Need Help Identifying Deficiency

  • Thread starter huma
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although there is a lot going wrong here, there is no reason to bail as of yet...
I see mostly a calcium problem here, the carbonate sources in your soilmix rely on exposure to an acidic environment for that Ca to become available to the plant, and you have been running a neutral solution.

Once your Ca falls into deficiency the soil remains wet and all the other nutrients lock-out with the magnesium present in the soil and added CalMag.
Let the soil dry out, especially in the center and shoot for 6.3/6.4 on the ph.
It's a bit late to supplement your Ca sufficiently this late in flower, especially with CalMag (which as mentioned will ruin your flavor this late). The best I can recommend is to put a 1/4 cup of gypsum in a gallon of RO water, agitate well, rest and pour off the elixir. Top water with this solution (unamended or ph'd) right before your next normal watering. I bet you will see greening in a few days.
Funk junky

Funk junky

Yeah I was thinking what mr mcskunky was saying about just flushing before he said it but thought to myself there are already people giving you advice that I would be willing to listen to! Don't think you have enough time to turn it around I would cut my flowering nutes down a little then flush! Have
Come across this problem before if you plan to run her again you should be able to learn a lot from this!! (That is about your certain individual plant of course they are as unique to each over as much as you are as a human being to the next human being.)
Funk junky

Funk junky

But the others on here I would listen to before me I've a lot to learn still
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