My Lovely Bunch Of Cannabis Plants!

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Hey everyone. I'm new to these sites but I figured I'd use it for a grow journal. As well as the app I use. LIFE. It's a nice way to keep track of EVERYTHING with your grow. Nutrient levels and dates you started. Descriptions and pictures of how they react When you water them and a meter to adjust and track how fast they use the water and a ton more little features. It's a kool app but is missing one thing. People to see and chat with and get opinions. Or just brag if your into that.

I ONLY ASK ON RULE IF YOU POST ON MY THREAD HERE OR ANY OF MINE. PLEASE BE KIND. COURTEOUS AND RESPECTFUL. I do mistype and misword a lot of statements so if I say something WRONG or in any way comes off disrespectful or ignorant IF ITS COMJNG FROM ME. ITS A TYPO OR I DIDNT REALAIZE HOW IT SOUNDED UNTIL SOMEONE POINTED IT OUT. I DO NOT EVER INTENTIONALLY DO THAT. But some times I do type very fast while working and I own a business and am always rushing around. Thank you for reading and commenting Just please be as kind and courteous as I try to be.


Yeah. I've had pretty good talks in her so far but some of the other top forums some of the guys that grow in states where it's not legal, like myself included, they get a bit

Ok so my setup is homeade and I know it needs improvements with the lighting. I know. I know.
I was limited in funds so I got what I could
I grow with LEDs and CFL combos
I have one main full spectrum LED 12"x12" panel in the middle. I have 2 30w white LED bulbs on each side of it And 6 23w CFLs around the outside I have some nice full spectrum LED ufo bulbs coming and will be switching most of them over to LED and just a few CFLs along the sides of the plants to help with side lighting and the combination of LED is much better then either on by themselves. So I've been reading anyways But I have always used both together and had good results
Anyways. Here's the pics before the transplant that I just now did 30seconds ago. But typed part of this message this morning. Lol. Can you tell how my day has been. Lol.
I'll let them perk back up a bit because they got some Coco dirt on them and don't look pretty right now Tomorrow I can lightly brush the dust off and they will look perky as usually I'm sure. THE GOOD NEWS. MY CLONES ARE FINELY STARTING TO ROOT. THANKS TO COCO. Too bad the plant went into flower first. All my Veg clones died. But I tried one last time as the plant was starting to flower I took lower branches off that had not gotten pistils yet and a the. A branch by new adopted dog broke off and it was a Top Cola. So pissed but I tried to root it just to see if it will but we're see on that one in a week since I'm sure it will take longer

Planted May 4-5th. Sprouted May 8th. These have been started in nutrients at a lower dose and already almost to a full nutrient routine because they are loving it so well. I'll edit in the nutrients tomorrow as right now I have one kind for Veg and then Coco Bloom A and B and Some Monster bloom and another Bloom booster micro nutrient powder thing. I'll check and edit it in with a date


Sorry I fell asleep before I posted last night. Lol. I will take the new pics later. I was running late this morning and didn't have time to do much. I just glanced at them. They were good so we ran out door


Hey man, I'm going to stick around for this journal. I like the way you present yourself and the level of respect you ask for and give. Kudos to you brother. Your plants are looking good . I can only expect to see good things from you. Good things happen to good people. Grow on brother and good luck.


Thanks That means a lot Too many people read something and jump to a conclusion or right away want to be better or make you wrong. It shouldn't be about right or wrong. There's better ways of doing thing but sometimes you have to make a sacrifice and you have to grow the best with what you have. All these "Proffessional" growers. I want them to take $50 and grow some darn good medicine. See if they can with scrap parts and spare change. That's what the true challenge is I think. Growing the best medicine on a budget. Eventually I am going to make a thread on that and do an experiment with a $50 CFL/LED setup Heck I use those 2gal garbage cans from the dollar store for $1 to grow in Early Veg. I transplant and wait for the plant to recover and switch to flower in a 3-5gal bucket full of Coco. A tad bit of soil and a bit of perlite I like the mixture better cause the Coco coir stuff just seems to slowly pack down as you water over your entire grow. Soil does the same thing. But for some reason the mixture of day like 70/15/15 of mainly Coco/soil/perlite. It seems to stay more "Airy" and to me that only sounds like a good think. Plus I've noticed the top of Coco will get some Mild Mold on it when we get a few rainy days. Even though they are inside they are only in the Cab area of my RV so it stays cool in there and moist when it rains. Since I use LED and CFLs for my grows. I have a halogen light for rainy moist days I turn on. It doesn't directly shine on the plants. Just use it for a dry heat to cut the moister and not raise humidity either. It was what I had laying around and it seems to work fine for now. As much as I love the LED and CFL growing. I was thinking of adding just a small 150w HPS. Just to help in Flowering a little. I have a 175w Mercury Vapir light that I want to trade in at homedepot for a 150w HPS cus they screw into a regular e27 household light socket so no need for Ballasts and all that. Which in my RV is not recommended to run a 1000w ballast and light. I honestly don't think I'd even be able to turn both of my A/Cs on without blowing the breaker. Let alone using the microwave. Lol. For now what I have will do. I'm slowly ordering LED diodes. 3w red and I'm going to build my own led board. I was told 3w LED diodes were the best for plant grows and then I'll get the combonation of red and blue for VeG and Flower and even add a few IR and UV LEDs in there too. Luckily I know electronics decent and can do it.


