on one side of the chambers and they swing out.

In this video you'll see how it works!


Wow. That's an amazing story. You could probably right a book or screenplay. Lol. Do you have any photos of the actual grinding part.


PhotoRoom 20210917 144027

Here's what I learned in all my tests:

1. Putting the magnet raised in the center eliminates the problem of flower sticking/getting squished in the center and actually uses the space for something productive

2. Tooth design is useless. Everyone thinks a crazy tooth design will result in better ground bud. Not true. Hole size dictates all of that. Its pretty logical actually. Small things go through small holes, large things through big holes. So it doesn't matter how much you grind. If the holes aren't the right size you'll be wasting a lot of effort.

3. Threads always get clogged up and make the grinder more difficult to use over time. This is the opposite! It gets better! This is due to the flower "dust" further helping provide a tighter seal.

4. Next version wont have a keef tray because flower is bomb af now but retailers like it lol

side note: you can open the keef chamber without opening the flower chamber but not the opposite. This way you dont make a mess lol

What I am trying to do is revolutionize this small space. If you look at grinder design it's been the same basically since day 1...wait till you see whats next ;)


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Here's what I learned in all my tests:

1. Putting the magnet raised in the center eliminates the problem of flower sticking/getting squished in the center and actually uses the space for something productive

2. Tooth design is useless. Everyone thinks a crazy tooth design will result in better ground bud. Not true. Hole size dictates all of that. Its pretty logical actually. Small things go through small holes, large things through big holes. So it doesn't matter how much you grind. If the holes aren't the right size you'll be wasting a lot of effort.

3. Threads always get clogged up and make the grinder more difficult to use over time. This is the opposite! It gets better! This is due to the flower "dust" further helping provide a tighter seal.

4. Next version wont have a keef tray because flower is bomb af now but retailers like it lol

side note: you can open the keef chamber without opening the flower chamber but not the opposite. This way you dont make a mess lol

What I am trying to do is revolutionize this small space. If you look at grinder design it's been the same basically since day 1...wait till you see whats next ;)
I'm defintely interested because i'm looking for a grinder with more torque. My arthritis and carpal tunnel flares up when I over-exert.


That’s a serious looking piece!
I would have to assume you retained your manufacturing equipment ?
Are you able to mass ( large quantities- not millions) produce this piece ?
Are you able to mass produce other custom pieces ???
Just curious
As I have been know to throw a few down toke up and have some great ideas too !!!!!
Let us know when&where to find a grinder - plz



Although i wish the video had actually showed it at work i choose to believe it's been fine-tuned enough. It appears to solve an access issue that all manufacturers prefer just not to address, so there's something about it nobody can take away which should put them to shame. My regret being that this had to be a 1-man project until reaching success, e.g. raising the bar significantly.

Good day, have fun!! ☮️


Great story. Perseverance. When one door closes, another bigger door is sure to open. Looks like you’re on the right track. Welcome to the farmily.


I wish I had a grinder with a slot in the top I could attach a 1/4 in. Drive ratchet to. I have arthritic hands and it's hurts to grind. Maybe a grip on the base. Dope grinder you made. It might be the best one.


View attachment 1169824

Here's what I learned in all my tests:

1. Putting the magnet raised in the center eliminates the problem of flower sticking/getting squished in the center and actually uses the space for something productive

2. Tooth design is useless. Everyone thinks a crazy tooth design will result in better ground bud. Not true. Hole size dictates all of that. Its pretty logical actually. Small things go through small holes, large things through big holes. So it doesn't matter how much you grind. If the holes aren't the right size you'll be wasting a lot of effort.

3. Threads always get clogged up and make the grinder more difficult to use over time. This is the opposite! It gets better! This is due to the flower "dust" further helping provide a tighter seal.

4. Next version wont have a keef tray because flower is bomb af now but retailers like it lol

side note: you can open the keef chamber without opening the flower chamber but not the opposite. This way you dont make a mess lol

What I am trying to do is revolutionize this small space. If you look at grinder design it's been the same basically since day 1...wait till you see whats next ;)
That would be a niche market. people with hand issues I guess.
The other day, my buddy showed me a 2 gram capacity grinder that plugs directly into a smart phone. android /apple


What a resilient and determined human being. I'm proud of you, and I hope you are too. You could have easily given up but look at you now. Damn..way to go man.

Side note..get this on shark tank, I wanna see weed grinders on QVC..I'd say lol but I'm freaking serious I wanna see weed grinders on QVC


Awesome product, thanks for the story :) when I read it i came to think of my Coffee bean grinder. Its operated by one button with rotating knives that activates when pushed down. Have you tried something like that? Electric yes.


Fantastic! I love reading/seeing stories like this. Thinking outside the box can make wonderful things happen, really impressed. I have psoriatic arthritis throughout my body but sometimes the hands just don't do what I want them to and I too have had my grinder kick my ass. That top is perfect and I think it would serve me well! Kudos to you man, I hope you do well with your products as you should!
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