My Plants Were So Healthy And Now All Of A Sudden Yellow Blotches/leafs

  • Thread starter Kilok9t9
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First of all I am a first time grower... These pictures were obviously taken at night and it didn't show up as good as most pics do but the yellowing is on more leafs non on top yet that I noticed with no yard lights .... Anyways what is happening!!!! I watch them every day this just happens over 12-24 hours... It happens to be a very hot humid day today and they were queit dry when I watered them ... I have read and studied a lot so I do have my own assumptions but I am not always right and it is always have to have others opinions/insight and methods so I can incorporate these ideas/methods to me own practice and so forth I just don't understand how they could be so healthy looking a day or two ago and now this ??? Also when I look for my females every other day sometime everyday I haven't been the most gentle don't get me wrong I don't damage them but I do notice when I touch cannabis it gets warped and bent/missshaped to which ever angle I have turned the leafs to so I notice the top of the plants are misshaped not me cowardly permanent but they look like they were just touched sometimes well as of recently is that due to excess " looking for calyx " touching the plant ??
My plants were so healthy and now all of a sudden yellow blotchesleafs
My plants were so healthy and now all of a sudden yellow blotchesleafs 2
My plants were so healthy and now all of a sudden yellow blotchesleafs 3


I like soup
First of all I am a first time grower... These pictures were obviously taken at night and it didn't show up as good as most pics do but the yellowing is on more leafs non on top yet that I noticed with no yard lights .... Anyways what is happening!!!! I watch them every day this just happens over 12-24 hours... It happens to be a very hot humid day today and they were queit dry when I watered them ... I have read and studied a lot so I do have my own assumptions but I am not always right and it is always have to have others opinions/insight and methods so I can incorporate these ideas/methods to me own practice and so forth I just don't understand how they could be so healthy looking a day or two ago and now this ??? Also when I look for my females every other day sometime everyday I haven't been the most gentle don't get me wrong I don't damage them but I do notice when I touch cannabis it gets warped and bent/missshaped to which ever angle I have turned the leafs to so I notice the top of the plants are misshaped not me cowardly permanent but they look like they were just touched sometimes well as of recently is that due to excess " looking for calyx " touching the plant ??
No its not due to you fondling the plant.. the wind beats the plant more. No to the yellow spots... do you feed it? Nutes? Ph? What does the new growth look like? You are looking at some of the older leaves on the plant


I'm having the same problem... Not sure what it could be


Plants are healthy - out door growing causes some "different" looking plants/leaves/color, ect Great looking plants


Those are lower old leaves anyways. I'd pluck them and let the plant focus and branching out rather than stressing on turning those leaves green again. Just my 2 pennies


pH is always the first thing I check. Plus if those pots don't have holes watch out for overwatering
ken dog

ken dog

A lot of times, those misshapen leaves and such that you talked about in the opening post, can be due to root issues.

You might want to think about re-potting those in larger containers.

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