M on way home now and will post some pictures of them again today. I'll try to post pictures every 3-5 days and comment everyday or two for now until more people join in on the grow. Here's some pics of my failure grow I started in March. They are very strong plants so after they bloom I may try to cut most of the plant off and then reveg the rest of the plant that's left after harvest. Don't know if it will work but I'll try. Also finally got a few clones from one of them to root. Possible the Trilateral plant may have a clone rooting too but the verdict is still out on that one yet. Here's the flowering plants I started jn March tho. The entire grow was compromised by mixing them up with my Auto plant. So I couldn't crop any or Mainline or anything until the Auto flowered and I topped the one I could. The other is the "trifoliate" which is actually technically a Whorled plant with Trilateral features so the plant produces 3 of everything. Branches. Bud sites. Everything grows in threes


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. These were the plants the other day when I said I was going to post pics when I got home. Got busy with work and my health has been very bad lately. The herb has been helping but a lot of it is emotional and mental too so it just masks the issue until I figure out what the issue really is that is making me so stressed out that it is making me sick and weak. Hurting worse than usual too. Anyways. Sorry for the delay. I will try to get some more pics of what they are now since it's been a few days


I guess those were the same pics. I must of deleted them when I was clearing some pics out. I'll take some fresh new ones today. They are about twice that size with nice new internodal growth cus I keep opening the Canopy leaves up by pulling them and their branches downwards and it let's let into the nodes where I want to grow. Basically your see in the pics I post that the new growth is where it will be topped. So most know the basic Maknlining method. But what mainly forget to think ahead is that the top I cut off. Might as well root it into another plant. But I don't want a small Xmas tree style plant. And if it roots nice and then I top it. It may shock it. So. I have an idea. What do you think about this. I'll add pics later. It's going on 5nodes now. Maybe 6. My second and third has great growth so when I mainline it, it should take very well. But first I was thinking about taking the top 6th node off so those new growths can grow into two Colas. But then after it recovers I will top down to the Third node to mainline the plant. But the Top I cut off will have Two colas on it also. So I can safely root it and once it starts to grow again nicely I can top those and have a 4 Cola Mainlkne from my Clone cutting too then. Maybe even 8 if it does well and recovers nicely. So basically I would be topping first. Let it recover and grow two cola tops a little. Then I will top it so the bottom I can mainline. And then root the clone and mainline it too. That way I will have my main plant mainlined and the clone I cut from the mainline. And maybe even keep going each time so my clone is useful as well

Burned Haze

Well I'm subbed and I'm down to watch and give suggestions when needed

Anyways good luck and hope you get a good round of gardening :)


So is that what most Mainliners do tho. Take the top. Root it and Mai line it too. Or is it not a good idea to mainline a clone. Cloning is new to me. Years ago when I stopped growing. My last plant I grew out was a top from a plant I mainlined. I had thrown it in a composted with compost and I opened it idk 3weeks later and it was still a plant and had actually grown a bit and was nice and green looking so I pulled it from the compost and that was the last plant I grew. Back then tho I was behind times I guess i can say. I grew up in the country and didn't have a lot of resources. So I I did t even know what I had done was cloning. Until years later now when I'm growing again and did a college work load of research on growing and on strains. Although it's so much to remember j still have trouble remembering stuff but the Internet and these forums are nice to shoot ideas and come up with new ones


So she got Topped today to start building a Manifold style plant. I don't like referring it to mainlining. Mainlining also refers to other hard drugs and I just think we should stay away from that term as well. So Manifolding. Building a Manifold style plant isn't to difficult like many lead it on to be. But do be gentle As gentle as you can with what you have to do to build a manifold. This is my first time in years and it's a bit different than the way I did it a few years ago. We're see. It looks like it will go well


So this is like the third time I've typed this post and it hasn't made it up. So it's a bit long now from adding more. Anyways. I upgraded a bit now finally. Upgraded my flowering room 6x4(?) to a 600watt HPS FINALLY. I'm so happy I finally got one. A nice one. Free more or less. Bartered cleaning service for it. So awesome deal. New Ballast and hood with new bulb. And then I kept 2 42watt n 2 23watt CFLs around the sides for supplemental lighting since these were not topped or mainlined like my ones I have In Veg right now are. They are going good. I have 2 topped the first time that just have 2 shoots. And 1 topped Twice now and has 4 Main Cola shoots now. Will take pics and upload when it recovers better too. Here's some for now. I do use Nugbuckets method of topping it as early as possible. I read somewhere he prefers topping as soon as the new growth is visble I wait until it's about 8mm long and you can atleast tell its health green and should be ok. But i just started back up and am very nervous again about doing it. Lol. Anyways. Here's some pics of the ones I've topped already. Oh. Am I forgot. I tried topping one of the clones too. It had two little nice growth shoots starting and I seen some pics of others who topped that early so I thought what the heck. It's one clone. The others I'm waiting to see how this one does first.


Oh. This is the one I first started working on. I topped it in my previous posts and In the above pictures I topped this plant so it now will grow 4 cola shoots. Here's the before and after


And for the newbies out there that want to try Manifolding or Topping plants as severely as this. And I'm sorry if I refer to Mainlining as Topping. I do not like to associate Mainlining with cannabis growing. Mainlining is also a reference of hardcore drugs and many do not like to have that kind of reference because of how hard it is to get people open to medical use as it is Anyways. Plz understand tho why I do that. If you haven't noticed I do say it but I TRY to avoid using that word And it is still Topping just in specific instructions to which you make it grow a specific way, the same way, every time. Now I'm attempting the Manifolding technique so we're see how that goes. And I have a bout a dozen plants in veg right now. The one I topped the second time and has 4 shoots starting Was done very well and I think it's going good so far. The only issue I've had shoots not growing at the same rate so I read up and trying some LST but I was confused a bit so I started slow. I wasn't sure if the article said to twist and bend and pinch the shoot that is growing slower. The way it explained was when you do that the plant pushes more energy to repair it and it gets bigger and catches up to the other one. But the way it was worded at first I thought you had to pinch bend or twist the longer one to slow it down. So I think the first way was correct right? Anyone no for sure? I read it correct I think plus took my own perspective and knowledge into account too of course. Lol Thanks to everyone following and sorry for the long posts. I can't get in as often to post short things so by the time I post it I have a lot to cover and mention.


Sorry. I get busy and forget to upload some pics here and there. The first one I topped for Manifolding is now on four cola shoots. And I'm waiting for them to get taller before I top all 4 to make 8 Colas. The other second one I only topped once and stopped because the one side Whorled with trifoliate features so I want to leave her be and I'm going to train her to grow a certain way just for fun tho. The third one is doing nice as well and I think I am going to either let this one go at just Two Cola shoot. Or maybe top one more time. As this one I don't know if is male or female. The second one could also be a male but better chance of female cus it was feminized bag seed I think. But not certain. So I'm willing to risk more time in The second plant. And the. As your see in the pictures I have a bunch of little shoots rooted already and might as well grow them out into new plants but I'm sure they will take a while to catch up since they are very small

A few may look droopy because I had them pulled down training the plants to grow how I want them to. As much as I can this early And all the little small cuttings. ARE ROOTED already and growing now A few just rooted but most of the bigger "small" cuttings. lol. Are in the small pots because they have a nice chunk of roots already. Some have even filled those small pots already so they are going to start shooting up bushy and talk any day hopefully. Slow at first but they take off fast after roots are feeling "safe" But they are all a little rough looking cause of training them. I removed everything so you could see the plants better. But not hiding how they look. That way if a newbie sees. He knows that not every Healthy plant looks pretty. But she will treat you nice if you train her and treat her right. No matter how ugly. Lol. They all turn to pure beauty once they flower and form buds.


Oh and here are some pics of my ones in flower now. They are the disaster grow I had but turning out ok just not a huge yeild at all. They are 4 weeks into flower and have 4-6 weeks yet to go so I'm sure they will be much bigger and dense fat buds. I hope atleast. Lol.

Oh. This is also pics before I defoliated them both. I took almost all the fan leaves off now and in 24hrs I have already witnessed the growth it has started since defoliating I will take pictures in a few days so it is noticeable In The pics better


So today I defoliated some more because they responded EXTREMELY well to the first defoliation two days ago. Here's some pics again. I figured it was already a disaster grow so it couldn't hurt much more. Lol. But I have done it before and had good results. This time I started slow and it loved it so i did some more today. Maybe it will help them bulk up the last 2 weeks before I stop nutes and flush for 2 more maybe 3 weeks depending on when they finish. These next ones are coming along nicely tho. One good Qaulity Manifold so far with WWxBB
The afghani regular is doing well too but I don't know if I will go a full eight since I don't know the sex yet. So I'll wait until I sex a clone first before I top it anymore.


Hey mate,
With this style of growing do you find it stunts the growth,i like the end result of all that training but im worrying how big the plant could have been without all this training.

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